180327 • • • s f COUN FILE NO - 18i )327 • FINAL ORD 40° CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS .ottj W-4a ft-*t Jl la**`14tff't ),tai t t In the matter of=�ia,. . t, At under Preliminary Order 178756 , approved July 12, 1956 Intermediary Order 180031 , approved Octe>bir 16, 1956 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is y .�•SKr _, `. ,t 4` and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: .ohw> vagy4 tai stet the nsSfcent,to tg� e Great Tt1pp,•Int 11 Principal Siert- and Snelling RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_— V 13 1956 19 NOV 1319 Cit y lerkk.. Approved 19 i Mayor. Councilmen: xt ons (-4inivariron Holland Marzitelli 14-1A-47-7 Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Dillon 500 7-55 ® . . .. sr . .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 18 '_9 4127 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (D) I 180031 under Preliminary Order approved July 12, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the hove $ 102,000.00 The mirnminnomdmaxxxxmixhamananzwamrdoodnandmnunnecx iS — - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ - •• •..,q,' • . • and taten The lots or parcels of land that may 13,- ,--•-•--•Lf,4,,=•,-) •,,-tor suc improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 — - ADDITION Subj. to Snelling Ave. & ex. Lease #5118 covering Nlly 125 ft.; MOL by t VALUATION _ i; 845 ft; part of SW North of College Pla e E t Division & Slly of 150 ft. Great Northern Railway R/W across SO. 2 * T. 29, R. 23. i N'ly 125 ft. ROL, of Eily 845 ft. o WIly 1395 ft. MOL, measured on S'ly L35,500. 11 I: I Iii ftl — 1 il line of Great Northern Railway 150 1oot WI off part of SW i S'ly of said 1 . I! R/W in Section 27, Township 29, Ran e 23 40 P 000. 11,10011 ti II 11 I {! , 1 I li I I I • . II • —1"-- 4- -4 -1--- - • 11 1 i Continued on following page. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D . .• CITY OF ST. PAUL • • OEOARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED VALIEVangL _ -' ---, (Ex. Ave.; beg on E. line of Sec. 2 1, & 84. 9 ft. S. of E. i cor being in • S. line of St. Paul & P. Railway 10 foot B./ 3 th W. thereon to E. line of NW i of SW ; th N. 510 ft. to NE cor of sd tt; th W. on N. line of ad ii to pint 990 ft. A. Ova NW thereof; th Ily1 en line extended thru a point on 1 11 II I. line Soo. 28, and 606 ft. N. of r. * Sec. cor, to a point 445 ft. SE14 1 on ad extended line from ad I. Sec. lines th deflecting to right 494.3 ft. on a curve to left with radius of 1281 57 ft. t a point on I. Sec. line & 686.2 ft. N. of I. it Sec. cor; th c ntin.te o ad curve 38.9 ft; th NIllY . 88 ft. on tangent to ad curve; th N ri].7 58.6 ft. NOL, on curve to left with radius of 467.28 ft. to point on St y lie o 150 ft. G. N. By. B/W & WIly 1168.3 ft. NOL thereon from W. line f Sec. 25; E'ly on ad B/I line to sd . ,ISec. line: th S. on sd section line 26 ft. N L to a line par with & 100 ft. 1 1 Slly from G. N. Ry. C/L; th E'ly on ad par 1 e to intersect a line par with in ' 1A-100 ft. Stly from track adj to & . o war house at Hemline Transfer; th ■ E'ly thereon to E. line of Sec. 28; th S. th reon to beg & a 100 foot tract bet Bike 1 & 2 & bet extended . 4 W. lines on Blocks 1 & 2, Lovering.' Factory, Warehouse & Transfer Prope V: all being part of SE* of NE* of 1 d.; Section 29 and on irregular a rosm Sec$ion 28, TOwnship 29, Range 22. 137,300. I 1 1 I . 1 I . , 1.. , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 16 19 56 Commissioner of Fi n . Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works •• immai Report to Commissioner of Finance 1/11:11' g( July 30, , 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: C The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,_known as Council File No 178756_ approved July 12, _19_56_,_relative to - sod ikt Lode Al in the City at St, of towit A.irwlrip of land 350 teat in nidth illerth of and adjaa irad to the awaked XX lilt *t . �r oot I � ;ms s a 3A••1' ss of i `4' r' *11 tilissosifyisiOs the Averse ea* Ileellins dionies the amid amitherir rightue.iway Saternseting the eater line of filiellidoArMausta + ar -- 14r R of tilt 1$ 1,4 ilk lhottue Tema* " j Santa haft Marlys& a r Liao a' li► ` ,► ►'` c' 044. Ali �h i►,' 'k itila y, P, r > sw of aid erdJ to *MVO I dam hr the at a rte of at the interimetion of the aside live et Aresainftior e � _ _ ._ � Bailie dank 4a 'i,* ,i0004-,.t ;, tt,:t 5 ff 44 *arege Irma. north a era . of tire handari t feet to plat is point of begioseleg; thins* • rr e- , f ta s, , ly rigid, a r landred fifty m ) tea theme eadbairtaly oba nissight Se Ito inter- + mars sti*Oto sertb:likar Art the preediently 4, 4 $ "dkinee #r f * point that is one towed ) het seetierly of the eanter it . of Mars Avonee as aniessapi ml ,, nneirt . � ash at hire � lime et tire ISO hot 'vide strip ot io * is the easter liwa st Snelling i therre north es the esiaer of isaillidttieersoilso the point of bentering, areept Oran, j :5 Wei reartit Posamisa sertherly Of acrd itiaalle d�arar ,bed limes liwa at the ea l►ar lino off lifg tellerists and the add aer«rtherely itrinh deirItte341 hot earth of the soriiereat eerier of the st l of station in Toodiur 13 de S3 'may m i rth Pw themes as rid as the away lb a ,a,u o of ) test to a past; theme ssat1yI sin a+l ► line to the stareeeid aratthow r :�:"�',' w;: 't°i"s .',"!'}""9'1R i.3?x'Z';IY°�.«v,-.a.,• yyF,.:�-•"•-"F"ms:. «t=,.L: s-.r,a .:sd-t 1.+ < .- } } 751 t v 1. - .