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Original to City Clerk •. f • RDINANCE 1883 26 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY _ lie I,7/ nRDINAN.CI�_NO, /og7o / i //1 ; An OVahlAnr0 er An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9313, approved June 24, 1949, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purposes of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 1951, prescribing rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property," as amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved August 3.1, 1955, C4-pct by prescribing reasonable rates which Northern States Power Company may charge for gas distributed and used within the City limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION I That Ordinance No. 9313, approved-June 24, 1949, as amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved A> t-`- 31 , 1955;be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom Section 4 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 4. The following schedules of rates shall become effective as to all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effective date of this ordinance, subject to the general rules and regulations on file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and shall remain in effect and continue in force / until changed as herein and in Section 5 provided. / GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. RATE First 400 cu. ft. or less per month - $1.00 /. 6e Next 2,600 cu. ft. per month at $1.00 per Mcf /. i7 Next 22,000 cu. ft. per month at .78 per Mcf g o Next 375,000 cu. ft. per month at .76 per Mcf 7 8 Next 400,000 cu. ft. per month at .73 per Mcf Next 1,200,000 cu. ft. per month at .70 per Mcf Excess cu. ft. per month at .65 per Mcf . G7 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE - $1.00 PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5% on the first $25.00 plus 1% on the remainder will be added to net bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. HEATING VALUE Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1,000 Btu per cubic foot. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-66 0008 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE v Cj COUNCIL FILE NO. 224 j PRESENTED BY A ,� -1 '-• tQQ©© ORDINANCE NO. /0 `) 7° An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9313, approved June 24, 1949, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purposes of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 1951, prescribing rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property," amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved ':August ' 3 L, 1955. by prescribing reasonable rates.which Northern States Power Company may charge for gas distributed and used within the City limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECT/CH I That Ordinance No. 9313, approved June 24, 1949, as amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved August 31., 1955, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom Section 4 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 4. The following schedules of rates shall become effective as to all bills computed from regular meter readings ,on and after the effective date of this ordinance, subject to the general rules and regulations on file .th the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and shall. remain- in effect and continue. in force until'-changed' as herein and in section -5 provided« GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas Service. First 400 cu. ft. or ;Less per month w $1.00 Next 2,600 cu, ft.: per month at $1.00 per Mcf Next 22,000 cu. ft. per month at .78 per Mcf Next 375,000 cu. ft, per month at .76 per Mcf Next 400,000 cu. ft. per month at •73 per Mcf Next 1,200,000 cu. ft.,'per month at .70 per Mcf Excess cu. ft. per month at .65 per Mcf MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE $1.00 PROMPT PAYMENT PRCWISION A charge of 5% on the first $25.00 plus 1% on the remainder will be added to net bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. HEATING VALUE Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1,000 Btu per cubic foot. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli in Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 646 creilio8 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE . 61 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /c) V o UNIT OF MEASUREMENT INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE The unit of measurement shall be CLASSIFICATION a cubic foot of gas at an absolute Commercial and industrial customers. pressure of 30 inches of mercury, and AVAILABILITY a temperature of 60 degrees Fahren- Available on an interruptible basis to heft. ,,,,( a new customer and for additional use HEATING VALUE by an existing customer who agrees From 950 Btu to 1,050 Btu (inclusive) (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever per cubic foot. If, in any month, the requested by Company, (2) to provide arithmetic average of hourly total heat- and maintain complete and adequate ing values of the gas is less than 950 standby facilities, and (3) to have Btu per cubic foot, the volume of available at all times sufficient standby gas measured hereunder during such 'fuel to maintain continuous plant op- period shall be decreased for billing • eration during periods of curtailment purposes in proportion to the decrease!or discontinuance in the delivery of f below 950 Btu per cubic foot. gas sold hereunder. PRIORITY CLASSIFCATION Company will not undertake or agree Class AA shall have first priority. to supply the gas requirements of a Curtailment shall begin with Classifi-I new customer or the additional gas r cation E and progress to Classification requirements of an existing customer AA. under these schedules unless the above TERM OF AGREEMENT conditions are met and Company can Service agreement shall be for a do so without casting a burden of term of not less than one year. Under' expense on other customers. expiration of term, Agreement con- CHARACTER OF SERVICE tinues in force until terminated by at Delivery of gas hereunder shall be i least thirty days' written notice by subject to curtailment or discontinu- either party. ante whenever requested by Company, Note 1: Applies to estimated re- such requests to be made as far in quirements until actual requirements advance as possible. have been ascertained. RATE Note 2: The above rate schedules for Priority Classification AA; Rate per interruptible service are also subject Mcf $ .55; Monthly Minimum Charge to Company's contract with Northern $50.00; Maximum Day Requirements. Natural Gas Company from whom the gas contemplated to be sold hereunder, more than 1,000 Cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day. will The foregoing purchased. Priority Classification A; Rate per The foregoing rdte schedules for General Service and for Interruptible Mcf $ .42; Monthly Minimum Charge $150.00; Maximum Day Requirements, Service supersede the rate schedules ,50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf. now ce s. effect for similar or comparable'. Priority Classification BB; Rate per service Mcf $ .40; Monthly Minimum Charge The Council may, upon its own i tiative, or shall upon petition of the e $300.00; Maximum Day Requirements, Company, but not more often than '200 Mcf or more. once each year, review the operations Priority Classification B; Rate per of the Company under this permit; ' 'Mcf $ .38; Monthly Minimum Charge and prescribe by ordinance reasonable $600.00; Maximum Day Requirements, „rates which it may charge for gas + 1200 Mcf or more Mcf Monthly Re- service; provided, however, that the quirements for at least six months each ■ Company may withdraw any rate year (see Note 1)-5,000 to 9.999.9. schedule which has been superseded, Priority Classification C; Rate per may revise any existing rate schedule j - Mcf $ .36; Monthly Minimum-Charge or establish other rates, providing such I $1,400.00; Maximum Day Requirements. rates shall be reasonable and no ex- 200 Mcf or more; Mcf Monthly Re- isting customer will be adversely af- quirements for at least six months each fected thereby. Such revisions, new year (see Note 1)-10,0000 to 19,999.9. schedules, or withdrawals shall take Priority Classification D; Rate pet effect thirty days after the written Mcf $ .33; Monthly Minimum Charge notice thereof has been filed by the $2,600.00; Maximum Day Requirements Comapny with the City Clerk and 200 Mcf or more; Mcf Monthly Re- with the Commissioner of Public Utili- quirements for at least six months each ties, unless during such interim period year (see Note 1)-20,000 to 49,999.9, the City Council shall by resolution Priority Classification E; Rate per have disapproved the same. Mcf $ .295; Monthly Minimum Charge The Company shall file with the City $5,900.00; Maximum Day Requirements, Clerk and with the Commissioner of 200 Mcf or more Mcf Monthly Re- Public Utilities copies of all rate quirements for at least six months each schedules, charges, forms of contracts year (see Note 1)-50,000 and more or agreements for the sale of gas MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE and rules and regulations pertaining If in any month customer does not thereto which shall be kept open by use the minimum amount provided for them for public inspection. Such rules herein because of Company's failure and regulations and any amendments to deliver gas wholly or in part, the thereto which may be filed from time monthly minimum charge shall be to time by the Company shall be rea- ; reduced proportionately to the amount sonable and may be reviewed and re- of curtailment during such month, vised by the Council. Such information Where customer agrees to discon- shall also be kept by the Company tinue the use of service during the readily accessible to and for conveni- period from November 1 to March 31, ent inspection by the public in the inclusive, each year, the monthly mini- office of the Company. mum charges hereunder will be waived The rules and regulations govern'ig during said period. the supply of straight natural gas sh, 11 PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION be in accordance with the Company's Town Border Contract or Contracts (Applicable to Rate and Minimum Charge). A charge of 5% on the first now existing or which may hereafter Char g be entered into with the Pipe Line $25.00 plus 1% on the remainder will Company or companies. ' be added to net bill, computed at the Rate shown above, which charge shall i constitute a discount from gross bill, for payment within the discount pert-j od of 15 days. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk - •Mayor 1M 6-56 coM08 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE )326 v ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY / G " ORDINANCE NO. /0 glo An ordinance amending Ordinance Noe 9313, approved June 24, 1949, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nanneeeta, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purposes of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 19510 prescribing rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property,"'. as amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved 'August 3l, 1955• by prescribing reasonable rates which-Northern States Power Company may charge for gas distributed and used within the City limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTIC*I I That Ordinance No. 9313, approved June 24, 1949, as amended by Ordinance No. 10632, approved .Augus`#t 31., 19551 be and the same is hereby amended by, striking therefrom Section 4 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 4. The following .`schedules 0f rates shall become effective as to me; all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effective date of this ordinance, subject to the general rules and regulations on file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities,. and`-shall remain ineffectr and _continue,.in force until changed as `herein and in Section'5 proVided; GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, commercial,, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. RTE First 400 cu. ft. or less per month -;$1.00 Next 2,600 cu. ft. per month at $1.00 per Mcf Next 22,000 cu., ft..:per month at .78 per Mcf Next 375,000 cu. ft. per month at .76 per Mcf Next 400,000 cu. ft. per month at .73 per Mcf Next 1,200,000 cu. ff., per month at .70 per *f Excess cu. ft. per month at .65 Per Mcf MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE - $1.00 PROMPT<?PAY?ENT pRWISION A charge of 5 on the first $25.00 plus 1% on the remainder will be added to net bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. HEATING VAL UE Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1,000 Btu per cubic foot. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 :ms=s; .8 Original to City Clerk • • ORDINANCE 18 )326 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /4° 87a - - - INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE EMIT OF{MEASUREMENT CLASSIFICATION The unit of measurement shall be Commercial and industrial customers. a t ubic foot of gas at an absolute AVAILABI+L,ITy pressure of 30 inches-of mercury, and Available on an interruptible•basis to a temperature of 60 degrees Fahren- heit. a new customer and for additional use heat. by an existing customer who agrees HEATING VALUE (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever Fr°m 950 Btu to 1,050 Btu (inclusive) requested by Company. (8) to provide! per cubic foot. If, in any month, the and maintain complete and adeq arithmetic average of hourly total heat- Standby facilities,paftd (3) t° yv� ing values of the gas is less than 950, available at all times sufficient Stan q Btu per cubic foot, the volume of fuel to maintain continuous plant Op,' gar measured Kedecreas door such eration during periods of curtailment period shall be decreased for billing, or discontinuance in the delivery of below s in Btu proportion is for decrease, gas sold hereunder. below 950 Btu per cubic foot. 1 Company will not undertake or agree PRIORITY CLASSIFCATION i to supply the gas requirements of a Class AA shall have first priority new customer or the additional gas Curtailment shall begin with Classin-, requirements of an existing customer cation E and progress to Classification under these schedules unless the above AA• conditions are met and Company can TERM OF AGREEMENT Service agreement shall be for a do so without casting a burden of . . . expense on other customers. term of not less than one year. Under expiration of term, Agreement con* CHARACTER OF SERVICE Delivery of gas hereunder shall be tinues in force until terminated by ati subject to curtailment or discontinu-, eerie thirty days' written notice by requested b Com either party. ance whenever re q Y pany�I Note 1: Applies to estimated re- such requests to be made as far in' quirements until actual requirements advance as possible. I have been ascertained. RATE Note•2: The above rate schedules for Priority Classification AA; Rate per interruptible service are also subject , S'(v Mcf $ .55: Monthly Minimum Charge to Company's contract with Northern $50.00; Maximum Day Requirements, Natural Gas Company from whom the more than 1,000 Cu. ft. per hour but gas contemplated to be sold hereunder, less than 50 Mcf per day, will be purchased. Priority Classification A; Rate per The 'foregoing rate schedules fo Mcf $ .42; Monthly Minimum Charge General Service and for Interruptible, q $150.00; Maximum Day Requirements, Service supersede the rate schedules' -- i 7 50 Mcf or more but less than 200'Ma now in efleet for similar or comparable Priority Classification RB; Rate per services. Mcf $ .40; Monthly Minimum Charge The Council May, upon its dem inf. 1.00; Maximum Day Requirements, tiative, or shall upon petition of the Mcf or more. Company, but not more often than riority Classification B; Rate per once each year, review the operations M $ .38; Monthly Minimum Charge of the Company Under this permit; I. $600.00; Maximum Day Requirements, and prescribe by ordinance reasonablel 1200 Mcf or more; Mcf Monthly Re- rapes which it may charge for gas quirements for at least six months each Bernice; provided, however, that the I year.(see Note 1)—$,000_te emu_— Comppan�y may withdraw any rater ority Classification''C;,Rats schedule which has bees superseded. $ .N1 Monthly Minimum may revise any existing rate schedule 400.00 Maximum Day Requaire or establish other� rates providing such Mot or more: monthly Re- rates shall be reasonable and no 'ex- quirements for at least mmtttj each !sting customer.will be adversely of year (see Note 1)-10 to 15,999.9., fseted thereby. Such revisions, new Priority Classification D; R per schedules, or withdrawals shall take Mcf $ 33;, Monthly Minimum Charge effect thirty days after the AOO.00 Maximum Day Requ en*, notice thereof has been filed by th SO Mcf or more; Mcf Mon Re- Coma ny with the City Clerk an quirements for at least six months each ,. With-- he Commissioner of Public U year (see Note 1)-20.000 to 49,999.9. I ties,unless during such.interim rind Priority Classification E; .Rate per I. City Cwacti -shall b7 re tiO3� Mcf $ .295; Monthly Minimum Charge nave approved the same. $5,�900.11; Maximum Day Requirements, The Company shall file with the Cite 3°�� 200 Mcf or more; Mcf Monthly Re Clerk min the Commissioner °d. quiremepts for at least six months each i Public ties copies of all r schedules, cha year (see Note 1)-50:000 and mme, or agreements for f the sale of MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE and aides •and regulattossa' pe If in any month customer does nth there which shall be t open use`the minimum amount provided*ft them for public inspection kept rules herein because of Company's failure and regulations and any atnendmenta to deliver gas who'll or to part the thereto which may be filed from ttine� monthly minimum charge shalt yebe to time by the Company shall be gee- reduced proportionately to the amoufit sonable and may be reviewed and re- of curtailment during such month. viaed by the.Council. Such information Where customer agrees to discbn-I' shall also be kept by the Comfy Untie the use of service during tfi:e readily accessible to and for convent period from November 1 to March SI. ens inspection e a public in the; -. inclusive, each year,the monthly mini- office of mum charges hereunder will be waived The rules and regulations during said period. the supply of straight natural gas shall■ PROMPT PAYMENT PRO OIQ be in accordance with.the Company's (Applicable to Rate and Dimon; Town Border Contract or Contracts Charge). A charge of 5% on the first; now existing or which may hereof $25.00 plus 1% on the remainder will, be entered into with the Pipe Line be added to net bill, computed at the Company or com p , Rate shown above,'Which charge shall - --- constitute a discount from gross bill for payyment within the discount peri- od of 15 drays. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor- T? �1Yid7l"L127.SOIT -- Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-66 8 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE t8326 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1 0 (C7 SECTION II That Northern States Power Company shall within ten days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION III This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION IV This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication and upon acceptance thereof by the Company as provided for in Section 2 hereof. NOV 3 01956 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co cil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli in Favor _mar.tiazwi___. Peterson \—/ Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Appro -d: 1� J 1).;•sub Attest; AL. _ S ;w1A: / City Clerk Mayor 16 S PUBLISHED 42 > tr Aae�� 1 �s ' 400.4 • .° iK. TAI .e Ey t 4S BUREAU OF WATER r OF S tit R'�A �, LEONARD N THOMPSONtr t,. r y �tV�N aEN RA&. MANAG[ ye w fi.. n ; a� v �� . 4y < +"r. °''' S 4 ;�.• 'r�' ' 6 a ' S te ht U 't i a 1'r a CIPAL TESTING ;,w " AI I .T1 i rSj F g"g: L cl$A�_ .1"(LABO. 'LIES. E * 1 RAL Og omicron , TEL! IE r rx 51 ; 19 IO RED t 1!! ea" � x �BUREAU # G r 1,1'74;ry4 .`u,. � � .l^ (� w �. . < 1a - loner x ,, do '"C Le: l ad [ i. a�p § Y j,�TANG November 13, 1956 if d Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Utilities City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I have checked the schedule of rates submitted by the Northern States Power Company as of this date designed to accomplish a reduction in gas rates in the approximate amount of $572,000 for the pro forma year ending July 31, 1957. The reduction in the third step of the present rate from 854 to 78¢ per Mcf will reduce the revenue in that bracket, composed chiefly of heating gas, in the approximate amount of $452,000. The reduction in the fourth step of the general service rate from 80 to 76¢ per Mcf will reduce the revenue in this bracket, originating chiefly from heating and industrial use of gas, in the amount of approximately $117,000. The reduction in the fifth step of this rate from 754 to 734 per Mcf will reduce revenues by approximately $1,200, making a total reduction of $570,200. In my opinion the reductions made in these various steps are con- sistent and form a proper and balanced rate schedule in essential compliance with the recommendation made by myself to the Utilities Committee. Yours very truly Edwin F. Jones 4/3 Utilities Engineer EFJ:ew WSW OH- it:. OF C s .;: ILL° NORTH ERN STATES POWER Ce:EitsKMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA X36 NOV 30 AM 10 37 OFFICE OFftl�' VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER November 30 1956 CITY CLERK The Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul St . Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of Council File No. 180326, being Ordinance No. 10870, adopted by the Council on November 30, 1956 . NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY if By /ln Vice President and anager And I Assistant Secretary AP ROVED AS TO F M rrY l�G' � / orporation Counsel Filed this day of , 1956, at .m. f . CITY CLERK r By 1 INISPO jm. , . OF c NORTHERN STATES POWECIRERIcOM PANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA 1-56 NOV 30 AM i0 37 OFFICE OF SAiIJ ' I , - d ,:.:-.)0 i•t VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER ti i CITY CLERK honomble C tt .. oJk City of Saint l 3t. Paul. Minnesote dettlement The undersigned, Northern SUM* Company. dos hereby e c pt end Wee to *bide ell terms *4 eonditions oc Council File * 180326. 1t* No. VOS7d., adopted by the Council on hosember 304 w *:: STATES M "' ,'., ANY dr 1101 4 And 4' '".4 . • " 44 Vi ( / i Ari ' ..cret: . .nee Piled this 4011 of . 3 at . CITY Cal% ay GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for general use of natural gas service. RATE first 400 Cu. ft. or less per month - $1.00 Next 2 600 cu. ft. per month at $1.00 per *of Next 22 000 cu. ft. per month at . 78 per Mcf Next 375 000 cu. ft. per month at . 76 per Met Next 400 000 cu. ft. per month at . 73 per Met Next 1 200 000 en. ft. per month at . 70 per Met Excess eu. ft. per mouth at .65 per Mel MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE - $1.00 P. .EN PROYI. ON A charge of 5% on the first $25.00 p us on t ,e remainder will be added to net bill, computed at the rate schedule sba above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount HEASIMG VAL�'-". Natural gas with a nominal beating value of 000 Stu per cubic foot. NM' Q Northern States Power Company P Y St. Paul 2, Minnesota November 12, 1956 Office of Vice President and Manager Mr. Milton Rosen Commissioner' of Public Utilities 216 Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Rosen: qe acknowledge your letter of November 7. 1936, to M's. G. F. Johnson, ste tiag that they Utilities Committee has nesiao_sly agreed to request a reduction in the general service gas rate based on pro forma estimates for the year ending July 31, 1957, rather than on pro forma estimates which we had prepared for the year ended May 31, 1956. Although pro forma estimates for the year ending July 31. 1937, involve certain assumptions as to tutus* conditions, we are willing at this time to use such estimates as the basis for reducing the present general service gas rate in Saint Paul. Therefore, we have designed the attached rate schedule, which, on the basis of such estimates, will accomplish the requested reduction. Northern States Power Company is egreesble to amending Ordinance No. 9313, as amended, by substituting the attached rate schedule in lieu of the rate schedule for General Service appearing in Section 4 thereof. Very truly yours J. P. 'OMeb, JR. J. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager JFO; MAU 1st I 3 2n d_4/2____/° Laid over to 3rd and app 71 .dopy, f ( a Yeas _____...----Nays Yeas Na _AK, eCo De rcy „eel0lerd H and .4 Maw rzitelli M� arzitelli 3 eterson ete n osen osen 9 r. President Dillon r. President Dillon a 18 )326 ce 0