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Cotwtdl File -lPo� 4BO�40--Syr "� ? i:= 4
Original to City Clerk ir■ I A NCIL
CITY OF; . , NO.
OFFICE OF TI friPtrra,M7
COMMISSIONER t he W A Ong cOmpany, l Iola t
Saint Paul Fire and 1 , h
ny,1.11ch o su aU-coy
a the of the place
rf n,z 11.1sw.
WHEREAS, it appears to the best interests
of the City that it is expedient to purchase blanket
personal injury and property damage insurance to
protect the City against claims of any type or
kind which might be presented by the citizens of
Saint Paul who are allegedly injured at the polling
places on election day, November 6, 1956, and
whereas it has been ascertained that the W. A.
Lang Company, agents of Saint Paul Fire and Marine
Insurance Company, will write such all-coverage
insurance to protect the City of Saint Paul and
the owner-.of the place in which each voting place
is established, such bla nket 'coverage policy being
in the maximum amount of coverage of $50,000.00
for one accident, $100,000.00 for multiple accident
and $5,000.00 for property damage insurance, for
the amount of $266.90, said personal injurer and
property damage insurance to cover the 157 polling
places in the City of Saint Paul on said date; and
it further appearing that time is of the essence
in the purchase , of,�`''I , ma�Ci -necess�
the purchase of the same without the drafting of
specifications and the calling of bids, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials
are hereby authorized to expend the amount hereinabove
designated, for the purposes of purchasing such in-
surance in the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance
Company from the W. A. Lang Insurance Agency.
NOV 21956
COUNCILM Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
DeCou y NOV 2 LW&
oolla Approved 195-
ortinson n Favor t 41A114. 1f'
ete Mayor
ARosen gainst
/PIr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED��-'3—
5M 6-56 9