180032 Council File '14o. 180005 — By _IKrs• 1t ilk
f 2
._ Donald M. DeCo --lland Frank ,D.,
. "Original to City Clerk p ,,, 5 Be*,'' NCIL
OFFICE OF T s " r I.
CITY O z- * NO.
:. oR r
since Paul ot.,'the qM r th-
PRESENTED BY A +^4p • Dona rat- ourcy Bernard T. Rolland
COMMISSIONE '4 -Ali :n. ,. T
=r4ftelli Severin A. MurLinson
Robert F. Peterson Milton xosen
Mayor Joseph E. Dillon
WHEREAS, his Excellency, John Gregory Murray, then and theretofore
since his elevation thereto A. D. 1931, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Saint
Paul, of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, in his eightieth year, on the 11th
day of October, A. P. 1956, was summoned from this life, by Almighty God,in
culmination of his distinguished and eminently meritorious career which had
its inception upon his ordination to the Priesthood of the Church A. D. 1900,
and wherein he had consistently and effectively striven in religious and civic
fields of endeavor for the accomplishment of the common good, as priest and
Chancellor of the Hartford, Connecticut, Diocese, Bishop of the Portland, Maine,
Diocese, as such Archbishop, as educator, and prominent religious and civic
leader in the cause of Almighty God, country and humanity, and wherein, with
humility and charity he unflaggingly and effectively devoted and exerted his
energies and efforts with increasing effect to the alleviation of human
suffering and promotion of the spiritual life, the preservation of human
peace and freedom, and the security of our constitutional form of government;
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, its inhabitants, the Church, and
the Nation" have suffered incalculable loss, and the surviving,members of his
family have been afflicted by a great sense of deprivation and grief resultant
from his death; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in its own
behalf, and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul and its inhabitants, hereby
takes and records cognizance of the aforesaid extensive, prominent, and
consistently meritorious career of his Excellency, John Gregory Murray,
in permanent attestation thereof, and extends sympathy and condolence to
the bereaved members of his family and authorizes and directs the City Clerk
to provide for the preparation of an engrossed copy of this Resolution and
the delivery of the same to the surviving members of said decedent's family,
namely, his brother, James D. C. Murray, and his sisters, Jane Murray and
Mary Murray, with all convenient speed.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou9g' 1 6 1956 195
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy OCT 1 6 1958
Holland / Approved 195—
Mertinse _ In Favor 411&A, ∎• 1 1 1
Peterson Mayor
-R69e 1 ° Against
Mr.President, Dillon
6M 6-56 2
Duplicate to Printer
WHEREAS, his Excellency, John Gregory Murray, then and theretofore
since his elevation thereto A. D. 1931, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Saint
Paul, of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, in his eightieth year, on the 11th
day of October, A. D. 1956, was summoned from this life, by Almighty Codlin
culmination of his distinguished and eminently meritorious career which had
its inception upon his ordination to the Priesthood of the Church A. D. 1900,
and wherein he hod consistently and effectively striven in religious and civic
fields of endeavor for the eceomplieheent of the comron Food, as erient and
Chancellor of the Hartforc" Connecticut, Diocese I Bishop of the Portland, Maine,
Diocese, such Archbishop, us i. ceor, sad prominent religious and eiNie
leader in the cause of Almighty God, country and humanity, and wherein, with
humility Pnd charity he unflegcingly and effectively devoted and exerted his
energies and efforts with increasing effect to the alleviation of human
suffering and promotion of the spiritual life, the preservation of human
peace end freedom, and the security of our constitutional form cec' government;
WHEREAS, the Cite of Saint Paul, its inhabitents, the Church, and
the Nation have suffered incalculable loss, and the surviving members of his
family have been afflicted by a great sense of deprivation arid grief resultant
from his death; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in its own
behalf, and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul and its inhabitants, hereby
takes and records cognizance of the aforesaid extensive, prominent, and
consistently meritorious career of his Excellency, John Gregory Murray ,
in permanent attestation thereof, and extends eye-pet-1y and condolence to
the bereaved members of his family and authorizes and directs the City Clerk
to provide for the preparation of an engrossed copy of this Resolution and
the delivery of the same to the surviving members of said decedent's
namely, his brother, James B. C. Murray, and his sisters, Jane Murray and
Mary Murray, with all convenient speed.
i 6
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
• DeCourcy
Holland Approved 195_
-Mortinson- In Favor
Peterson Mayor
-Rosen -- Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 6-56