180031 - •
Council File No.180031— - r
In the matter of jairtiany: •• ,, :
widening and extending the it, • i )031
Northern Route by eond --1.: •
.. ,taking an easement for high'77 - ,-
'rT,crl'.?%a17?28.- -.°111?
COUtl; ti ' E NO.
In the Matter of
, k
, 4
partially opening, widening and extending the proposed Northern Route by condemning ,
and tailking an easement for hightay purposes on and acrolit the folbseing.deseribo4 *lets
and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,
A strip of land 150 feet in width lying North of and adjacent to the southerly
right-of-vay line of the Great Northern Railroad Company in portions of the NE 1/4 of
the SW 1/4, the NW 1/4 of the.‘4E 1/4, and of the NE 1/4 of the sN1/4 Or Sq04.on 28,
TownshipPB9:4Orth-,i Range 23 West, Fourth Principal-/OH.fidifiu)--exceit =Prior Avenue and-
Snel1i5i,AY11112ue,ei t,lt01 4: T', : 1;0ic;7Y.aXH,3insft 4_ a . 11ft.14.1
SnellinoAnie at 1487 36 feet south oF:thsrtpr.. atqernreo; 7:-
1-440:-,,aN 1/4 of Section 28,
ToviiiIiip'' 'Itiiith; 'Range 23 Veit,-FOUrtii Principal Meridian.
,--,i, is herb -.- cti,ITIo\c(i i:Ild i!:.!,-;!:Led a,ii
is Aamk-A,lareolvf.,damt-idtAbeilVE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 29 North,
Range 23 West, Fourth Principal *444n,40,14-1414044.14.y.441494-,Adjacent to the above
mentioned 1.16 rei6iViailitkIi'af land and bounded by the following described lines:
Commencing for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning at the intersection of
the,center14ne Of pnelling.Avenuejthf- Ast:14S10f4/eotIon 28,Aswnship,297North,r4.-
it4 ... ..-'.; iviest.)). 4144 the iOut*ili,Tig10-0-1faw 41?,e of he Groat(Northern!Nailresid -1,1
6.„ ,y viii 0.is 1A746 fitat, aouth of *4e7iortiesot,Aor4or ot„.Weelm.1/4-ef'section,28,
Township 29 'North; Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian; thence north on the center
line of Snelling,Avenue.a;distance of .twe.tupdred ,fifty (435Q) feet.to:a point JOAO&tit he
Point:afletinni*„,thens„westerly'04 la Atep4ght .1i1:10.%`i0WAllel AO Mid sowtherly-.eight,
Of"*.7.'line e 4i§tenee of ffirirealun,d.re4 fifty!feet (359):to a point;- thence:-sestere*teirly =
on 'a 'gtra4ht line'to ita. intersec4on_vith the ;north,=line of the previously describe&
1,.5'6t1P919.4.,=140 '-s. F4.4)_ ,..,_ _.-0.,'4--and, 4 8. : .P9-44.444-.1.0:941*,:Vi044414.C.fittf0450). feet westerly 4tti
the -cOntei--line ._of -!. ,zae..i.44 .A.Venne as messwed along the diforessitir north •lies;.Atelier: '
eaater)1y,On..the .'eaiknorth line of the 150 foot wide strip of land, to a point on the
aenter'line of -Snelling Avenue; thence north on the center line of Snelling Avenue to
the point Of beginning, euseptciBnelling Avenue. ,.., . ,- ,., ,r,, , c
41144:)/1, _, trol4 ,r.t. *--4,1.1-4' tt 4* 1/4 494,1% 34-ii* Of the($.1,.1„ l/4: of iiiettion24:2vnaitir a9D,'
Northi:Ifirge -2,3 ,Woirt,-: Fo
.?341194.04 Af!li4,444114-41ag. nOrtherly.**.arst adjacent' to the ; --
schtherlY x= 4,11. or=it214y ii9==-10;:Pft:. the cirreff4:14.$47:t .ttern 1104443"41 ScPWRECit bounded by the foI0,.-.4
1,01dhit4041,1Ded'A‘4*.:4-.9pg ,,t4, VW 44nti,rafttIlif94,?,Pri Ake', gositOrr `;3-ille Of SO°11414'
genus and the ;said. 8auviexay,,,yirgut-44-w- -.14.ne.:1,44eivi6-.4.47,A =south-- of the northwest
c.0ii#4f,lor the SW :3-A. of 5.64,1,014. ?7,.t:4)14/. 441? 41_40.041AlktIllIa3 . y...):Tourtlx Fritncipel
f' A0ack.,ndrt4.: cii the- 011'41T 44.fte;Of 84.(44-ng:Avenue Pc diataoste:tb4-4twe-'Wand:not
i*ifV: (? ) ',r.:.eet 'tO'ct point; thence easterly on 41,- straight line pnrellel:--to the-stores:sit 1..
southerly right-of-way line a, distance of two hund.red. taw.(23,0).feet- to a.point-.thence- ;
southeaster on a Straight line that sakes- an angle,to the right Of 119112'. a-distance
of 'eight hundred sixty-two,41.44a nine tenths .(862,90),feet to a- point; thence southeasterlr
on s ,straight line- that ma4s an angle to the left. of 4° 47! 367,4 a distance of six,: .
hundred tweiisty three and sixty seven hundredths-(623.67)- feet to the intersection,ef;
the east lip* of 11.01-ton Street and the aforesaid southerly righto(-wsy line; thence- -, _.
weaterly'on the said southerly right-of-way line to the point of beginning, except
Snelling Avenue.
Also open, widen and extend Sneliin4.Avenue to provide, a roadway-width.fe .a future
:derpftSs of the Great Northern Nafilroact C01.4PanY-14 tracks:.and an APPrOadt: to the aftresaid
, 4 i .
rthern,Route by condemninik-and..t4ing weasel/seat for highway purposes on and aereitsc,the
following desoribed.,tract.of land::: = , : , , . - ._ : . :,.- , -:: :°(,,, : ., :, . . , - •::,: ,:.;-,-
.., .
„! i ni ;.-i,, i0 , a'.7 ",%-V11:4 .: f.' ,,,Iv.n11,. 1-anze2! 'ii ..1'., ec.i... .-; ,.., c.tx,-, -
vttr;4',..4riTisk.,-,P; ;1441,:,..441a14!uufr.40.4,0Y1.(064Iff..01,111,1441;h:141ieNdifeelirof soltacktheed,V:te .,
tit;0.64ewe"ritT"gqi810410g41,*Y444414 04444AufromotOoraertiodayttightgleemmo 7.,2
-- - ::**lie) 414*(jrgeM4804111(tartiklal4A7t*O- 44s4j POWtheXlitat10 lit the orriottsividititeribed
°* IJOrr 4scAmPlfili!Pr4M400114w040)0414hWt410,4110,4014/11 oetherkuudAstaiict
tt4, ,_,.),./k `;t411 $ 4.M.Litt liestplae2V Isomflaip is Apra tteagfrailtWeetidteurthlOrdstetpal
l ..4 .i,A.‘.-r... --4, - - <, , - , - .
Ka I
plill..tA,r, :.,..! 1i1-- MaY.fie. 4r atw,le t,'...., --.he left c.-17 40 J--(' ,, 4 , 7,:ctance
ii.:;,41,:i.v1:-,!1. -i;var,-..- -.., --:,4-1,,,ee and sixt.y styve:11 .„..1.1j-46,..,•_-,,61: 1..., (.62, „,37 - p"..t-; :
tilC 4iito• a; at •Ai.mtAi telPfaitiubladk;i1w, ' . 1 ',4- ,,,.;.• ,40('IA ;AA'!:Aisi.:‘, (If' FO' '.•:
a*„ ,..-
54.114"4.A.414rthsi... -terkW.;414iftiktriW -WV"'1 ''''* - ' .. -1'1: " listiiiii--. at
esso maws 110i1.-lad otheeinteri aim, la e as nc den . . _
o& - in the right-of-way of the proposed. Northern Roil*,