180335 Original to City Clerk 18 k 3a 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / t�tu� _� r November 13, 1956 COMMISSIONS DA TF WHEREAS: Vendomatic Inc. licensed Vending Machine Operator, posted the fee of $ 6.00 for each of the two (2) locations listed and made application for Foodstuff»Vending License Machine Location/for each location in error as they are properly licensed, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Vendomatic Inc. the total fees of $ 12.00 and to cancel each of the listed applications for licenses. Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospital 1515 Charles App. 13595 Renewal Zinsamster Baking Co. 97 Sherburne " 13597 p Caunc11 ryl A- e No. 1ag33s ny T. Holland—Seaert. . )Lr a Robert !. Peterson— Whereas Vendontatio Inc. d Vending Machine Opera location lilstea b "the for Foodstu(!- a ding iwGnrl L .for each as it�rprapsr licensed, !b' as n License 11 Resolved, that be and they are refund to the v a c°'�� CANCELLATION (Duplication) fees of .00 apg tb, caned ea of Refund the liappglieati for licenses. Northern Paeti�. Met 13305 Renewal Office, 206 W. Elroy, Egli. , Minnesota zinamaeter Bating Co.,91 Sherburne, App. 13197 N.Pe_ fy, 19A opted by the Co nScil Novenner 13.. Approved November 13,19$6. 1916. (Novtstber Ito 1 3 41:`,„ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy t4 Ov 1 3 0 Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson O Ma or Rosen ] Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 041D02