D001949,.�° �roved Copies to: - City Clerk (OriginaU Finance Services, Accounting Division Police Dept., Accounting Unit Date: Green Sheet # ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent �vith the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2000 budget for the Citywide and Police Capital Maintenance Projects, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: FINANCING PLAN: C00 - 2000 Capital Improvement Projects 9T030 - 2000 Citywide Capital Maintenance 7320 - Transfer from 2000 CIB SPENDING PLAN: C00 - 2000 Capital Improvement Projects 9T030 - 2000 Citywide Capital Maintenance 0274 - Other Repair & Maiutenance �ANCING PLAN: C00 - 2000 Capital Improvement Projects 9T030-93004 - 2000 Police Capital Maintenance Projects 7320 - Transfer from 2000 CIB SPENDING PLAN: C00 - 2000 Capital Improvement Projects 9T030-93004 - 2000 Police Capital Maintenance Projects 0279-93004 - Other Repair & Maintenance 77,412.00 (450.00) 76,962.00 7,412.00 (45Q.00) 76,962.00 77,412.00 (450.00) 76,962.00 77,412.00 450A0) 76,962.00 23,750.00 450.00 24,200.00 23,750.00 450.00 24,200.00 23,750.00 450.00 24,200.00 23,750.00 450.00 24,200.00 ������ �Z��� Approved by: Financial Services Director Date � ��'� � C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: � /Q`� TransfecCapitalMaintenanceEmergencyContigency[oPolicefoiODUFumace.ao.00 � Saint Paul Police 292-3588 Please process ASAP xu�eacsart :L•�"�7 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN ��� �an�q�q� �0 63133 arr cao� ❑ arcwnaaEr _� � anucnK �nwcuLLarnvcoon �wuxcutaom,KCrc ❑wYOR1��8A3��uM11 ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached administrative order transferring $450.00 from 2000 Citywide Capital Maintenance Projects to the 2000 Palice Capital Maintenance Projects. w PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this personRrm everwnrked under a mnkad tor fhis departmeM? YES NO Has Mie Pe��Rrtn ever been a city emPbY�? YES NO Ooes Utis P��� P� a sldU � nonnallYP�sed bY any curtent cdy employee? YES NO Is Mis personRim a targeted vendoYt YES NO olein all ves answers on seoa�ate sheM and attach to oreen sheet The furnace at the Saint Paul Police ODU site has failed. The furnace was build in the late 60s or early 70s so it is about 30 years"old. The furnace has been rebuilt and parts replaced to the point no further repair work can be done. A new furnace is needed. We share this site with the MPD and our share of the bill to replace the furnace is $450.00. Aeat will be provided so work can continue at this site. There will be no heat at the site so no work will be done. a:��:�1:•�.� COST/REVENUEBUDfiETm(CIRCLEON� \ YES ) NO SOURCE Capital Maintenance Emergency Conti INFORMATION(EXPWN)