180045 lY1e No. 1 s a 4 Original to City Clerk 1By -� ORDINANNo.imm ` },. PRESENTED BY // y+rIOVOINA ' £`NO. /C-' CO p An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled: An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regu- lating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all build- ings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of Saint Paul for the protection of proper-. ty against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire bits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the pub- lic peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered, necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ......-.....T10•1°41"' •.a:..d 10.1 Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking from (4) under paragraph "a" of subsection 3 in Section 110 of Article I the following words - "two (2) appointive members of whom one (1) shall be a .. certified licensed Master Plumber" Q UJ 12 r k I,--5 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "three (3) appointive members of whom two (2) shall be � certified licensed Master Plumbers" Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- `' genc ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public c peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. NOV gii Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Gibbers DeCourcy e? Hs►kommen Rosen Holland ^ in Favor Marzitelli V Mortinson Against Peterson NOV 61956 Mr.President (Dillon) V I Appro -d: Attest:/ i / a if / ow- Clerk F'~e r I r 1000 -m S P . i: , ///Q-S Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE kd COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.-- -6116-2--. O. l � �� Z PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled: An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regu- ltion, ating or affecting the construction,and inspection•ofeallabuild- repair, removal, maintenance, ings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of Saint Paul for the sprotectionaof o proper- ty against fire, and for the purpose of safe and sanitary environment� °toucompelotheuowner s used for human habitation or otherwise, of such buildings, walls or sttu�hereof,ofortthe reconstruct or modify the same, or any par aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful uses or occupancymof all buildings, walls or structures; and prescribing the powers and duties of the mmissionersof Public Buildings in conformity with the providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the pub- lic peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 22, 1930, as r Section 1. That Ordinance No. '�2 �the�approved May amended by striking amended, be and the same is hereby further from (4) under paragraph "a" of subsection 3 in Section 110 of Article I the following words - "two (2) app ointive members of whom one (1) shall be a certified licensed Master Plumber" • and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "three (3) appointive members of whom two (2) shall be certified licensed Master Plumbers" r- Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declare to be n oemere gency ordinance rendered necessary for the p reet public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 1956 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou b Yeas Gittbe s DeCOUrcy • Hteliversen Rosen In Favor Holland � __against Marzitelli Mortinson Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: NOV Attest: Mayor City Clerk 1000 12-54 , :`.u+• . . . 1st � � 2nd _ �/ I Laid over to 3rd and app. / Adopted rr� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays CQ De rcy eCo Holland H/ of rzitelli lMar--zzi�itelli (m.(0 /iOlortinson 1-14.°11 ete osen osen Mr. President Dillon Mr. President Dillon 0 cil °8 1845 , 4