180277 ; , 2'x`7 Wu.Delphi Original to City Clerk The CITY OF ST. PAUL :T , OFFICE OF THE CITY at t at OUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GEt ' "I'd Sfi9brdtertovealber PRESENTED BY �� 6� ��� al "Iri `' • COMMISSIONS DATE - v WHEREAS, the Empire National Bank has heretofore assigned to the City of Saint Paul, as security for deposits of the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, in said institution, $500,000 U. S. A. Treasury Bonds 2 1/8%, due November 15, 1960, and WHEREAS, said Bank now desires to withdraw said securities and substitute therefor $500,000 U. S. A. 26 Treasury Bonds, due November 15, 1961, and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee that said Bank be permitted to make such substitution of securities for deposits; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to release and deliver to said Empire National Bank the said $500,000 U. S. A. Treasury Bonds 2 1/8%, due November 15, 1960, and to accept in lieu thereof $500,000 U. S. A. Treasury Bonds, 2%, due November 15, 1961, upon the same obligation and conditions contained in the original assignment, and the City Clerk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution with the City w Comptroller, to be attached to and become a part of said original assignment. 61 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ 195— Yeas Nays e9nrcr J oV 6 195E ■ olla Approve, 195_ rzitelli • ��llo��tinson in Favor .�� _ ..4 .. ate Mayor oxen n __O gainst r.President, Dillon YUBL1SI ED .../.0'–5-6 5M 6-58 0402 Duplicate to Printer 18, 0'77 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, the P.mpire National flank has heretofore assigned to the City of Szint na,11, as securiLy for deposi-ss of ;ha Ci=;y of Saint Paul and the Board of 7duo.?tion of the City of Saint Paul, in sell institution, $500,000 U. S. P . Txeury Bonds 2 1/8%, due NovIr 15, 190, and "Mr-EPS, id Dank now desires 'to withdxaw said securities and substitute nexefex $500, 0(v.) U. 0, n. 2::r; Treasury Bonds, due Novemer 15, 1961, and ITII:I7ELS, it is the recomr,9.nrIction of the Cicikin3 Fund Committee that said Dank be permitted to maks such su'stituc.ion of scuxities for deposits; therefore be it RESOLV9D, that the proper City officers 'ee and they are hereby authorized to release and deliver to said nmpire National Bank the said $500, 000 U. S. P. Treasury Bonds 2 1/8Z, due November 15, 1960, and to accept in lieu thereof $500,000 U. 5. A. Treasury Bonds, due November 15, 1961, upon the same obligation and conditions coltr,ined in the orlr;inso, assignment, and the City Clerk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution with the City Comptroller, to be attached to and become a part of said original assignment. Nov 6 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,- 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 666 .Asr 2