180383 Original to City Clerk "'`� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COU■CI •LUTION GENE• - L FORM , x ` '� r+� D PRESENTED BY •� + .. �+r t { WHEREAS, The Joint City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission duly advertised for bids for construction of a juvenOe detention facility pursuant to Laws 1955, Chapter 353; and WHEREAS, The bids for combined mechanical work (plumbing, heating and ventilating) were opened on November 8, 1956, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. , in the County Commissioners Board Room, Room 356, Court House and City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota, pursuant to duly published notice in the St. Paul Legal Led er; and -- ... . WHEREAS, LaMere & Kolar Plumbing Co. submitted the lowest bid, in the sum of $42,730.00, together with properly executed bid bond; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approveff�the contract for combined mechanical work for the Juvenile Detention Facility, as awarded by the Joint City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission to LaMere & Kolar Plumbing Co. , and hereby authorizes the proper City officials to ,execute said contract on behalf of the City. _ • ev COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Collor 1 6 1 195_ Yeas Nays NOV 1 61 DeCourcy Holland Approve. 195_ Marzitelli Favor Mortinson n *OA, L ' it .. ._ .�•, Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon P UT USHED/7 -S� 5M 6-56 2