180348 Original to City Clerk 18i )348 . . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOL 00N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / I / COMMISSIONS• d `t -- I�" - AL DATF RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Edwin F. Janssen from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the side lot requirement of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby waived in connection with the establishment of a parking lot by appellant on Lot 12, Block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition, at the northeast corner of Selby Avenue and Avon Street, in accordance with appellant's plans approved September 20, 1956. - Council File No. 180348—By Bernard ZONDKV APPEAL T. Holland- _ ,�- Resolved,That urn h y �1 b F. Janssen from the d�laionfof h Notice iB will be held amore the uCihc Commissioner of Parks. Play touads cMil1 ty and Public Beimm and upon the Coca at 10 .A.M. on November Y. favorable recommendation of the Board 1986, in the City Council Chamber in of Zoning, the side lot requirement of the City 1 and Court House, in the the Zoning Ordinance>$herebq waived matter of the appeal .04 Edwin in connection. with the estab>ishm Jain under ,20 of Ord..No. 840 of a par lot by appellapt on Lot (the Zoning Ordinance), for waiver of 12, Block Nininger * •Donnelly's aide lot clearance line fo i p on Addition, at the northeast,corner of customer off-street parking of Selby Avenue,and.Avon Street, in ac- 19, Block 6, Nininger and Donnelly's cordance with appellant's plans ap- Addition, located at the northeast proved September 20,1986. corns. of Selby Ave. and Avon St. Adopted by the Council November 13, . Dated October 19, 1066. 1956. JOSEPH It. OYONESKI Approved November 13, 1956. city Clerk , (November 17, 1956) (October 21, 1956) ____w NOV 13 %9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas / 1-DeCo cy NOV 13 1956 ohI Ilan Approved 195- ar 'telli -'Ms 'neon In Favor — :d-b,a1-11—QC1nm--- .efeterson Mayor iR osen Against Ar. President, Dillon SM 6.56 OFFICE OF ' CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota j Nov. 8, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Edwin F. Janssen for waiver of the side lot requirement of the Zoning Ordinance in connection with parking lot on Lot 12, Block 6, Nininger & Don_nelly's Addition, at the northeast corner of Selby Ave. and Avon St., in accordance with appellant's plans approved September 20, 1956. Very truly your, �J(/ , i i ,i Letr.Qcti, \ �l �ljr L G�' 6,Q, /� i t ; 1 M City Clerk L__.- I lllllll e, r Is' v f r— It CITY Of I 3 _. PAUL- MINNESOTA #' 2 . OF' ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1313 CITY NALL AND COURT HOURS SAINT PAUL 2.MINNiiOTA November 7, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Edwin F. Janssen to waive the side-yard requirement of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the estab- lishment of an off-street parking lot as it affects lot 12, block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition. This property is located adjacent to the northeast corner of Selby and Avon. It is zoned "commercial." The property is presently occupied by a two-story brick building on lot 11 which is directly adjacent to lot 12 the site of a proposed parking lot. The proposed parking lot is to be used as a customer parking lot in the rear and along the side-yard of the building in connection with a proposed liquor store. The property has a frontage of 82' on Selby and 119' along Avon. Because of the width of this lot it is not possible to secure the needed area to park customers' cars incident to this proposed store except by waiving the eight-foot side yard requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Board finds no objection to this proposal from the standpoint of adjacent land uses and particularly by virtue of the commercial character of the zoning and land use along this portion of Selby Avenue. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted pursuant to the applicant's plans approved September 20, 1956. n 1 . ' . t CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning ?)s, s •EDWIN F.JANSSEN • 3 v .: ELKHURST 2663 ce/ID IN/Q(/OR STORE 365 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL 3, MINN. October 3, 1956 Honorable Mayor & Members of St. Paul City Council City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota RE: Appeal for Waiver of Side Lot Clearance Line for Proposed Customer Off-Street Parking Lot - Janssen' s Liquor Store - Selby & Avon. St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs: Under the provisions of St. Paul Building Zone Ordinance - Section #20, Paragraph (i) , I wish to appeal for a waiver of the 8-foot side lot clearance line between the proposed cus- tomer parking lot and the adjacent residence to the east of my property. LOCATION OF PARSING LOT Lot #12, Block #6, Niminger and Donnelly' s Add'n, St. Paul, Minnesota. The 8-foot side yard clearance creates a hardship and I ask that it be waived in this case because: (1) The 41-foot width of lot provides a bare minimum for maneuvering of cars, and with the 8-foot clearance strip taken from the 41-foot width, it would prevent us from using this lot for parking. (2) We will erect and maintain a neat and well designed con- crete retaining wall at the east property line as noted on the accompanying plan. (3) We feel that the off-street parking program shown on the plan on Lot #12 will relieve traffic congestion on Selby Avenue and be to the best interests of the City. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Yours truly, CITY CLERK FILE Edwin F. Jans_ . , Pr es. 3 6-4 Janssen' s Liquor Store APPLICANT Z F N