180022 Original to City Clerk • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � 1022 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU , A RES*AN TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /� �,i, _ COMMISSIONER !' DATF RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings the property line of Lot 1, Stinson's Subdivision, Block 103, Lyman Dayton's Addition, is hereby established as the side lot line as it affects the Forest Street frontage of the property adjacent to the southwest corner of Forest and Margaret Streets. Coundl Tile Igo. 18002E—By Bernard' TT. loll- ' of He@+-. Church' trona e i ,Uc 1' of i of BStifS nl S e �y, p shaes s° • taf. . the Forma to sptt�vmeetf ProPerritri fret xtt�teets. Adopted by the Council October 16, 1 OO�V aabet 1A, 1964. {Octber 10 1S4d) --— OCT 161 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy � 1 Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli 4-'1 or ins in Favor 1 jo Peterson ayor O Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-58 2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 18' 622 Oct. 11, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church for the establishment of the property line as the side lot line as it affects the Forest St. frontage of the property adjacent to the southwest corner of Forest and Margaret, also described as Lot 1, Stinson's Sub. , Block 103, Lyman Dayton's Addition. Very truly yours Y City Clerk �. p.pq fs irm a t k I Y L o;" � Sl t yy - rr� .fit ;', -*PAU 7tMINNESOTA OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •••° `: •N 251242-253 1311 CITY HALL AND COURT NOM SAINT PAUL 2,MINNISOTA .......................... October 9, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church to establish the property line as the side lot line as it affects the Forest street frontage of the property adjacent to the southwest corner of Forest and Margaret. This property is described as lot 1, Stinson's Sub - block 103 - Lyman Dayton Addition. The zoning is "B" residence. This appeal is occasioned by plans of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church to construct a new youth building on the property. The building itself will be set back a distance of 4' from Forest. However, the building plans call for a canopy at the entrance approximately 8' wide which would extend to the sidewalk line. The Zoning Board finds this added facility would in no way affect or injure adjoining property and would materially facili- tate the utility and appearance of this building. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted. S CDL:FS C. 72Y' e s Enc. Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning /(11i 1?!":/// //:///:// , W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ROBERT A. LOBDELL ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks Director of Public Recreation City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF • PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner August 29, 1956 Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Okoneski: We are returning herewith a letter referred to this office by you from the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church requesting permission construct a canopy over the entrance of their new Youth Building at Forest and Margaret Streets. This is a matter that should be referred to the Zoning Board for recommendation as it is a breaking of the side yard line which is controlled by the Zoning Code. Very truly yours, - Alf ►- . H. Schroeder C.•� Architect AHS:al Enc. l:)ETHLE EM EV.' LUTHERAN CHURCH . E. KOBERG. PASTOR SERVICES 8:00& 10:00 A.M. i 924 MARGARET STREET iHa * SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 A.M. PHONE: TO.4787, BIBLE CLASS 9:15 A.M. FOREST AND MARGARET STS. . CHURCH PHONE: VA.6982 ST. PAUL 6. MINN. August 20, 1956 Mayor and Members of the City Ctpncil City Hall St. Paul 2, Minn. Honorable Mayor and Members of the St. Paul City Council: In regard to the new Yotth Building of Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Forest and Margaret Streets according to the city Code the canopy over the entrance on Forest Street is not permitted under the Building Code, as side lot clearance calls for a minimum of 41011 set back. Since said caopy would add much to the appearance and attract- iveness of our new Building, we kindly ask you you grant us Special Permission for building as shown on plans. Sincerely Your , /U- Pastor of Bethlehe Lutheran Forest & Margaret Streets ii d , f J ( 1, r. t li (Pi 1 R)iP 6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • St.,Paul, Minn., September 28, 19 56 Pursuant to Section 5 as a?nended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application. of Socorcy Mobil Oil to install and operate a filling station located at the nr%rthhPast corner ;If Vi]lard and Cleveland--extending 100 ft. north and 100 ft. east from the northeast-corner of Villard and C1 evaland in SW * of Section 16, Township 28, Range 23. will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the , 11th day of October , 19 56 .,.t 10 o'clock A.M.--- • Mrs. Donald ll...TiCourcy Page File 131192 Commission%of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance. ORIGINAL—TO PAYOR d CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK N. 1992 • • ROOM 388 • • CITY HALL Receive, I — ;A P T �, • Is 6k./41" y 11, ;-,, A -...0 1,,i,.. ..i., ...toliati • /Aft. �,� ME / ADDRESS / i Vekti2Ai/e 7, ki 44, , .1; eA-iuct44.4etiA,_,,L.. ___cet44.4_, , •• 4 / , .... ,,. IlrAt litL.dt BY CITY CLERK