10-281Counc7 FHe# 10-281 Green Sheet # 3099856 1 2 � � 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 OF Presented by RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA �� W HEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department received two donations from 3ohn Nasseff and the Excelsior Fire DisRict to help purchase a kitchen fire demonstraYion traller, and WHEREAS, the two donations were approved by the Ciry Council on Co�ncil File 10-42 and Counci] File ] 0-97, and WHEREAS, the public purpose of these donations are to purchase a demonstration trailer that will provide citizens the opportuniry to leam kitchen fire safery, and WHEREAS, the financing and spending plans have not been established for the donations received, and WHEREAS, the Mayor xecommends that the fo0owing addition be made to the 2010 budget. FINANCING PLAN: CurrentBudeet Chanee 735 — Fire Fighting Equipment 00000 — GL Posting Activity 9890 — Undesignated Fund Balance 429,978.43 (10.1��.00) 4z9.97843 to lo� Budoet 419,878.43 419.878 43 SPENDING PLAN: 735 — Fire Ftghting Equipment 55001 — Fire Fi�pting Equipment 0848 — Other Capitalized Equipment 0.00 10,100.00 10.100.00 �_oo io_ loo.00 io.l0000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the changes to the 2010 budget. Yeas Carter Harris Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary BY= � - Sl�. / -� Approve May r: Date 3�ZZ�/ ZO�c7 t By: Requested by Department of. 10-28 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet FR - F're 23 FEB 2010 Green Sheet NO: 3099856 CoMaet Person & Phone: Rre Chief Tim Buder 22&0477 on CoMncil Agenda by (Date): T�_ RESOLUTION W!$ TRANSACTION EAOCUmeM Required: Y DocumentCoMaM: �iIILaCasse Conpct Phone: Y28-6257 � Assign Number Fw Routing Order Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip Al! lowtioas ftlr Signature) o ��re r------ ' � -, 1 IPSre '� Depar6nent D'vector � j� 2 �Financial Services : Office Finaneial Serrices IYi i 3 itv AttarneV i� CitV Attornev ,. � �, Approval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Fire Deparhn.ent to set up the spending and financing plans for the donations received for the kitchen fire demonsh�a6on trailer. Recommendations: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CB Committee CIViI SBNICO C.OflliiliSSiOf1 Personal Service CoMracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked urWer a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoN6rm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Dces tliis person/firtn possess a skill not normaly possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No F�cpiain afl yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet. Initiating Pro61em, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): 1'he Saint Paul Fue Department Leceived two donations from John Nasseff and the Excelsior Fire Disa�ict to belp putchase a]dtchen fire demonstrarion trailer to used to teach about kitchen fire safety. AdvanWges IfApproved: The Saint Paul Fue Deparnment wili be able ro establish the spending and financing plans for the donations received. DisadvaMages If Approved: None. DisadvaMages if Nut Approved: The Saint Paul Fire Department will not be able to establish the spending and financing plans for the donations ceceived. TotalAmouMof $10,100.00 Transaction: Punding source: flonation Financial Information: (Euplain� CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. 55�01 February 23, 2010 12� PM Page 1 10-281 City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum To: Margazet Kelly, Finance Director From: Chris Eitemiller, Sr. Budget Anal st Subject: Fire Budget Amendment-contributions from John Nasseff and Excelsior Fire Department Date: February 25, 2010 This green sheet establishes a financing and spending plan for two contributions that have been received from 7ohn Nasseff and the Excelsior Fire Department. The Pire Department will use this funding to purchase a kitchen fire demonstration trailer. This nailer will be used to instruct the public on kitchen fire saf'ety. These contribuCions total $10,100 and will be added to previous contributions far the same purpose. To date, over $18,000 has been donated for the purpose This will require a pubiic beazing and wi11 be on the agenda Mazch 17�' This proposal seems reasonable, I recommend signing. AA-ADA-EEO Employet