180094 Original to City Clark .18k x(0941 1.; ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE C01 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONE l ,O/ia._l�. / October 16, 19.56 DATE RESOLVED: That the following licenses, Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, No. 6971, all expiring May 6, 1957, issued to Margaret Ea Earl at 370 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the'Bireau of Police because of the arrest of Thomas Jackson, an employe, on the charge of violation of the closing hours, being sent to court thereon, pleading guilty thereto and sentenced to $100.00 or 10 days, paying said fine. Council a File Bev 1 A. 00erm l Robert ir. P , REVOCATION Restaurant,That the estaurtant,.an and Hev:. e and r g1r8e5at o , e rfaerl 7, 370 Selby ' be .. same are hereby abed .upo recommendation of the Bureau of Police bepaugs of tha [fit Z *una, Jackson, art rtmplo e; tt the . of violation of the a boufrst, t to court there. pp1e� � trreto and sei:teinc !o.aSO�SI ort.1 a, payin said pted �9 acii October,;23,, Approved October, 1958. (October 1956) L C!CT 2 319 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays De��Courcy �iolland Approve 2 3 19 195— 17 arzitelli rtinson In Favor I 1 , i �erson Mayor oxen 9 Against J Y '� c r. President, Dillon �;v'�) 10 /' SM 6.56 2 /7 „ st f x COPY 1 �fi �� "MNMHMFVW'N AAkk.'.ro:lri.E* „„yews ....... Oct. 16, 1956 Hon. Robert F. Peterson Comsr. of Public Safety Public Safety- Building Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. A. R. Ander et The Council laid over Oct. 23r , he matter of the resolution revoking Restaurant. On and OffPalew everage and Cigarette licenses of Margaret E. Earl at 370- , The resolution hereto attached was referred to the License • I ttee for further investigation. Very truly yours, S/ J. R. Okoneski, ao City Clerk COPY