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1 + ;347 Original to City Clerk •' •- - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ;� SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONE• DATF RESOLVED, that Park Co-operative Oil Association be permitted to reconstruct an existing filling station at the northwest corner of Como Avenue and Gove Place, also known as 2277 Como Avenue, in accordance with applicant's plans approved November 1, 1956, subject to the condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Council Pile No. 180947—By Bernard � T. Bolland- Rssolved,That Park Cooperative 011 Association be permitted to tregoasttuct an g Area''It the north west corner of mo Avenue ate,GOYe Place, also known as 3777 Como•Ave- nue, in accordance with s =let:pproved November 1. sub- ab the oosulit! that sidewalks abutting said a ept: and free of log and snow alt 2.1 ticlean mes, Adopted by the Council November 13; 1968. • Approved November 13, 1966. ' (November 17, 1966) la 1319% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy OV %:-r• Holland Approve • y 195_ Mari %/q-C2110-v) Mortinso nson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor n Rosen ` ✓ Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.56 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Nov. 8, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Park Co-operative Oil Association for permit to reconstruct an existing filling station at the northwest corner of Como Ave. and Gove Place, also known as 2277 Como Ave. , in accordance with applicant's plans approved November 1, 1956. 4� -, Very truly yours', " ` \k„., 0104 ts\_ Li City Clerk ' t i`;z t., 1 ; CITY OF SKINT PAM e » — .'MINNESOTA • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota c e attiteid a AIL Sa et Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, License Inspector October 25, 1956 lAr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear sir: This is in reference to the application of the Park Co-operative Oil Association for permission to install and operate a new gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Como and Gove, also known as 2277 Como Avenue. Attached is report covering inspection of the premises by the Fire Prevention Division. You will note that the installation and operation of the proposed station would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety rier Ofir:11° tdr (), fo, w.. Y . • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 18, 1956 Robert P. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Commissioner: In regard to the application of the Park Co-operative Oil Association for permission to install and operate a new gasoline filling station on the Northeast corner of Como and Clove; also known as 2277 Como Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report thak they wish to install two islands, 8 ptmps and three tanks; one of 10,000 gallons and two of 6,000 gallons. These tanks will be underground and in our opinion this installation would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity if it were approved. AilResp;c yours, - - ,; �6 H.J cannell, Asst. Chief Div sion of Fire Prevention HJS:am • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (1.- (Please type or print) ; � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 3 % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: -c 1411/11162110091WWWWsin existing Application is hereby made to la tsu and e,per • p aum (cross one out) (AaDI T I s FILLING STATION a�«A1` SITE Asia TO at vats) 2 IMAMS; 8 Pours No. of l.slands and pumps : 1' 3 TAMES ho 22 OOO SAL. No. of tanks and capacity J _ Q. a Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) J O (indicate type) .. Capacity of parking lot : -1 4d To be used in connection with: • 2 0 MISCELLANEOUS (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car I- f Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station,, Ice Vendor, etc.) 3 i - Capacity of parking area: <1 Newts Coma Come eve Osre (*577 Coo Avis) * Location ej A 3$ At•AMtvavv PAva i' Legal Description : Lot Block Add'n NQAMN i Pan CO-art OM eve ©s t Amon I et saw a 0 Applicant's Name P a c)o c. N Home or Office Address: t C�� AviNV z 73 C3 I- Phone No. : -< c rj rJ C7 r- W J AC FO' THE APPLICANT: 9/1 -=-1 r - , ,V MD 0 JS <_ ` f) veto (Date) - o c I Address : M11 MwAv 3 m- Phone No.: • '0 When completed; file three copies of this application form and three prints of X a the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility t t y C r ti •5 Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesna , U IL Z-3 6/11/56 SEP 171956 tPEXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and „ iL. vtr11NG BOARD Saint Paul. Minnesota ■ I . f ---' (4 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Application is hereby made to r6ItX�R' reconstruct an existing 7�I�t9C�.KX�itI1cX► X9OtiE�lb (cross one out) LFILLING STATION ADDITIONAL SITE AREA TO BE USED) No. of islands and pumps : 2 ISLANDS; 8 PUMPS . No. of tanks and capacity: 3 TANKS - 22,000 GAL. Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot : To be used in connection with: 0 MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: -- _ '.,.,» `'_110 AVE .) 4dn .ANa PARK Ex. W. 10 ft. Lot 15, all of Lot 16, and all of Lots 17 & 18 z ( ,RTH v,--.1c)'.1c- I'i.I A T'I O N -o West of Gove Place, Block 32, St. Anthony Park W North , A, *3 J '( in `D o 0 N y r // (Si (/ 9/12/56 gnature) (Date) Address : 2112 VALENTINE AVE . Phone No.; MIDWAY 6-7479 ... , ..-...;-; When completed; file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed f ac11#!Ity with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.R. corner of Main St. and First St. s 2. South side of Main St, between First and Second St. J • tI D OF Z"ONING, CITY OF SAINT PAWL 331-252-333 HIS CITY NALL AND COURT NOUS' SAINT PAUL 3.MINNESOTA ............................. November 7, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the Park Co- operative Oil Association for a permit to reconstruct and re-locate an existing filling station operation at 2277 Como Ave. This property is adjacent to the northwest corner of Como Avenue at Gove Place and is described as lot 15, except the west 10' thereof, all of lot 16, 17 and 18 west of Gove . Place, block 32, St. Anthony Park north addition. The zon- ing is "commercial." The property under consideration has a frontage of 152.2' on Como Avenue and extends a distance of 160' on Gove: it is a triangular tract of land. The applicants propose to recon- struct, enlarge and relocate an existing filling station on the premises all in accordance with existing standards. Field investigation discloses no objection to this proposal from the standpoint of adjacent land use or traffic. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends • that this permit be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans approved November 1, 1956. Si e C D: CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning •eoueul j }0 4uew4redea ay} wor} 4uas oq aa14oN sly} serinbea JOY'MO 4410 e9J U •eoueuid o Jeuo!ss!wwo0 9Z5£T elld— I abed So.znodaj 11( PZsuoc' 'saw .1^1'y 'lo°lo,° 01 4e' 95 bl ' .zdquzaaoM to 4ep tl!}g ey4 uo 6wplin8 esnoH 4rnoO pue IIeH 44D °y4 ui recjwe40 Ilou.no0 et* ui IPuno0 OLD 9.1o1eq uo4eJep!suoo JOI do awoo 111M amid 0A09 Pyre •aAV outoa Jo .iauioo gsamm—Tou eq} 1.e uovIea.s 2uTTTTJ 3ur�stxa us aleoo[aa pure 1.0tLZ.suoo •' .I/!' _ . • .0k M.,.•••• •d"d;yu•l.I ..• _. II el.,.lb•..•1 a U•' uu q.s t.uussn ITO anra.e.zadv—oa Nxed fo uo4eoildde ey4 4e44 pal}14ou Agway are noA 'ZZ6I 'y4L 41nf 'Ined '4S fo 4410 ey4 jO llounoO e:1+ 4q pe3dope eoueu!pr0 euoz buiplin9 093 Jo 'pepuewe se g uolpas o4 4uensrnd —95-61 `9d Jatiu+i0. .I.uwlnl •Ined 4$ 30NVNId dO ?13NOISSIWWOO 3Hl dO 301ddO