179836 PUPAL maaR earrawmaisrioN COU FILE''NO. O 178 , .)836 / I D. couaci NB E79$36—BY !'ra�alc BY s N FINAL ORD I' CONDEMT ' . : � P}w ,*INGS f 4. In the matter of •1•-u I . $. . 1. se . 1 u s s S = . s, I - - ` • - - - cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospes Addition, Ware and Hospes Re-arrangement `A, and the Southeast 4. of the Northeast 4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, fran Dale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, • under Preliminary Order 177786 , approved May 9, 1956 Intermediary Order 179494 , approved septemhr 5, 1956 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospes Addition, Ware and Hospes Re-arrangement A, and the Southeast 4 of the Northeast I, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from Dale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospes Addition, Ware and Hospes Re-arrangement`A, and the Southeast of the Northeast 4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, frcm Dale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Can- missioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council—_ ���� _ , 19 COT 2 11SS � /` � - • 'ty Clerk. Approved— .W , 19 rT,73LisHED 6.—•4-4 Mayor. Councilmen: Glxbbnut DeCourcy AfklATMOS Holland Marzitelli Peterson Ros Mr. President,Dillon 500 7-55 CITY OF ST. PAUL • • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 12:(A A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f .7 • In the matter4of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospesr Addition, Ware and Hospesr Rearrangement "A", and the Southeast} of the NE 1, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from Dale Street to West Jessamine Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved Mg, 9, 19% To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The zrzbecimazzockalmonalimparacemakeudenzioquoicemeos t of the abrnr$ nt is - - - $ 50.0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement istaken- - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be for ch improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LO :Lock ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION .... __.__.__ �_--- _.____._.�_.-- �--.--_-•------_._..._..____� ;hand_._Rnildin� Ware and Hospes Rearrangement j i "A* St. Paul, Minnesota Lots 1, � s 2 and 3 ' do ; �, 5108. 9800. 1 It E do ; 750. 3000. 5 ; do li 800. 5250. 6 do 1 800. 3050. 7 do 800. 3350. 1 i 8 do �I 800 . 2700. iI, 9 do 800. 3500. I .do 10 800. , � 3500. _________:i___t L______ L 1 _ TOTAL, Form B.B. 10 . • .r• • CITY OF ST. PAUL . ' . Pogo 2 , . . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 11 ; I ASSESSED 11 DESCRIPTION LOT 1 BLOCK ADDITION 11 _yALUILTI rid dv_________-____ • : • Ware and Hospes Addition 11 2 3 do il i 1 7w en,‘ . 3500. il if 3 ' 3 do l 500. 3250. il• 4 ' 3 do i 500. 3900. ., f • 1 5 do 4 1 i 3 o 5oo . 550* 6 3 do t 1! 500. 14200. 11 ,, Ii 11 11 7 3 do '1 500. ti 4000. 8 3 do i' 500. 2100. 9 3 do !I 500. 3000. i ., 10 3 do - il 500. 2800. I . . ., 11 3 ' do 'I' 500. 3000. 0 • 1 , 12 3 do II 500. 3400. li I !i 13 3 - do 500. 1800. P 1 .1 14 3 • do L,1 500. 3450. 15 3 . do 1 500. 2000. 1 il • 16 I 3 . do 0 gnn. 3050. # , • 1.7 3 do II. 500. 2700. II i , - 18 1 3 • do li 500. 3300. 19 3 . do 500. 2950. 20 ! • do . il 500. 3000. 4 • 21 3 . do '.1 500. 4300. II 221 3 . do :1 500. 3500. , I •I • 23 3 . do d cm II -''''• 4350. ii 24 3 . do . 75 4400. 4 ill 475. il 25 3 . do 3850. 263 , . do ii 1475. 2750. ii _ii_, • 27 3 ' do 1 475. 14.6.0.. _ il li FORM B.B.1 I TOTAL . : i CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 3 r - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B _----=_-------_ - -------- ! II DESCRIPTION LOT t BLOCK ADDITION ,I )! VALU ASSESSED r E• il , Ware & Hospes Addition i Lot 28 & East 20 ft. of " 29 j 3 do ji 700. 2950. 1' Li Lot 30 & except East 20 ft.; 29 3 do l 650. 3200. I Lots 31 and 32 I 3 do 725. 4000. 1a E li a Willy 100 ft. of SE'ly 260 ft. of piirt of SE j* of t NE }, NE'ly of Como Ave. & NWTly ofISEtl lime of I; „ Lot 35, Block 3, Ware & Hospes Add.i to St. Paul, 4 1. Minn., & Silly of extended Silly line of` alley in ii !? ad Blk. 3, also part of sd * }, NE'ly ofi ad tend- II 11 ed line W. of ad Addition &- S. of JeasamLne ire., II 11 all in Section 26, Township 29, Range 23 4 2350.- 4850. li 1 1' Beg. at a point on NE'ly line of C o Ave. 1 , ft. II Welly from Shy oor of Lot 35, Bloc 3, Ware & " Hospes Addition to St. Paul, Minn.. th NBV ly par it with Slily line of ad Lot 150 ft.; SVly ar with ±; Como Ave. 60 ft.; th Slnly to a point en ad vs. ii line & 60 ft. from beg; th NW'ly tol bog;i bei I; part of Lot 33, Block 3, ad Ware & Hosp0 ii j; & part of SE * of NE * of Sec. 26, T. 291, R. 23. !v 1200• s I 1 ,' A also tract lying NE of Como Ave. & be the SE'Iy ii line of Lot 314, extended to ad Avs. & a inet60 ft. NWIly from & par to ad extended lie & S fly 20 ft. _ j of Lot 33 & all of I 34 { 3 L do ' 1200. -3750. ; A triangular piece of land bounded n thpe E. 1 by the W. line of Lot 35, on the NW side the! NW .by of 1 ad Lot produced to Como Ave. & on a SWI aide,by ad 4 Ave. & all of 35 ; 3 ' do ,I 800. 4500. II { 36 3 do I; 800. 2750. f( 37 3 do ii 800. 4600. i i 38 3 i do 800. 3850. 39 3 do 800. 141400. I I 140 3 do I' 800. I i 41 ; 3 ' do 800. 3300. 1 il 42 3 i do t 800. 31400. ii 43 i 3 do 800. 14200. I, ( 44 3 i do . r 800. 14300. I I FORM B.B. i TOTAL J - -L• . CITE OF ST. PAUL . DEPART ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE IMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT sfu ct ADDITION ASSESSED 'Ware and Hoopes Addition I - .. -80Q, g204 46 3; do eg/Q _;.__3-640 - I a_. b7_ , 3 ! _ do 804_1_. __ . lot-lt8 & lam_. -of 149 3 1 do _ ____ _..._ __.__._.. _ ._ ___ _.124104� .:_., .15410 _._.. ._. -Lot tI do-SIC.. - _ _ -- 49. 3 - do -_ ._ ■ 53 3 -t ... �t_-..i _ Oat___.._..._ i ? ; t 3 do . Std - , 41 w _ 55 . 3 - .do_. -750* . - - -- 9 t __ -57 3 d@ t ' 1 -. I 1, ,_ t E ' _ I } Total kr9slt 54 227i,9QQ. The Commissioner of Finance further reports th t he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon t the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pu lic Works. ,t7 Dated 8eptes#oer It 19 56 '' % A5[.e.p dX,.d. ♦r[- 42 Commissioner of Finan Form B. B. 12 .. . 33 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 i Nay l8, , 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Ci iLT of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hid under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 177846 " approved MV 9, 19 56, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hoopes' Addition, War-, and Segos' Rearrangement vA•, and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/41 Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from Hale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, A and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement icy necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ __., and the total cost thereof is $ Xocsat I and the nature and extent of said improvemelit is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1 4. ` ., tallit 5. Said • nprovement is asked 'or upon petition of three or more owners of u ,i subject to assessment for said improvement. FRANK D. MARLI I i1'' 4 / Co.,,. !"lnr 4 die W"'' 2M 7.49 �.8 RE�j .{��g 6 li, / , i NlAY22 � eta, AVT 9 9