180015 .18i M15 OrlYinsl to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C• NC L R •LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE / �� i` DATF RESOLVED, that McLean's Inc. be permitted to install and operate a customer parking lot on the west side of Lexington Avenue between Grand and Lincoln, on the south 50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Manson& Simonton's Addition, in accordance with applicant's plans approved August 23, 1956, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operating of parking lots, and to the further condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Council File No. 18001*-B9 Bernard T. Rolland— Resolved,That M Inc.be per- mitted to install a and to a cus- Qn west side of Le Avenue Grand and Lincoln. on the `. feet of Lots 1, S and S, Blo son & Simonaton's Addition - rdance wit a p ant tns 4 :41= the pro ns of all °: s _gov- erning the.operating btu: lots, and to thin er • ,':.• side- walks abut clean and free"at ice bear eS Adopted by the Comic° October 16. 19511. proved October 18, . (October.20, 1 ) -I ` 161956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli in Favor ° 1\11A---1-j Peterson Mayor Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 . OFFICE O F CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI • City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 4 , Oct. 11, 1956 v Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building ]ear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of McLean's, Inc. for permit to install a customer parking lot on the west side of Lexington Ave. between Grand and Lincoln, on the south 50 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4+, M.nson & Simonton's Addition, in accordance with applicant's plans approved August 23, 1956. Very rally yo , (II . 4,1,6i./41, City C vvvv erk .' I t \ —. ti .21 ' ' F p _ Ir t . CITY Of- Sit = -T- �_ MINNESOTA ;�•'t::r:ticii:�:�iiiikiii is ,':::•:: : tD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL "'•J''•••rr..� X� � :1fl.ffi.fly ISIS CITY NALL AND COURT NONNI MAINT PAUL I.MINNI$O*A September 4, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building • Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the apiihcation of McLean's Inc. for a permit to install a customer parking Sot on the west side of Lexington between Grand and Lincoln. This property is described as the south 50' of lots 1, 2 and 3 - block 4 - Manson and Simonton's Addition. At present the easterly 150' of these three lots is zoned "C" residence. The westerly 30' of these lots are zoned "Commercial." There is, at present, a petition pending to re-zone all of the property to"Commercial" . This application is predicated on the granting of this re-zoning petition. Under a previous letter, the Zoning Board has transmitted a recommendation • to the effect that this re-zoning petition should be granted. The property is presently used as a single-family home which is to be removed. The applicant proposes to develop the southerly lot which has a frontage of 150' on Lexington and extends westerly to a depth of 130' . The applicant's plans approved :`,ugust 23, 1956 meet all existing standards. There is a single-family home to the north which ultimately can be included in the plans to expand this parking facility. The capacity of this stage one parking facility will be approximately 12 cars. In consideration of the acute need for off-street parking in this area and the fact that the plans meet all existing standards, the Zoning Board re- commends that this permit be granted. n CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning The following property owners and residents in the neighborhood of Lincoln and Lexington Avenues object to a parking lot being placed on the property on the west aide of Lexington between Lincoln and Grand Ave - efelii #14°- - .. — AIAT-4`-`-de- --. 4 r ./10/ / _ ,444(A,4, --' U _ I d ry 4,ed-L aver--, 0 ?45---- 4,L Ot4r-t , 72,..t.„ 1 , i - 1 . A i --4 A c j/04.-"--e_ol--") ce.,. . 4„,,,i1, 4_4_,- /d 72.1-t hi9n, 7044, .-- 6z,1,-4-4-/t ie 7‘ ',..e-yvc-i-l-1"-d-IA-e-- 60 /G .-.(4-7c. - , (' 7 ,,,, .,--;- c .-,....„ ,,_ e..._ L_ e ,,,,,,7 ‘rg----0,k)“.._ • fr6./v.,,,v, to Y 2— 4:,,e,./- .Ai yam, / . A • 4 IiO /Ir rru� / � /le, /O 7d� ' , `• '/ , / ,t7 l ' c".6--e 4 ----- ee,,,,L,,,,7 .”_ _,(1 , e_a_,--7, ,,„fi„, Pk<-1,- • "A1 • flay of taint Paul, rinneseta APPLICATION roe IHIPSCIAtt COUNCIL HU PZ ET (Pisanw, type or print) TO THE H AIL EASOS AND CITY Di COMM OON>1�Et. • c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota • Gentlemen: reaedel sr a+eeeasatthat- an emirli4nliC Application is hereby made to .install and operate a new (cro out 0 TILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : -F_ v No, of tanks and capacity: c r C7 � W Oil PARKING LOT for (custclaers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ( indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot : ✓ twelve cars (approximately) To be used in connection with: ,-operation of Lexington Bar 1066 Grand Avenue • NISCHLLANBOUSe indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-yip Station, Ice Vendor, etc.). Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) : 63 South Lexington Parkway Legal Description :Lot Block Add°n South Fifty (50) feet, Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) • Applicant:s Name : McLeants Inc. 1J�C X Office Address: 1096 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Phone No. CA. 2-5878 - FOR • a Richard E. Aretz 425 Hamm Building Saint Paul 2, Minnesota 4//111".v"//--&4 IA, April 24, 1956.• • mai • ture date) Addre 9111P as indicated under "For/By the Applicant, " • • Phone No: CA. 2-7463 /When oempleted; file throe copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the Board of Zoning, Room 1318, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Z-3 7/3/54• • .--•--- __ ----_-• - --- -- _ .i....., (f o i 1 11 G p .. i V k \ h • i � 1( 1 .o � . ! i 11 i k ' h f� �!z° r(w z MINI �h I `t" \ h a 11 o * sitt MI i z 46 iej t ti il ..4 * : 4' ,4 j ti,-= k , ;3... 6 1- . q 4 I _ { r , :. r, Millm■--...1111111 4., . • /: „ k t \Z tk /4 k i ( ^ '1t` • I v 14 v o � 11 X11 . w, e ` I � h � � o Q � v� ii i 1 � Q4 � f �, � � o } 1% @ u • 0v fl t ei N . 1 ifi . 7 ,1 6' ' O' N 6' , V II 11, j _ .. �, f ,1 {' \ , off# E - - - - - - -.. c -- - - - - - l ! 1,., - - - -, 9 - - - - ', li t , 1 F ,( - ( ,% f , -�-/' � . ts H f h r 1 �,, a `!i - _ - i 1 i 1 I tl - — — — - - ------- — —T di % t i I f ' 11 0 I ■2 ∎ I t i �% } f II A A , L ' - '''' -- '.> i 4 i k) f - - -- `� 1Y t i \. ' ` :1111 >I-.r_ -_ __. -I.s �J b lQl CAI o s� o+?}+ir rs ne� w b , v ` 7‘ �,a. �I. Iv it f ii ' 0 i �, IiI i h v r ! a► i IA i 4 1 a ' in � I , ! it! i ik' i __4,_____L I. -.--jli---4c---1--.4,-----t ---ei i - ' . - ! ' ,_ i - a' 7 7 ,oZ K ' ' II : el ti'• • OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , - St. Paul 2, Minn. October 1„ 19.56. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of McLean's Incorporated, 1096 Grand Ave., for permit to install and operate a customer parking lot on £l.e west side of Lexington Ave. between Grand and Lincoln Ayes., -- except Ave.; the South SO ft. of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 14., Manson & Simonton's Addition to St. Paul. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on October 21 , 1956 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Page ; Files 13506 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance. • • • Adopted by the Council 19&_ Yeas Nays DeCO AND O ELND ARZITELLI OSEN /MK• PRESIDEN _ 8