180342 Original to City clerk 8( )34 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION-GE E• " L FORM PRESENTED BY - Noveer 13, 1956 COMMISSION 1 - �/ �� /��—• A mb RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application D 13319, applied for by Joseph J. Glischinski, Elmer J. Loberg and William W. Ellis at 351-3 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted* • Council Fiile No. 1$942--Bv"Bernard T. Holland-Severlis A. MaYtiteon- Robert F. Pe Resolved, t ,ea Pr Pea-', taurant, Off a murk and for bry .o cGoii red NEW I v berg -Witt as 981-5 (On Sale Liquor Establishment) are he "ek' `"'be"' same Informally approved by Council Adopted Novaeber 13,1 October 23, 1956 1 'roairovn>a.r isei' Old Location NOY 1315 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas — Nays NOV la 1956 eIDC y olland Approved 195- itelli _ -�Vlortinson Tn Favor "3-- 4 - 11140e1. -� -person Mayor en gainst r.President, Dillon 5M 6-56 09W2