D001946CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $20,178,00 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning 8. Economic Development to amend the 2000 budget of the City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, Council Resdution 97-1276 designated $750,000 from the 1997 STA.R program and $125,000 from Yhe General Fund balance for a one-time neighborhood investment initiative; and WHEREAS, Ward 3 Councilmember Patrick Harris has designated the West 7th Community Center as the recipient of a$5,000 grant; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the budget be amended to allocate funds to the West 7th Project 77441 and reduce the Neighborhood Investment Initiative Project 77125: Current Budget Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund P7-930-90306-0547-77126 Neighborhood Investment Initiative P7-930-90306-0547-77441 West 7th Community Center Net Change � � ��t� o� '� _ �,,. �. ,. , _ ,, � /l.�10.o7D Requeste�by: artment Director (Date) $0.00 Change ($5,000.00) $5,000.00 $0 No: U � � � �` C� �ate: r 1- a b' D a Amended Budget $15,178.00 $5,000.00 ��ci ��'� ��/�/� Approv y. Dir ctor of Pinancial Services (Date) C , J Dool9�� 11/16/00 GREEN SHEET N� 111012 Lesc 6- 6668 %J CAUNCIL AGFSIDA BY (DAt� ROOTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u ,a,u„�ro.,rtro� Brian u arvo,ue� _ ❑ c„r.,roxe�r �� 2❑ � Caro � wuxcw�amveFSOUe. � ❑ ax�xcu�a�rtaKCra ❑ rnroxcax.smsriwn ammer (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures on the attached Administrative Order to allocate funds to the West 7th Community Center PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IATMGPROBLEM ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where. Why) Resolution �F97-1276, passed on 10/15/97 IFAPPROVED AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION f S_ OOO _ _ Has Nis perso�rm e�er worked uMer a contract for this department? YES NO Has [his peisoNfirm ever Deen a ciry empbyee4 YES NO Dces this persoMfi�m possess a skill not normalypossessed by any cu�ren[ ciry employee? YES NO Is Mis pe��son/firtn a targeted venaon YES NO �lain all ves answers on seoaate sheet and attach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONE) � NO '� SOURCE -�T� �. ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMAiIOIiIE%PWN) ��\(J}�'1 930 - �vso� -�s��- �� ia� �� �.3v - �d3a� - asy7- ��5`�{i �/R � c h c�., �� ` S8 � v, so � v � i�/�5/0 o G�