180084 t8 )(084
Council File No.
and 4
+• t :ate M+,6,..•' vak
gn hereby p making gpublicimprovement • thetityof:alnb 4
Theunderei undersigned proposes of z.
Conclemn,jng .and._taking an easement 20 feet in width for the purpose of._con•-
structing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way from the westerly line
of said Railroad right-of-way to the easterly line of said Railroad right-of-
way, the center-line of said easement being described as beginning at the inter-
sectionr'of the center line of Fairmount Avenue as platted went .of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way with the aforesaid Railroad
right-of-way, thence easterly to the intersection of the center line of Fairmount
Avenue as platted east of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
right-of-way with the aforesaid Railroad right-of-way.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 feet in width for con-
struction purposes on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right»
of..wwy, said temporary easement being'`north of and' adjacent to the permanent ease-
ment and extending from the westerly line of said Railroad right-,of-way to the
easterly line of said Railroad right-of-way,
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 feet in width for con..
struction purposes on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right.
of-wa y, aidtemporary easement being south of andad ace nt
tg, the pernanent,.easement
and extending fran the Westerly line of said Railroad. ri ht.o .way
to the easterly
line of. said Railroad right,..of-way,.
wciy, ure w3wasLVs aassv va raaaU Odkrim LOAL JA,4img 4:svmcsL1. U as neglmning ax -xum s-scvr�
' Ctioti' ►f the center line of Fairmount Avenue as platted west of the Chicago,
Hahe, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way with the aforesaid Railroad
rig41.4.agty, ;thence easterly OAS the intersection of the-;enter,....t �.� ? Fairaou tt
Avenue is`platted east of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
right.kifWakilth the aforesaid Railroad right-of-way.
Alsev-amadee iaq .and taking a temporary easement '20 feet in width ee1q •:'
`s ruetim - des oft the .Chicago, Milwaukee.,. St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right..
e .way, said twaporary easement being north of and adjacent to the peraneee t ease-
the 'aistirl} line of said Railroad` tint-of-wary to the
eftetimlarkfteAsUsaid Railroad rigbt.of.way,
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 feet in width c
struatiem pospasee on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pali
of-way, said temporary easement being south of and adjacent to t l 11 $* .t'
and extending free the westerly line of said Railroad right..o10..,mtiartt
line of said Railroad right«of-Way.
3000 7-54 46400 nT?MT,TSHED