179956 tiounelt File No. 110956..- ,. , , , ,_ la the ma of a sewer mon N Avenue--to. Avenue 'a 20.ft; teftt 1' .be obtained),,' meat` + 'de. mitt scribed _ #: 27 Avenue('. nt � A nue itt a ft. / �� wide nt (to be obtained); said 6 • COUNCIL FIL ``NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained), said easement being described as the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 27 and the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 12, Block 4, Morton's Addition; from Montana Avenue to Hoyt Avenue in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained), said easement being described as the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 27, Block 1, Morton's Addition, and the northwesterly 20 ft. of Lot 26, and Lots 13 thru 15 inclusive, Block 1, Morton's Addition; in Nebraska Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 298 ft. west of Arkwright St. to 425 ft. east of De Soto Street; in Montana Avenue from the easement (to be obtained) saiei,;efaset,i$iag_Icribed'as the easterly 20 etc-144,1ot i2, Bleep,4Ai'rton'a _ Addition to DeSoto Street; in,Ho Avenue (to be opened from the easement to,be obtained, 'sail& irseie "nt-b�eing'd. i�d"ads the h ly 2fr'i'i riiititi' `3. ` t'1t i '1` inclu- sive) Blti k `1`,v Md 'bthil 4'`l dditiiiin' to'lilieelbck 'a ri a =}'`t onif eet k`1 .rkway to the terminus of Hoyt'Avenue 1,462,;ft.-;,.•west,olf vaev,u4st, ,©fey ge4@?A. t t'i4;A,i.BQ 50 iKlilevommyent (to;bed,, i ), 2434 eaeemen4 g described as the southerly 10 ft. of the north half of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the northerly 10 ft. of the south half-of..iiiiie •3Ri '-1/i#,of Ufa rti.6tibil'26',''sin.'iiiiiiiiiefts'iiiiiiiiiiirig from Wheelock Parkway to the terminus of Hoyt Avenue,462 ft. vest of the west line of Edgerton Street; in Hoyt Avenue from the terminus of Hoyt Avenue, 462 ft. vest of the west line of Edgerton St., to • • rtog streeli in pre ck kw,y f. m, • s van. to be ope.ed to � - is 0•�. I' 91755 f ° #` t +FC C3 # ..4i.i e n r* rl r c f. Ave. o �Se + ., e .1 • . f • ' x3 th- s' 4fit' Iiz} `9 wh 1 i� qA _ .i.l t ry�i t • e 4 'el "e F; .. ID13eItt } " ,, ., ,, V4•.e +.: n ,,tC ,e o a:i. St a IL., 5 1.i, . e 1.. Qe., . �iees, lr Piv T-t: X12 I,„ ¢ 27. Block , Morton's Addition, > ni 1 ti-ie 7)nr hve+s c :-, c) ft. of ' Lot C.i,. and L.Y'. 13 �h-. .i, ai;.l'3.z+.1 v;. , tlrA'i. .'_. Morton's :ai.F. Ation .,.-a.,. o 41,.t^,,.+. t Jf'n'o :kiiia + trt aiiz i+a a Ui.e tew.1y i 11.. treat af Arimo ioat .- tW 425 *OW IIMIlialtisili 40t1h41210012448*14101cAlf****A -mod ' _ito be obtained) said easement being describe! as the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1 , yl srtsn'a obtaiin st> , ' 's -h. ,: a •1roa � 13 he l9'inelu- i� f ' siveJ_liffIlAi _'tAt ti4N+I*clemistokoltulannes rpm lesoelmotlitnatigor..' ' OH loweiouo of M 4 5,:- I +uye.t Gf Mi{irosrt:zlime Qf` nt fi e tca 4* * oac::h nt (to. i ,, .a i4.ii [t►i� .A1turi edit1�t! * e r 14911 y4 tt, 411�t`; 1RM 4#4�e f of "' the IC ' ,Q :# #i� ri ffeN1 iemt►a` a�'therly 10 . of the south of the NW 1/4 of said Radon 20 laid easement extending from > reeloek hark ay to the terati r,f!-.l isy :dtreehue-,kb2_1t...v elt...ot,. 3imeat line of Berton Street/ in Korb , Avenue from the terminus of Hoyt Avenuee, 462 ft; asst of tiktf ,,, ine of lit. to Morten Street; is Wheelock from-Ioy t it _ . _ t that is approximi� f . _uthesat&rly-ai9 _.in ion at the emit* lines of eytt e. (to be opened) and likeeleek "riona and - .. Y: "t. the south- xeaterly '11ae otiout islk Y all qt VhilAlt-ii7 torte ,-0111W,il€t,sla t'eLOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman ,a v.-- Councilman ROSEN 'aY ' . Mr. Preside ill" `�.