180341 Original to City Clerk h YR�1 �st iL ir)a CITY OF S'attaohea this h. . NO. LICENSE COMMITZEE OFFICE OF THE c to i aliciNte licensee ym t!into the COUC IL RES•LUTIO city �e. �a fees PRESENTED BY • , November 13, 1956 COMMISSION _ / �_a__iw . ' DATF RESOLVEDs That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. David Lundholm 947 Payne Ldy & D.C.Pickup App. 13238 NewOldLoc; Charles W. Doane, S r. 957 Front Barber " 13368 " New" Super+Sanitary Service, Inc. " 13528 " 'I " 565 University Wndow Cing. Marvin Arenson 1307 W. Lake Mpls. Radio & T.V.Rep, " 13540 " " " Harry Bemlott 369 Cedar Orig Cont " 13541 " Old" Anthony Beauty Fasion Highland, Inc. 714 S. Cleveland Beauty Shop " 13552 " New" George H. Coffey 923 Randolph Gen. Auto Rep Gar " 13553 " Old " Frank O'Laughlin 675 Randolph " " 13554 " " " Division Sales, Inc. 114 5. Robert Hdwe " 13578 " New" Marvin Arenson 1307 W. Lake Mpls. Serviceman (1) " 13592 " " " Northwest Airlines, Inc. (Training Center) 2233 University Cigarette " 13594 " " " Gould Nat'l Battery Gen. Office 12th Floor 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. V. M. Loc. " ] ©3 " " " Eddy's Baking Co, 324 University, S . E. Mpls. 2 Add Vh. Foods—M.P.D.& T. " 13616 " " " Dennis C. Vick 308 Selby Apt. 1 Mtr Veh Dr. " 13619 " 131956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counciil 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy e►ary'�7 31956 Holland . pA pxau i1> 195- Marzitelli Mortinson in Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ainst Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED Xa 8M 0.38 441P02