179850 Original to City Cleric 1798 50 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. q/ LICENSE COIPffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI R' ESOLUT ION E L FORM O ETAOY E October pt®ber 2* 1956 DA RESCLVEDt That License No. 5663 for laundry and Dry Cleaning Plant, expiring January 2, 1957, issued to Gilman A. Soberg at 1616 White Bear Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Gilman A. Soberg at 1182 Arcade Street. Couuc l File No.ver 179> A•-S Bn n �. aolland--Se Robert F.. n ,Np • for Resolved, t e plrindUg roa Sr man A. Sow at 1 Avdnue be Woe sienZi traleferred to, it.$obent at 1 Arkat��ee r� tetr b9 the Council October s. 1Approved October 2, 7968. (Qetober 8.1969) TRA/EFER (Location) OCT 21 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays eCourcy CT 2 111 „Al-gland :pproved 195- �rzitelli � o' n Favor Ada_ '�- eterson 4111 Mayor - osen Against �iGIr. President, Dillon SM 6-86 2