180079 18i )079 Original to City Clerk , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE R / DATF RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colestock from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel a duplex at 499-501 South Brimhall Avenue, also described as Lot 1, Block 2, Haley's Addition, into a triplex. _-- - -- ZONING APPZ*L Council rile No. 180079—BY Bernard T. Holland—, Resaed ') a ' b_ Nettie! is here tetiVr that a lutblic and Mrs. �o C• hem wlll b! held before the Cityy decision of the otter. Coon at 10 A.M. on October 18. 19�, playgrouride in the City Hall and Court House, in upon Board o ng pa thengltierofthemep�wlofMr. and p 1 a Mrs: John C. 840, (the under Sec. $0 hereby Rr " to 9 of Ord. No. -5810. (the Zoning` Orlin- 1Ro. Sb�O g �Ave- mace), for permission to remodel a duplex at 1 ypt 1. a. to l., at 499-801 So. Addition,in on yalso fit a tigt _, 1,$lock 4.Haley's Addition,into a Council rtober 19, triplex. Adopted Dated October 2. 1958 proved tuber 19, 19668. JOSEPH R. OKONi ,k ( pyet l7,1988) (October 6, 1966) 1 leCT 19 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy �' 1. 9 156 Holland Approved 195_ - L.) ' Mortinson _In Favor S)146A,1 1(2(Lek, Peterson U U Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-56 Z t.J::.: NhS•::Y I • 1 ti::::: °:::;:: ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,, :?::?:UIW fiO i 2$1.202-2q 171$CITY NALL AND COURT NODU SAINT PAUL 2,MINNIWTA October 10, 1956 Mr, Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Mr. and Mts. John Colestock for permit to remodel an existing duplex to accommodate three families, located at the property known as 499-501 south Brimhall. This property is described as lot 1 - block 2 - Haley's Addition. The zoning is "A" residence. This appeal is taken pursuant to section 2-, paragraph "0-2" of the Zoning Ordinance which provides that the Council may authorize the remodeling of homes in "A" and "B" residence districts which were constructed prior to the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance, to accommodate not more than four families provided they have a gross foundation area of not less than 1,000 sq. ft, and there is a finding to the effect that the intent and purpose of the Ordinance would be secured by granting the appeal. The property under consideration has a frontage of 93' on Brimhall and extends a depth of 122.' There is an existing duplex on the property which was con- structed prior to 1922 but moved on the site in 1924. It has a gross foundation area of approximately 1500 sq. ft. The applicant's plans have been approved by the Building Department and are in accordance with existing standards as to density and floor area per dwelling unit. There will be no external modification of this building as a result of these changes. There is space on the site to meet the off-street parking re- quirementspf the Zoning Ordinance. There are commercial uses to the west and north across an alley: there are single-family homes on both sides of Brimhall: there has been a filling station permit issued recently diagonally across the alley. Field investigation discloses •no objection to this proposal from the standpoint of adjacent land use provided that the applicant's plans andt the requirements of all City ordinances are strictly complied with. In consideration of th®se factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal to remodel an existing duplex to accommodate three families be gr: ,t S66413, CDL:FS C. D Loeks Planning Director Executive Secretaer��,", Board of Zoning` t' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSE 44 I ' ■ City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota e C0 +r' 4:` %o.i .N CVUNSE October 18, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colestock for permit to remodel a duplex at 499-501 So. Brimhall Ave. , on Lot 1, Block 2, Haley's Addition, into a triplex. Very truly yours, 0.44L)--"L R City Clerk f, ,... Si, ,,t,r-Vt1,1,\ A R i viii'' i {f I I 1 I c t ' 4 ! i i 1{ ... li r .._" .. _._2 ' . _ p II 4� •, r t i C T ._ _O F It i-----#.: E S O T A ?`.r..r. ,- :„tasai k...-,—....., .mot ,.t+ au:' °:rr i" S rW, 12 q J• C. CO1,ESTOCK /1', '' efi 0 /501 SO. BRt.HA2L 44,:;,,,,a 4,"gle„..,...,ter. PAUL ir./7-;vi, OFF I ,;: FILED CITY CL2R F c "r i' �,� K FILE K ` -..- _... 3 5 45 / � (CANT �`.'-.._.�.. ___,._.. 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