180058 Original to City Clerk 10 8 058
CITY OF roz ilo,_, w IL NO.
C. NCI RE ^LUTE `" w
PRESENTED BY // ~ x 1 • •er 17, 1956
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award' of the Contract Committee therefor,
and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for
and reasonably incidental to the Wrecking of dwelling, garage, frame shed, fences, etc.
located at 684 Butternut Avenue, described as those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Stewart
Avenue Addition, commencing on the SE line of Butternut Avenue 10 ft. SW from the most Nly
corner of said Lot 1; thence SWly along the SEly line of said Avenue, 33.15 feet; thence SEly at
right angles with Butternut Ave. 120 ft; thence running NEly and parallel with Butternut Ave.
33.15 ft; thence running NWly and at right angles with last named line 120 ft. to place of
beginning; also the NEly 10 ft. of NWly 160 ft. of said Lot 1 and all that part of said lots
1 and 2 lying SEly of Nally 160 ft. thereof. Dwelling, two frame sheds, outhouse, fences, etc.
located at 449 Upper Levee, Lot 33 and except SWly 31.5 ft. Lot 34, Upper Levee Addition.
Dwelling, fences, etc. located at 184 Lafond Avenue, Lot 6, Block 31, Hewitt's Subdivision of
Block 31 and South 1/2 of Block 23 of Lafond's Addition to St.Paul to TRUCK CRANE SERVICE
COWAN, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid
#5982 of said Truck Crane Service Company, City to pay Contractor $783.00, such bid being
the lowest and said Truck Crane Service Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the
Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor,
and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the
City of St. Paul.
Formal Bid #5982. tiff 1 8 1956
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195—
as Nays
lHolland Approved 195-
s. rarzitelli �•
Tn Favor J6(
Peterson 6 Mayor
Rosen Against PUBLISHED
.President, Dillon
5M 6-56 06402
I") JO
Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL
PRESENTED BY DATF October 17, 1956
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor,
and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for
and reasonably incidental to the Wrecking of dwelling, garage, frame shed, fences, etc.
located at 684 Butternut Avenue, described as those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Stewart
Avenue Addition, commencing on the SE line of Butternut Avenue 10 ft. SW from the most Nly
corner of said Lot 1; thence SWly along the SEly line of said Avenue, 33,15 feet; thence SEly at
right angles with Butternut Ave. 120 ft; thence running NEly and parallel with Butternut Ave.
33.15 ft; thence running )ally and at right angles with last named line 120 ft. to place of
beginning; also the NEly 10 ft. of NWly 160 ft. of said Lot 1 and all that part of said lots
1 and 2 lying SEly of NWly 160 ft. thereof. Dwelling, two frame sheds, outhouse, fences, etc.
located at 449 Upper Levee, Lot 33 and except SWly 31.5 ft. Lot 34, Upper Levee Addition.
Dwelling, fences, etc. located at 184 Lafond Avenue, Lot 6, Block 31, Hewitt''s Subdivision of
Block 31 and South 1/2 of Block 23 of Lafond's Addition to St.Paul to TRUCK CRANE SERVICE
COMPANY, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid
#5982 of said Truck Crane Service Company, City to pay Contractor $783.00, such bid being
the lowest and said Truck Crane Service Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the
Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor,
and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the
City of St. Paul.
Formal Bid #5982. Itt
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195_
Mortinson Tn Favor
Rosen .; Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 6-56 n