10-226Council Rile # 10-226 Green Sheet # 3098796 RESOLUTION a � 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented WHER AS, Ch ter 293 of the ;iaint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regtilate the subject of noise in the City Saint Paul; and � WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound 1eve1 limitations � contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full comp]iance with Chapter 293 would 6 constitute an unreasonable hazdship on the applicant, othex persons or on the community; and 7 R WHEREAS, Shamrock's Irish Nook, represented by Michae] Runyon and Ted Casper, 9 Uwners, who have been designated as the responsible persons on the application, has applied for 10 a variance to present amplified music in a tent on the parking lot behind Shamrock's at 995 W. 7`" IV l? l; 14 I� 16 17 18 19 �� 21 » ?3 ?4 >> ?6 �7 �g �q i0 ;l 32 3> i4 i> 36 Street: and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on March 13, and from I:00 p.m. to 1130 p.m. o�i N:arch 17, 2010; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not gr�anted a variance it will not be able to present amplified music at 995 W. 7"' Stxeet; and WHEREAS, the Department of �'�afety and Inspections has reviewed the application and has made recomniendations regarding conditions for the variance; n�w, Yherefoxe, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Shamrock's Irish Nook, subject to the following condirions: 1) The variance sball be fox tlie liours of 5:00 p.m. ta ��:3(3-p.m. on March 13, and from 1:Q0 p.m. to ���3Q p.m. on March 17, 2010. 10:0� 10:00 2) All electronically powered ecuipment used in conjunction with the evenY shall not exceed 95 dBA, as measured inside the tent at the wall opposite the stage ox sound source. 3) "I`he applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide conrinuous sound level monitoring at all stages and each sound mix during the hours of the variance, to ensure compliance with Condirion #?. 4) All electronically powered eq.�ipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similar devices shall be turned off no later than 1-�-.30-p.m. on the event dates. 10:00 10-226 37 FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violations of the conditions set forth above on the first date may 38 i esult in revocation of the grant of a variance for the subsequent date, in addition to any criminal citation 39 which might issue. �0 Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of SaYety and Inspect�ons Bostrom � _ F� � Carter �') ✓ Harxis � _ By: �Y�� j"-��_ ftelgen Appzoved by the Office of Fmancial Services By: Approved by City Attorney � BY� �L�.�iO�nit,/G�� „ /> � Adopted by Council: Dafe �"f �a Adopt�on Certified by Coi cil Secretary $y: BY U� Approved b Date l� �( Sy° �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Creen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � — - -- — -- DepartmenUOfficefCounciC � Date fnitia+:ed: SI Dept. of Safety 8lnspections y� FEB 2010 Contac[ Person & Phone: � Mark Kaisersatt 266-9908 - - -- -- Assign Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Qate): Number 03-MAR-10 D��y�� ���x7t2� Por Routing Doc. Type: RESOlUT10N Order Green Sheet NO: 3098796 Department SentTo�Person Initial/Date 0 Dept. pf$afe ' & Insoections _ _ � _ I Dept.ofSafety&Inspections DepsrtmentDirecfor 2 CiN Attornev ____ City Attorney 3 Vlavor's O�ce � ?9a �or/Assistant _ _ k__'_—_ _ 4 Council � ______ _ _ _ _ C=N Counci{ _ __ i Citv Clerk , _ _ _ . _ _ _ Citr Clerk_ E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Karen Qlson CoMact Phone: 266-9143 � _ _ _ - _- _ _ - Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for :iignature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ __ _ _ .__ _ Action Requested: Approval of a cesolution gcanting Shamcock's Irish Nuok an exemption from the sound level limiCations in Chapter 293.09. Recommentlations. Approve (AJ or Reject (R): Personal Service Gont2cts Must Answer the Following Questions: Plamm�g Commission 1 Has this personff�rm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment� _ CIB Committee Yes No Ciwl Service Commission 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a aty employee? Yes No - 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current c�ty empioyee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet. __ _______ _____ ..____. _.__ Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Shamrock's Irish Nook, represented by Michael Runyon and Ted Caspex, Owneis, h�s cequested an exemphon fxom the sound level I mvtauons m Chapter 293.04 m order to present amplified musi�, with limitations, from ScOQ p m, to 11 �30 p_m. on Maroh 13, and from 1:00 p m. to 1130 p.m. on Mareh 17, 2010, in a tent on the parkmg lot behind Shamrock's at 995 W. 7th SReet Chapter 293.11 prov�des for the granh�g of variances fmm the sound level Grrntarions contamed in Chaptex 203.09 � ---- ---- -------___ ----------- Advantages It Approved: Applicant may piesent amplitied music. _ _. --- —�--- - - --�--___----- Disativantages If Approved: Neigh6ors withm eaz<hot of the noise source will be subjeetzd to music. Disadvaniages IS Noi Approved: AppLcant may �otpresent ampl�fied music. Total Amount of - - - - _ _. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - _ -._ Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Fandmg Source: ActiVity Numher. Financ�af Information: (Explain) February 11, 2010 1:32 PM Page 1 .- 10-226 DEPARTMENT OF SAYETY AND INSPEC170N5 Bob Kessler, Director CI�� �F .�1�IN� PE��. 375lackson Street, Suite 220 Te[ephone: b57-266-9090 ChristopherB. Colemm�, Mayor � O C �n*a Saim Pau4 Minnesota 55101-)806 Facsvrsile: 651-2 6 6 91 2 4 � �� Web: www,sryaul.gov/dsi C 2F - JV�-re e3 an.j��Ng cs� c�cu �+ald i�ke Application for Sound Level Variance City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance ChaQter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code l. Organization or person seeking variance: �� a. aaa�ss: q� S �c1 _�^ s�reo_.1_ �� GN� � U�� � � �(��I `� 3. Responsible person: YI/{ iGhi.tp_� IC� vi v r� T�_[�r�5� � 4. Tit1e or position:_� u? n,2 �C 5. Telephone: f tv S� ) �!$ S�— t3 8� r S l� �/9 y' 70 R7 6. Briefly describe the noise source and equipment invoived: `�pnt'f' �,,� hctc IL n� S f�u mr�G� � i.J�TH �QtNSIG aS {�51 ieU �IQVtl�Oµ-T � 7. Address or legal descriprion of noise source: q $� Lt� �,�v�¢A.� s� •�a.0 t F�'t h? 8. Noise source time of operation: �2.a_ � ct ri d 0 r� T 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise levels: r i 1-1t } �ea� i ('o �r2�r yt l .i__,....a .._.,� C,,..._a ,��- � ..,._,..__�_i L._ ._ � 10. Briefly state reason for seeking � I�P 1� � �(f �0A � Q.l�i r° 1 l. �ates during which the vanance Sigaature of responsible Retnrn completed Application and $164.00 fee to: CITY OF SAINT PAC3L DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS 375 JACK50N STREET, SUITE 220 SAINT PAUL, MN 55101-1806 (651)266-9040 � 3 -fi 11 !7 � 36 �, �`'i�h 1'� ��°l1�" Date: �b �-l�7olD il`3o Office Use Only AA-ADA-EEO Employcr Date Rec'd. Reviewed Date Public Nouce Sent Referred to Council Z��/�,� � ��p. � 6 y, � t�S �a G! o , ��c� Ie�- u�5 knc�� � � 10-226 To: Christine Rozak, Bob Kessler, And/or To whom it may concern, This is a letter of intent for the request for a temporary Sound Level Uariance at Shamrocks Irish Nook located at 995 West 7�' Street, St. Paul MN 55102. We are asking for an Sound Levei Variance for the following days for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day week: / LGN`L �"_�`,� Time of exten�s Type of event: Celebrating: Music Outside: Music Inside: Date: � Location: Time of extension: Type of event: Celebrating: Music Outside: Music Inside: Date: Location: Time of extension: Type of event: Celebrating: Music Outside Music Inside: Friday March 1 Tent in parlci Spm - 12 10 � �/z lot of Shamrocks � Yublic air (everyone is invited) t. trick's Week VE MiJSIC IN TENT (CD's turned off at 11: m sharp) YES, THE DI NELLIES lOpm-1:30am 13 Saturday March�, 2010 Ten in parking back lot of Shamrocks pm 2am ublic affair (everyone is invited) St. Pa ' ' �- O LIVE MUSIC IN TENT (CD's tur YES, PADDYWAGON lOpm - 130am Wednesday March 17, 2010 Tent in parking back lot of Shamrocks 9am - 1 am Public affair ( everyone is invited) St. Patrick's Da Live Music lpm - 11:30pm Yes, l0am - : am �p/ �"*��� � S �^,'` a \ I I; 3�� /'..r^, -� 0 t ; aU �' ' ii<3a P`'�. io-aa6 Thank you very much for talcing the time to look over our request, Tf�is is a very important time for us and our business. It is the busiest time of the year for us Irish folk and are very happy that St. Paul is so involved with this fun holiday. If there are any concerns or questions with the request that we have submitted, please do not hesitate to call Michael Runyon at (651)485-1383 or Ted Casper at (651)494-7087. We see this as a neighbor hood event and cannot wait to celebrate with our neighbors and other fellow St. Paulites. Thanks Again, , �-� - � r� �- ��._ �'-. �`�� � f �h d- �4i��� �e � �3 .� ; u,� � E �� � �� DSI RECEfPT 7ate: OZ0812010 2eceived From: MEEFY BEAT INC dba: SHAMROCKS fRISH NOOK 1253 STANFORD AVE ST PAUL MN 55105 Description: lnvoice Detaiis 680632 Noise Variance TOTAL AMOUNT PA{D: 'aid By: 'ayment Type � Check # � Received Date j Amou� frnoice Amount $164.00 CfTY OF SAINT PAU�O-226 Depertmairt of Saiery arM Inspectiws 375 Jarkwn Street Suite 220 Samt Paul, Mirmesofa 55101-1806 Phone�(651)266�8989 Far (651)2659124 wxw.siWau� grn/as� Amount Paid 5164.00 $164.00 Page 1 of 1