179998 COUnrll File No. 19598.-ay '
In the;natter of grading =:• 6 998
Street &con Original to City Clerk ! a to ;
Margaret Street a
CITY OF S o1 1,, ' l> NO.
OFFICE OF THE l and tae :.
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PRESENTED BY %/fir t October 11, 1956
COMMISSIONS - - ��t� tidu • i
In the matter of grading Birmingham Street from Margaret Street to
Minnehaha Avenue, under Preliminary Order 176965 approved March 1, 1956
and Final Order No. 178487 approved July 12, 1956 and in the matter of
constructing a sewer in Birmingham Street from Margaret Street to 80'
north of Beech Street under Preliminary Order 177218 approved March 23,1956
and Final Order No. 178489 approved July 12, 1956.
RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as suhaitted for the
above improvement, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner
of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to place the gravel and oiling "
by City Forces at an estimated cost of $2,237.00 and the Purchasing Agent
proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby
directed to obtain bids for the improvement, the bids to show separately
the amount for the grading work (except the work to be done by City Forces)
and the amount for the sewer work as per plans and specifications, and
_the total to be considered as bids for the entire improvement, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including
engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $323.00 or a total of
$2,560.00, plus the cost of grading and sewer, be assessed against the
benefited property.
OCT 111956
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
11 IL,i6k3
DeCourcy OCT
Holland e @ proved 195-
Mortinson In Favor ��
noting Mayor
Rosen `' ' Against
r e a l e ,
514 6-56 0150,2
Duplicate to Printer
PRESENTED BY October 11 1956
In the matter of grading Birmin4ham Street from Margaret Street to
Minnehaha Avenue, under Preliminary Order 176965 approved March 1, 1956
and Final Order No. 178487 approved July 12, 1956 and in the matter of
constructing a sewer in Birmingham Street from Margaret Street to 80'
north of Beech Street under Preliminary Order 177218 approved March 23,1956
and Final Order No. 178489 approved July 12, 1956.
RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the
above improvement, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner
of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to place the gravel and oiling
by City Forces at an estimated cost of $2,237.00 and the Purchasing Agent
proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby
directed to obtain bids for the improvement, the bids to show separately
the amount for the grading work (except the work to be done by City Forces)
and the amount for the sewer work as per plans and specifications, and
the total to be considered as bids for the entire improvement, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including
engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $323.00 or a total of
$2,560.00, plus the cost of grading and sewer, be assessed against the
benefited property.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
Holland ' Approved 195_
Mortinson Tn Favor
r,.Fe.tersan, Mayor
Rosen Against
Mr:- __ en
5M 6-56