179262 Original to City Clerk Couadt No.,,J,;_• -• - I CITY OF S a�Res lb, s ed NO17��c269 OFFICE OF THE emplorea tste 1)egartment of° Nol for extra employment as described in a 1JNCILRESRESOLUTIOthe resoiution• '// 1•Adopted by the Council August 17, PRESENTED BY / -Approved August 17, 1956. COMMISSIONER .(August 25 i965) !;� WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from August 1st to August 15th 1955 inc., which rendered necessary the employ!nent of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: 1 Repairing Filtration Plant equipment 2 Operating new Hazel Park and St.Anthony Park Pumping Stations. 3 Finishing installation of, and repairing water mains and service connections. Taking emergency calls at Storeyard. 5 Taking country crew to and from work. 6 Sandbagging Peltier Lake Deem. AND WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: (1� Necessary to do work during low consumption hours. 2 Necessary to have experienced men attend new stations in order to be sure that new equipment was operating properly. 3 In order to keep continuous water service. 4 Nights and Sundays. 5 On account of scattered work locations. 6 Necessary to continue working until leak was stopped. THEREFORE, be it Resolved, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's Salary Ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council G 1 7 195_ Yeas ko., Nays AUG 1 7 eibboner- rson Approved 195— Holland ( ` 'fertt ta t_ In Favor 73 .0%r•SIA_ O&U,(2 ,-.. Mosnn-� Mayor terhersr (- / — Against 5M 6-55 4110.2