179233 p 1 Ron ,... 0 :� + C 1N2m ouncil File No ° PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sai Paul,viz.: Condemning- and taking for Public 3choo2--perpvsee-i -te3lowing derbribedi land, All that part of Lot 6 in Auditor's Subdivision No.55 describ as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 6 for purpose of describing the point .of beginning; thence south at angle of'` with north line of Auditor's Subdtri*ion No.55 Al s- tance of 668.50 feet to the north line of , , Dppeyc Road as aid out and improved; thence south 63°351 east 268.44 feet'to tom, Uwe of beginning of land to be described; thence north 380„40 fee to an intersection with a line running'south 69tk5' east from a po on the west line of said Lot 6, 320.75 feet south of the northwe corner thereof; thence lierlj. loag ss , line to a point 248.. ft. west of and measured at right angles to the east line of said 1 .t 6; Renee -south°to' the northwest corner *flat'l 'tn said subdi on; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1 ' to the northeasterly line of Upper Afton Road as laid out and +» , ed; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line to a point -;with Of° ace cf'ibeginning; thine* to plane of beginning( '.:: .t si much thereof as lies southwesterly of a line -running north 48' 1 seat from the north tester' y corner of said Lot`12 and eta., :IJ.y of a line parallel'with the northwesterly line of said Lot 12 yid distant .70 fast morthweiterly therefrom, measured at right angf es Thereto.) ,, thereof; thence southeasterly along said line to a point 248. ft. west .of and measured at right angles tQ the .east, line of said t 6; thence south to the northwest corner of Lot 12 in said subdi - sion; thence southwesterly along the 'north*eaterly line of said Lot 2 to 1 the northeasterly line of Upper Afton Road as laid out and i roved; 1 thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line to a point ue south of place of beginning; thence to place of beginning(exc t so much thereof as lies southwesterly of a line running north 48 5t 4 west-from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 12 and southea terly of.,a ,line parallel with the northwesterly line of said Lot 12 d 4 distant 70 feet northwesterly therefrom, measured at right angles thereto.) ,. 1 / 1 0