179838 • • .- COUNC -ILE N! - 179838 /,� I�,r a O�PkROC IN 1 QfATION BY /� _ . . L�/�/ • FINS OR CO D _. s .-� D.)INI�'S '�"• jrt aC +0+"tirb and y ry s r"* -,,K, a • - In the matter of T _ T ,. Art s ,. aIn a i' _,,r fit ■ widf 4Ind items'33 Bloc 3,'' & a Addition, and in the, ,,�theast • of the Northeast, 3a,,Sec-from e alley nock 3,29, W ee Hospes Addition, to Como Avenue; the center line of said strip is described as fol- lows: Beginri at a posit on the south tsmeter 1 of the alley is Block 3, ,r e$ Addition, 4 ft. north westerly o ,thee intersection of the lin C , approved June �9# 1956 • , between Lots 13 and 34 on the south- Westerly a of the alley; •thheednce on a line w line between to 334and4 99 , approved September 5� 1956 , from the line 34 and the,extensile. of to CosnO ti •". ':! 1*'C me "' " had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ` `" recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ft. , on , -- '. `S side of eh�t in Lot•33, Blo 8, Ware Yid Addition, and hi the Soutbdisat 3a of the Northeast- , Section"'2f"Township 29.• 2 23' it of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Also "a :• of land 8 ft. in width _ art i k'e so n,'. sterly aide of the ease- aid City* is Qenrleitming dad taking an ehaen e it!in Southeast A of the North- fdr the -purpose cthig and•,ist a nd ae*trip off land 2hfpt in Barite -a oes a.e pp of l 4 ft in width ft. in with st1�e the easterly side of the ease- , .on Lot 33, Bloc 3, Ware &.Hospes • sent in 33, Block 3, Ware & Hos-' Addition, and in the Southeast V of lees Additi n. I the Northeast la, Section 26, Township Also the northwesterly 6 ft. of Lot 29, Range 23,'from the alley in. Block in Bloelt'3,Ware$ Hospes Addition, .3, Ware & Hospes Addition, to Como• om the alley to the westerly line of ! Avenue; the center line of said strip t'34, Bl ak 3, Ware & Iioa a di- ' is described as follows: n, un Prelimiatrsry Order-l Beginning at a point on th south- proveil ine 29 Wt., J wester line of the alley in Block 3, Ware Hoopes Addition, 4 ft. north was of the interaction of the line and the Council hereby orders said improvl bet Lots 33,and:14 on.the south- westerly'line of y thence on. a lins,Which is ail to 'mod 4 ft. from lat.line between Lots 33 and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the 1 fo 34 and sae extedsion thereof to Como therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated an. Avg condemning and taking a tern- aking said improvements, viz.: porary easement for construction pur- ••ses on the followin A��+i rip of land side e ent ■ westerly, k for'main . 4_ N► ea •of theaast '?4'• 26, ToM� e ' .. �I,aEt "x:.C:�i ,, , ''' �° a strip�of' 8>�" width on Addition an. in + outh�easterrly� side of easement the Northeast v+,, - et! ? ' outheast 5a of the Northeast 3, Banta. ,. A. .of an2 Township li !tense 23. 3, Ware a8tt s A a s of land 2 ft: in width on Avenue; the cente 1 the southeaS side of the easement is described as fo I ow ',LO 't' ' ek z, Ware. & Hoopes RESOLVED FURT Beginning at a o Addition. ' i and is hereby instructed and westerly line of t a Also the northwesterly 6 ft of Lot 34 directed to prepare plan Ware & Hospes A.dit In Block 3, Ware & Hospes Addition, proper city officials are hereby westerly of the in# from alley to the'Westerly line of authorized and directed between Lots 33 a d_ Lot 34 3. Ware & Hoaven Adds- accordance therewith. westerly line of tt'I .ence on a line which is • 1 to and 4 ft. Adopted by the Cou from the lot line .tween Lots 33 and 19 34 and the extensi•n thereof to Como Avenue. Also condemning and taking a tern- 11 , , //` porary easement f• construction our- .,I . as ( poses on the folio- ng: A strip of land 8 e in width on e tin northwesterly Block (_, City Clerk. tide of the st it • ttis Lot h sto , Approved— 3, Ware & Hospe Addition, and in l the Southeast la • the Northeast '.a. Section 26, To., p 29,:Range 23. Also a strip of la d 8 ft.in width on the southeasterly s •e of the easement Mayor. in the'Southeast ', of the Northeast? !a. Section 26, 'Po 'ship 29, Range 23, ' Councilmen: and a strip of lan• 2 ft. in width on Pi the southeasterly si•e of the easement 1 DeCoura in Lot 33, Block , Ware & Hospes Addition. 4 ` RaPPNEXCix , Also the northwe • riyy�8 ft. of Lot 34 in Block 3 Ware Hasps Addition, i Holland /from the alley too •e westerly line of 1 (e„....„,./..,,,7° Marzitelli Lot 34, Bteek 3, W &.Htosvea�-A`di �tion, Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 500 7-55 aelallo®