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Original to City tCi.rk' File )r ;•' CITY OF `man. 1iasBS--B� nslL NO. 1� ' 55 ° OFFICE OF TH arson rro.rre1,>a iv( a ro�rbd,ltKae 1 y `� OU CIL RESOLUTI I• , Y PRESENTED BY 10£ _ F>bb COMMISSIONER ' t R l as . a$L WHEREAS, the Council did. by Resolution No. 178116, being Ordinance No. 10787, approved June 19, 1956, authorize the issuance and sale of $650,000 Detention and Workhouse Facilities Bonds and by Resolution No. 179636, being Ordinance No. 10032, approved. October 3, 1956, authorize the issuance and sale of #500,000 Capitol Approach • Improvement Bonds, Series No. 4, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on November 14, 1956, and as the bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated v by the Council, and the bid of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NNW YORK AND ASSOCIATIS was found to be the.nest advantageous, ' srefore be it =SOLV1D, that the bid of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW TORE.AID ASSOCIATES be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with a coupon rate of 3.00 per cent and a premium of $4,060.65. FURTHER fSOLVI, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sinking Fund. Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. CO -��'CIL„� N %e�V 14 Adopted by the Coulkil 19 Yeas t9 i NOV SIB Haiveesem... Approved 1s Holland �Favor 7FJAJJPI Mori hiboi Ma Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon PUBLISHED 5M 8-55 2 I :.Y:: 'rii < ! R D OF F ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL "' :':r'4*tAN.Slds:251-252.222 1311 CITY NALL AND COURT HOUR/ SAINT PAUL 2.NINNISOtA -- - - - - _- A n having been Aced re. October 22, 195:quest °hat ordin . Loved nly'7ti1. 195, the same', Zoning Ordinance.tile. 1so as to retone property slat ed. as Lot 5, Block 15. West 8i. proper l located,on the east olds of melt St. Sts., Lighten le fit, the Conncll of the City bf Paul hai I fixed the 8th day of N8Cr tuber Nat at ten o'clo'e.k in the forenoon In the Mr. Joseph Okoneski C�oyuneil Chamber in:Mthe City Halt af' said City, and at said time anti.nom, City Clerk the o Council ns hear all and Building relative to said proposed t ! Dated October 23, 1955. ' JOSEPH R. OKONINUCI, CRY .. (October 27, 1l6t) Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the petition of Gordon Ramdell to rezone from "B" residence to "Light Industry's, lot 5 - block 15 - West St. Paul Addition. This property is located on the east side of Parnell between Colorado and Wood. This petition has been signed by the owners of twelve of the fifteen descriptions of property within 100' , therefore, 80% sufficient. The property has a frontage of 50' on Parnell and extends a distance of 150' east. This property was formerly used as part of St. Michael's school. Two of the three lots which the school owned are zoned "light industry." There is a tire capping operation conducted inside this building on three of these lots. The applicant proposes to use all of the building and the entire site if possible and, therefore, it is necessary 1 that this one lot be rezoned to "light industry." The pre- cise nature of the use is described in the applicant's letter dated October 4, 1956. I Adjacent land uses are as follows: there are three single- I ` family residences to the west across Parnell and the Great Western Railroad yards across Wood Street to the north. The old St. Michael church, now vacant, is located to the south: I Iii there are multi-family residences to the east. 1 In view of the fact that this is a southerly extension of / the existing light industrial zoning pattern in the area and the proximity of other industrial uses and the fact that the proposed operation will not materially affect adjoining pro- ' perty, the Zoning Board finds that this petition is a pr- ' •r one and, therefore, recommends that this re-z in be g es . e , ) i CDL:FS C. .' CiL/��=4 ' '''. >7 . I Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning e1i rr • ti ! t t ' • CITY O A' ' PAUL DEPART K pap- ; ANCE LEONARD C.SEAMER t E CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Valuation Engineer e i Chief Cashier MRS. DONALD O •" s Commissioner ELTOR A. DEHN h 11 HARRY A.JOHNSON Asst.Valuation Engineer JOHN W. e r , 4 s 1•;• missioner Chief Clerk 113 Court House. Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 July 30, 1956 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have examined the attached petition which has been filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 5, Block 15, West St. Paul (located on east side of Parnell St. midway between Wood St. and Colorado St.) from Class "B" Residence to Light Industry district, and find that said petition is sufficient. Respectfully submitted, .„,- Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance CH:se attach. c.c. to Mr. Alfred Schroeder CITY CLERK FILE / I APAICANT '-Z,F--'8--- ,N;, II W I 1i • • 411 S. Wabasha Saint Paul 7, Minnesota October 4, 1956 The Honorable Mayor of Saint Paul and +1%e Saint Paul City Council • 1315 Courthouse Saint Paul 2, Minnesota • Gentlemen: Reference is made to our petition for re—zoning the area at and around Colorado and Parnell Streets from residential to light industrial. We have taken over the old St. Michaelts school and wish to do recapping and vulcanizing of tires in:the auditorium of the building. All of the activitt± s'are confined inside the School building with no serviging of any kind outsidetIl building. 4 We would most certainly appreciate your prompt assistance in having this, area re zoned.. Thank `yon;.:;: Respectfully,yours. RAMSDELL & CHERMAK TIRE CO. By 4 ,. Gordon W. Ramsdell CI17 CLERK FILE • APPLICANT Z,l;NO. • ' CORRECTED NOTICE OF BOND SALE CHANGING DATE OF SALE FROM OCTOBER 24, 1956 to NOVEMBER 14, 1956 / 7 ) ,., CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ► $650,000 DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS $500,000 CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS Series No. 4 Not Exceeding 6% To Be Sold At 10:00 A.M. (C.S.T.) NOVEMBER 14, 1956 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Comptroller's Office October 20, 1956 Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A.M. (C.S.T.) November 14, 1956, and the Council will at said time meet to open and consider bids for the sale of ALL OR NONE of $1,150,000 bonds as follows: $650,000 PAR VALUE COUPON DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9001 to 9650, inclusive; to be issued under authority of Section 217 of the Charter of said City and such other sections thereof as may be ap- plicable thereto, and. Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C, F. No. 178116, being Ordinance No. 10787, approved June 19, 1956, $500,000 PAR VALUE COUPON CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES N0. 4, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9651 to 10150, inclusive, to be issued under author- ity of Section 217 of the Charter of said City and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and Chapter 315, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1945; and Chap.. ter 752, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C.F. No. 179636, being Ordinance No. 10832, approved October 3, 1956. All of the above bonds will be issued under date of November 1, X1956, in denom- inations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and will mature serially in numerical order on November 1 in each of the years as follows, without option of prior redemption: na AUNT mozz E IA AMOUNT E:� AMOUNT 1959 15,000 1966 35,000 1973 45,000 1980 55,000 1960 15,000 1967 35,000 1974 45,000 1981 55,000 1961 15,000 1968 35,000 1975 45,000 1982 60,000 1962 20,000 1969 359000 1976 45,000 1983 60,000 1963 20,000 1970 35,000 1977 50,000 1984 6o,000 1964 30,000 1971 40,000 1978 50,000 1985 6o,000 1965 30,000 1972 45,000 1979 55,000 1986 6o,000 1,150,000 Under and by the terms of the Ordinances the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest, at maturity, on the above obligations. Each bid shall specify in multiples of one-fourth or one-tenth of one per cent a single rate of interest, and shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $23,000, payable to the order of the City of Saint Paul, which will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest net interest cost to the City of Saint Paul. No further issues of City of Saint Paul bonds are contemplated for the balance of the year, The unqualified approving opinion of Chapman & Cutler, Attorneys, Chicago, Illi- nois, will be furnished with these bonds at time of sale and all bids must be uncon- ditional. The opinion will state that the City has power and is obligated to levy taxes for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The successful bidder will be furnished with the usual closing docu-. ments, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of these bonds. The forms of bonds have not yet been determined, but will be approved by Chapman & Cutler and the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. No bid will be considered which is not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest to date of delivery and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids, Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at pur» chaser's expense approximately thirty (30) days from date of sale. JOSEPH J. MITCHELL, CITY COMPTROLLER. CORRECTED NOTICE OF BOND SALE CHANGING DATE OF SALE FROM OCTOBER 24, 1956 to NOVEMBER 14, 1956, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $650,000 DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS $500,000 CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS Series No. 4 Not Exceeding 6% To Be Sold At 10:00 A.M. (C.S.T.) NOVEMBER 14, 1956 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Comptroller's Office October 20, 1956 Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Comptroller in the City Hal? and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A.M;, (C.S.T,) November 14, 1956, and the Council will at said time meet to open and consider bids for the sale of ALL OR NONE of $1,150,000 bonds as follows: $650,000 PAR VALUE COUPON DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9001 to 9650, inclusive, to be issued under authority of Section 217 of the Charter of said City and such other sections thereof as may be ap- plicable thereto, and. Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C, F. No. 178116, being Ordinance No. 10787, approved June 19, 1956. $500,000 PAR VALUE COUPON CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES NO. 4, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9651 to 10150, inclusive, to be issued under author- ity of Section 217 of the Charter of said City and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and Chapter 315, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1945; and Chap.. ter 752, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C.F. No. 179636, being Ordinance No. 10832, approved October 3, 1956, All of the above bonds will be issued under date of November 1, 1956, in denom- inations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and will mature serially in numerical order on November 1 in each of the years as follows, without option of prior redemption: , QWT AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT Ma AMOUNT 1959 15,000 1966 35,000 1973 45,000 1980 55,000 1960 159000 1967 35,000 1974 45,000 1981 55,000 1961 15,000 1968 35,000 1975 45,00o 1982 6o,000 1962 20,000 1969 359000 1976 45,000 1983 60,000 1963 20,000 1970 359000 1977 50,000 1984 60,000 1964 30,000 1971 40,000 1978 50,000 1985 60,000 1965 30,000 1972 45,000 1979 55,000 1986 6o,000 1,150,000 Under and by the terms of the Ordinances the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest, at maturity, on the above obligations. Each bid shall specify in multiples of one-fourth or one-tenth of one per cent a single rate of interest, and shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $23,000, payable to the order of the City of Saint Paul, which will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest net interest cost to the City of Saint Paul, No further issues of City of Saint Paul bonds are contemplated for the balance of the year. The unqualified approving opinion of Chapman & Cutler, Attorneys, Chicago, Illi- nois, will be furnished with these bonds at time of sale and all bids must be uncon- ditional. The opinion will state that the City has power and is obligated to levy taxes for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The successful bidder will be furnished with the usual closing docup. ments, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of these bonds. The forms of bonds have not yet been determined, but will be approved by Chapman & Cutler and the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. No bid will be considered which is not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest to date of delivery and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at pur-. chaser's expense approximately thirty (30) days from date of sale. JOSEPH J. MITCHELL, CITY COMPTROLLER. : #. CORRECTED NOTICE OF BOND SALE t CHANGING DATE OF SALE FROM OCTOR 24, 1956 to NO�ER 14, 1956 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA /(o..? $650,000 DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS $500,000 CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS Series No. 4 Not Exceeding 6% To Be Sold At 10:00 A.M. (C.S.T.) NOVEMBER 14, 1956 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Comptroller's Office October 20, 1956 Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be receives at the Office of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A.M. (C.S.Ti) November 14, 1956, and the Council will at said time meet to open and consider bids for the sale of ALL OA NONE of $1,150,000 bonds as follows: $650,000 PAR VALUE COUPON DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITIES BONDS, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9001 to 9650, inclusive, to be issued under authority of Section 217 of the Charter' of said City and such other sections thereof as may be ap- plicable thereto, and. Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C. F. No, 178116, being Ordinance No. 10787, approved June 19, 1956, $500,000 PAR VALUE COUPON CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES NO. 4, of the City of Saint Paul, numbered 9651 to 10150, inclusive, to be issued under author- ity of Section 217 of the Charter of said City and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and Chapter 315, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1945; and Chap.. ter 752, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, and C.F. No. 179636, being Ordinance No. 10832, approved October 3, 1956, All of the above bonds will be issued under date of November 1, 1956, in denom- inations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and will mature serially in numerical order on November 1 in each of the years as follows, without option of prior redemption: mg Amon AFAR,_ AMOUNT MR AMOUNT AMOUNT 1959 15,000 1966 35,000 1973 45,000 1980 55,000 1960 15,000 1967 35,000 1974 45,000 1981 55,000 1961 15,000 1968 35,000 1975 45,000 1982 60,000 1962 20,000 1969 35,000 1976 45,000 1983 6o,000 1963 20,000 1970 35,000 1977 50,000 1984 6o,000 1964 30,000 1971 40,00o 1978 50,000 1985 6o,000 1965 30,000 1972 45,00o 1979 55,000 1986 6o,000 1,150,000 Under and by the terms of the Ordinances the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest, at maturity, on the above obligations. Each bid shall specify in multiples of one-fourth or one-tenth of one per cent a single rate of interest, and shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $23,000, payable to the order of the City of Saint Paul, which will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready ‘ for delivery. Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest net interest cost to the City of Saint Paul. No further issues of City of Saint Paul bonds are contemplated for the balanoe of the year. The unqualified approving opinion of Chapman & Cutler, Attorneys, Chicago, Illi- nois, will be furnished with these bonds at time of sale and all bids must be uncon- ditional, The opinion will state that the City has power and is obligated to levy taxes for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The successful bidder will be furnished with the usual closing docur. ments, including a certificate that no litigation is pending affecting the issuance of these bonds. The forms of bonds have not yet been determined, but will be approved by Chapman & Cutler and the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. No bid will be considered which is not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and, accrued interest to date of delivery and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at pur.. i j chaser's expense approximately thirty (30) days from date of sale. JOSEPH J. MITCHELL, I CITY COMPTROLLER. • . . • * • ....---7 City of Saint Pat, Minnesota _ 171- q`-- • PETITION TO, (*DISARM NO, 5840, THE DUILDING ZONE ORDIMABCZ The signer should at�yrkise himself of the uses permitted S� under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re-zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ezt. 281. (Please type or print) Date: a v TO TUN MAYO( AND CITY COUNCIL (� S c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota o Gentlemen: -6e 1 i Pursuant to Section 26, Ordinance 8840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 60% or more of the frontage to be reelassified, petition your Moeorable Body to resone the following described property: (legal description and street address) (424.4%P.A.mA,4,4 ogte*"4.4.4.N. gs...4 SZt. I At' fillm"411.'"AL4; 2 14..04.-t 144-4-4"4-7 ePIA"`"'''144 4 from a .. tzi-"r'(4 L District to a L I G I-1 (�LDistrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing aM7or operating t e following: (describe Briefly the proposed facility) '' -,via. %�y 9`.4 4 ,il,4J J 4L.11' i •e ,, OBESR i 8IGNA9'UES LOT :+ + «. ADDITION A' .` ../ rA '`.�f . MINI ' ,./..tea �— . <Y = ` Or 47 i 73- , • . 2 , AANIAW,135,wora a 13 _ 4. ...-___,At_......4... - .____ . /....r / ,,,,,,,,. So-io, . . I I M - r dr'" Vei A rid rj WI ri I I Irig 11* 4 ii 4.-/...d, _.• /fAi- -, .ove, ./ a I ifill / _ 5-- 1 rl % 1 l• r ' *-40431A-r%Clo e ' ' / i-A r rinterMini , wk, rat? . .c...., .._ - ...._4 t .. . --- ' **ca....I•a I v/ I S 0 • 441!5 Irli 19 I I r / Y // , MEM State el Minnesota) County of Ramsey ss /,J. �• /, // beteg first duly sworn, depose and states (4) ha s .0 person t at- t he wit hi n petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of alitis placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of { said owners in the presence of this atfiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. SubscribedzM s 4.rn t j.` fore as this-= , day/ O ., -- ,/9SC Gtr^ Not Public, 1't- C.unty, Minn. My Commission , -,ire `;,o T , .' •_ Page / of // pages. 1 P ry V- l O L ( Approved as t fore 732/84 1"`"��' uem:: __ Office of the Corporation Counsel Z-1 7/8/84 n ..... ,; •• ., mi /to / Nat P Ut IH �{n Sri %C Sty fa I .1v !"R.: i, , e•,`t • .-¢ , J n( J 0 O . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should'&ppraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. ' For further information about the re-zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) ; Date: • TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following descri ed property: (leg 1 description and street addrg s)-„ - --e,---?e •.S.- L.S'--- / ts(4j.--C4-i ,/2!. ....i--(/e"---t,6_444,1-c..1./. -.T.:744.-.,z4.1-,-1,- 0--or -044...-6.4 ._,, `",---"ZteZkral .,/ ' A.,..„...7 QyC from a je /".S l I) EN 77ALDistrict to a L iee2ll[ / 0' ,/,.' iZtrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operat g the following: (describe riefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION / � .c - s'. i ir__ Atil., -. 4 of or -' . I11/1 i I 11 ' I i 4 • /, I A .r-l'' ' 74.,e___LLI f *4 ? —146 Ci—li '461 ‘CI ' C.Loli State of Minnesota 1& 1!t Town of Nest St. Paul ate of Minnesota ) 1; ( 5 • 14 do ' •nnty ditor ( do State of Minnesota ) 10 15 (ex. west 50 feet) A he above signature is authoriz d solely for the purpose of qualifying this petitio for action f h�� cil of State of Minnesota) t L y o 5 auI1 my of Ra ey )ss 4 O •Q d �� ,��2 being first duly sworn, deposes and t gs/G tha h is. the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 6'� <' 0 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the l d v-�, L„ placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each -QO ,q said owners in the-presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are his, 0A.,"1:51 V the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. i0 2F Subscribed and swo n to before me fee, / 7S' s 7 day of L. d et 1 _e/t c j ' i�!! Notary Public, R:m8"WiV. , Minn. My .Commission expires �yY�(ROM Page of pages. ppNA��T• Minn• Approved as to form 7/2/54 Notary Pubic,R fl1S �OUntY. Office of the Corporation Counsel Z-1 7/2/54 Vol Commission Expires Oct.9,1960 S 0 0 S S S $ 00 © t...;...:. 1 0 0 O C O 0 0 O .--I '- 0 °o_ 0 o° 0 °o_ 0 0 0 0 CV co 00 00 0 .oc� .n CEO CCO ova t c� co rn co o o a rn o . .O.^ o cD co aD � .-, CV C0 c00-14 •6 p 69 69 . 6 o C 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 00000000 0 40 O S 000, O 0 0 0 0 0 p 0o 0 0 0 0 00•00000Q•00 0 0 pp p8 O 0 0 a°a 0 0 0 0 0.0 pp O rn ti 0 000.00400000000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 00000000 O ='..° a> E� F rn~0���NN0 M p.ry -OOM .3",0 N��� 0� c0 GV 000 c00 �OOa �d Q J�� j0.n 0 M. 00Cp � d Ia c O 0 k 0 O ouo - o" ci�d . oi,-,o P-ko co co 0., .0 ko t, coo ko ko cq cs1 P, a sa p„, c� 00.' oo •; .p.� i c ..0 CC C -W w , 'ad ° ° a .m ea so og m CV 00 a O U u o a m0 t CV c a O CV In bil 03 1 A I ° :o co w '' y c F -4.0 a F '� O C3 +a . 0 066, .0 O 1..1 r U a ,H q o-4.0 . 9 .: . 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