179984 Original to City Clerk 179984 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE CONKETTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT / / / October 11, 1956 COMMISSIONE• � DATF %//I%=/t%%/T WHEREAS: James F. Sylvester desires to withdraw Application D 12862 for Second Hand Auto Dealer License at 415 East Seventh Street and requests the return of the license fee posted thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to James Fe Sylvester the fee of $100.00 and to cancel said application for license. ',real rile l!e A- . ldo8y Bernard 'r+ rtinsot� /to F.F. . Whereas. ,Tames < S lvester to Withdraw App Second Hand-±Auto a+pn License tat 415 Eretuast rn Se t the c . , antee_eqpreg thereon, th • it rele ecli' a aiQp ef laf ere refund to Jame Syyil es$ fee of $100.00 and ids eel said applica- WITHDRAWAL don for license; (Refund) 1 Adopted by the *,tmcil October 11, Approved 0 . 11, 1956. (e n •ber 1•54) r111 6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays eC s 1� y O ' 7 1 N'` ? olland 'proved 195_ --MrtrZ' 1 ortinson Tn Favor J e ers n n Acting Mayor osen �/ Against Mr, resl e , SM 6.56 0E002