180164 • CITY QF SAINT PAUL 18°164 COUNCIL I Airj C K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ft,F /i R• A ALL Oct - + AUDITED CLAIMS la HAWRIMPOR ti_____ � IN FAVOR MARZITLLLI RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS REDRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON IN MR. PRES. [LLCM • oat 2 61 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 13k ` i COVERING CHECKS NO"331, TO USIVE, AS ADOPTED BY TH C•14 CI 1 �■�,�, ` _' PER CHECKS ON PILE.IN THE OP� ROLLER. C• 1111 ,444' NUMBER APPROVED ,�,t I. �, • �. 1 '. . ,, Com$'U DATE CHE K IN FAVOR OF NUMB TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I 8 0 0 1 4 Mrs. Donald K. Me Oeuro3r *2� first National Bt,. of St. Paul �► * •. ' 822.1i 9• D. Looks 24 12 22111 1 ii 46 70 M. layoit 22 97 22119 E. M. Boolater 30 00 22120 A. E. Trudea4afsterise 62 44 221 #iohard K. lays*" 00 , 2 Virginia E. Roil $0 M Lee Rothenberg 00 yielding and 8h pl y Ins. 23 • MU J. Archer lessa40.thrary 223416 Z. A. F' uent Supt. Auditorium 4 01 Bush Laube Oonousions Ins. , Centrdl. Tickst Office 402 3 Judson Milton 600 00 22 0 John J. Benna . .1,. Fred iL. Wolff 00 Martin Line 3 75 2' Charles E. Rea 00 E. J. Rippl.o* M. D. 2 00 Riverview Memorial Ras . Zoe. Milton BLS Screw, 21. D. 22 ,7 George Smel lit 2 73 F. J. Barest Heat 40,. 3.00 00 2 9 Axel N. Anderson 3.0 00 221 * Ault i Viborg Carbon and Ribbon 40$ 00 22:L41 John. A. Downey 0o. 1 3 22142 Emmett lope, Mutual Bern. Gab,. W7 64 22� 5 Joyce insuranoe Inc. t I: Midway Ford Co.0o. 22141 Monroe Oa31 Machine 0o. 689 00 22144 Rational Geographic Soo. 22141 N. W. Refining Co. 1 33 ki 2214 Ramsey Co. Distr. Boil. map. 00 42149 Rochester Germicide Oo. lc 2 0 S000ny Mobil Oil Co. Inc. 3 917 218 2upt. of nesu a.nt+ U. 8. t c►v. 2 Trade -and Industrial Se 'v,. 32 :: 2 Twin City Stamp and Coin 3 Ulmer Pharmacal Co. 2#3 Universal Sign 0e. Inc. 3.9 2 Wenger Music Equip. Co. 58 95 7 Bost Pub. Ce. z R. B. Whitaor.8'8 Co. 3? 43 littt.*b i n & C . 8 30 ' 223. Wolverine $z s Oo. 2 3 80 223. Mrs. Donald M. Me (Sourer 91 766 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 3 18g � _ • 165 NOTICE Council File Nos. l*0184�-1801 TO Res°lyed• t checks dravpn on COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER C Sato ter � 'pecks . eneill to the de w�'thas Oct 25 —19 56 14ea. • i'bd by the Council October 26 Approved'October 88. 1988. RESOLVED. THAT HECKS BE DRA (goventber &,1998) TO TH'E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /f(o,8��{.b 3 €2162'` " 22215 $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ocT 2 6 1956 Joseph J. Mitchell ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 19 �ly ! •' LL 0 CT 195 % i s APPROVED 19— BY— / i'�+'t�•'•�� `'. 500 8-55 2 v