179816 Original to City Clerk�• • _. , *. , RDINp . ' ; ; ;. . A: . r I k ,al / PRESENTED BY / ii�,_ / 164 NO /0 5- . A. An ordinance to license and regulate coin-operated mechanical amusement d vices in the City of Saint Paul and to provide pe, alties for the violation, thereof, and to repeal Ordinance No. 828?, approved September 11, 1941; Or nonce No. 8928, approved July 16, 194?; Ordinan e No. 899?, approved October 31, 1947; Ordinance No 918?, approved December 9, 1948; Ordinance No. 9266, approved May 5, 1949; Ordinance No. 9946,. ap roved July 23, 1952; Ordinance No. 9947, approved Jul 23, 1952; Ordinance No. 10183, approved November 24, 953; Ordinance No. 10387, approved October 21, 1 54; Ordinance No. 10560, approved July 15, 1955 and Ordinance No. 10562, approved July 15, 1955 This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safe y. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A coin oper ted mechanical amusement device is hereby defined as any machi e which, upon the insertion of a coin, token or slug, operat s or may be operated by the public for use as a game, entertai ent or amusement, which amusement device contains no automati pay-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, token or merchandise, or which provides no such pay-off by any oche means or manner. The term "coin operated mechanical amuseme t device" shall include:-eo-called pinball machines; music mac ines; motion picture machines; amusement rides, excepting hose provided for under Ordinance No. 10590, approved July 28, 1955, pertaining to amusement rides of the type used at carnivals; table shuffleboard games or similar games of amusement for which a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof; and all other machines which, by the insertion of a coin or token, operate for the entertain- ment or amusement of the player, except weighing machines. Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall own, operate, maintain or keep f operation within the City of Saint Paul any such coin op rated mechanical amusement device as hereinbefore defined, without first having applied for and received a license thereforlas hereinafter provided. Section 3. Any person desiring to engage or continue in or carry on the business of a mechanical amusement device owner or operator, except those persons owning or operating only music machines or amusement rides, shall file an application with the City Clerk for a license sol to do and shall deposit with the City Clerk the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) , and said City Clerk shall Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli 1 Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Atte e:5:::Va...4.4 City Cle 74 / Mayor 4117/#4.47 1 -56 Apo 8 , • 6 ^Ctri 7/ / '47'f , M CI si C c, /o5 thereupon deliver to said applicant duplicate receipts therefor containing a statement of the purpose for which said deposit was made, and one of said eceipts shall be attached to and filed with said applicatio . The application shall state the name, residence, place of usiness, and the places where the applicant proposes to inst 11 and operate such machines, the kind and number thereof, a d the address of the place where his machines are to be sto ed. All applications for machine licenses, including music achines, shall contain a statement of the list price of such chines. In addition to the deposit of $300.00, which shall consti- tute the fee for engaging in said business, the applicant shall deposit for each machine, xcept music machines and coin- operated amusement rides, Owned and operated by him, the sum of $25.00 per machine per nnum. Licenses for music ma hines shall be applied for by' the owner or operator of such chines, the application being made to the City Clerk, and a d posit for the annual license fee made at the time of the application, in the sum of $10.00 per machine. No other license shall be required hereunder for the operation of music machines. Licenses for coin-ope ated amusement rides shall be applied for by the owner o operator of such machines, the application being made to he City Clerk, and a deposit for the annual license fee mad at the time of the application shall be the sum of $150.00 for en amusement ride machines or less, and the sum of $10.00 per chine for each amusement ride machine in excess of ten machines. No other license shall be required hereunder for the operation of such amusement ride machines. The licensee shall reeive in addition to the license, one annual license tag for each machine he is licensed to own, which tag shall be displayed upon the machine in a prominent place, such license tags must be Secured and affixed to the machines before machines are set up for operation by the public. It shall be the responsibilitir of licensee to obtain and affix such tags to said machines. No license issued hereunder may be transferred, but a machine with license tag a fixed may be moved by the owner from one location to another. Report shall be made to the License Inspector by the owner or operator within ten days of such transfer, setting forth the facts thereof. Upon revocation of antr license provided for herein, no refund shall be made of am portion of the license fee. In the event an owner or operator of machine license?is issued subse- quent to the beginning of he license year, the applicant shall pay the pro rata portion o the license fee from the date of issuance to the end of the license year. All applications for machine licenses, including music machines, shall contain a statement of the list price of such machines. The License Inspector shall confiscate any machine set up for operation by the public if the same is not properly licensed or is operated by an owner or operator not licensed for said purpose. 4 ill Ji° lovi 70 kr1-0 Section 4. Any licen e granted under the terms of this ordinance may be revoked the City Council at any time without a hearing and without not co to the licensee. Any misstatement of fact in the applicatio for said licenses shall be grounds for revocation of such li ense. Section 5. Said licenses shall hereafter terminate on the 31st day of October each ear unless sooner revoked or forfeited. Section 6. No person, firm or corporation licensed here- under or under any other o dinance of the City of Saint Paul shall permit to be operate in any such licensee's place of business any such machine Or device, except amusement rides and music machines, by any person under the age of eighteen years. uin4igit" No person employed by any person, firm or corporation licensed hereunder or/any other ordlinance of the City of Saint Paul shall permit to be operated in any such licensee's place of business any such machine or device, except music machines and amusement rides, by any person under the age of eighteen years. Neither any person, firm or corpor=tion licensed hereunder or under any other ordinance of the City of Saint Paul, nor any employee of any such licensee., shall permit to be operated in any such licensee' s place of busine- s any such machine or device for the making of side bets or gam•ling in any form. Section 7. No license- shall permit the operation of a music machine upon his premises in such a manner that the music is audible in adjoining pr-miser to the disturbance of the residents of such premises between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. on weekdays, pro aided, however, that the operation of such machines is permitted from 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays until 2:00 a.m. on Sundays, and urther, that no licensee shall permit the operation of any music machine in any manner between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 9:0' a.m. on weekdays, nor on Sundays from 2:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Section 8. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment in the Workhouse for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. Section 9. Ordinance o. 8287, approved September 11, 1941; Ordinance No. 8928, approv d July 16, 1947; Ordinance No. 8997, approved October 31, 1947; Ordinance No. 9187 approved December 9, 1948; Ordinance No. 926 , approved May 5, 1949; Ordinance No. 9946, approved July 23, 19 2; Ordinance No. 9947, approved July 23, 1952; Ordinance N . 10183, approved November 24, 1953; Ordinance No. 10387, appro ed October 21, 1954; Ordinance No. 10560, approved July 15, 1 55; and Ordinance No. 10562, approved July 15, 1955, are hereby epealed. Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE , COUNCIL FILE NO. , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. • Section 10. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. • OCT 181 . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ncil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) �'•.? .roved• CT 1. 8 `�=� •:: Attest , ' '1) 1 19 City Clerk Mayor 8 PUBLISHED/ ,a l "- Original to City Clerk • ORDINANCE / COU CIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B L RDINAI'QCE NO. An ordinance to license and regulate coin-operated mec anical amusement •evices in the City of Saint Paul and to provide penalties for the violation thereof, and $o repeal Ordinance No. 8287, approved September 11, 1041; Ordinance No. 8928, approved July 16, 1947; Ordinance No. 8997, approved October 31, 1947; Ordinance No. 9187, approved December 9, 1948; -Ordinanc No. 9266, ap•roved Mays$; 1949; Ordinance No. 9946, approved July 23, 1952; Ordinance No. 9947, approved ly 23, 1952; Ordinance No. 10183, approved November 2' 1953; Ordinance No. 10387, approved ✓ October 23", ' 954; Ordinance No. 10560, approved July 15, 1955; an: Ordinance No. 10562, approved July 15, 1955. This i an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for he preservation of the public peace, health and safe y. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A coin operated mechanical amusement device is hereby defined as any ma hine which, upon the insertion of a coin, token or slug, ope :tes or may be operated by the public for use as a game, entert nment or amusement, which amusement device contains no automatic pay-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, token ' or merchandise, or which provides no such pay-off by any othe means or manner: The -term "coin operated mechanical amusemen• device" shall include so-called pinball machines; music machi es; motion picture machines; amusement rides, excepting tho >e provided for under Ordinance No. 10590, approved July 28, 1'1.5, pertaining to amusement rides of the type used at carni -ls; table shuffleboard games or similar games of amusement for which a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof; Ind all other machines which, by the insertion of a coin or tok , operate for the entertain- ment or amusement of the player, e cept weighing machines. Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall own, operate, maintain or keep for operat on within the City of Saint Paul any such coin operated mec anical amusement device as hereinbefore defined, without firs , having applied for and received a license therefor as hereina ter provided. Section 3. Any person desiring to engage or continue in or carry on the business of a mechanical amusement device operator shall file an application with the City • erk for a license so to do and shall deposit with said City Cl;rk the sum of $100.00, and said City Clerk shall thereupon delive to said applicant duplicate receipts therefor, containing a - atement of the purpose for which such deposit was made, an, one of said receipts shall be attached to and filed with said application. The appli- cation shall state the name, residence, place of business, and the places where the applicant proposes to instal , and operate such Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the •ouncil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City k I} Mayo 1M 6-56 wigiWo 8 �,V �� ' _75.2 t/49 ekA., 1 179816 machines, the kin and number thereof, and the address where his machines are to be stored. In addition to he de sit of $100.00 which shall constitute the fee for engaging , n said business, the applicant shall deposit for each such machine, exc t music machines, owned and operated by him, the sum of $25. .0 er machine per annum. In the event ten or more mechanical amusement devices are to be operated on one loc- oion, the operator of the business located on said premises - all first secure a mechanical amuse- ment arcade license. The - oplication for such license shall be made to the City Clerk, ano the applicant shall deposit as the annual license fee the ,=of the sum of $200.00. Any person desiring to gage or continue in or carry on the business of a mechanic-1 usement device distributor, who intends to retain title to suo machines, exclusive of music machines, but install them upo premises not owned by him, and service said machines from the applicant's place of business, shall file an application ith he City Clerk for a license so to do and shall deposit wi h th,- City Clerk the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), and -- id City Clerk shall thereupon deliver to said applicant uplic: te receipts therefor contain- ing a statement of the pur osefb which said deposit was made, and one of said receipts s all b= attached to and filed with said application. The app icatio shall state the name, resi- dence, place of business, ' nd the places where the applicant proposes to install and op rate s ch machines, the kind and number thereof, and the ad ress o the place where his machines are to be stored. In addition to the de osit of %300.00 which shall constitute the fee for engaging in sa d business, the applicant shall deposit for each such mach ne, except music machines, owned and operated by him, the sum o Twenty- , ve Dollars ($25.00) per machine per annum. Licenses for music machines shal be applied for by the owner or operator of such chines, t e application being made to the City Clerk, and a d posit for t e annual license fee made at the time of the ap licattion, i the sum of $10.00. No /other license shall be re ired hereuno-r for the operation of music machines. All the licenses pro ided for hereil must be placed on display in the premises, n or before No -mber 1st of each year, and shall be renewe prior to Novem'er 1st each following year. No license issued hereunder may be tr sferred, but a machine may be moved by t1e owner from one ocation to another. Report shall be made to tle License Inspect, by the distributor within ten days of such tiansfer, setting fo th the facts thereof. -2- 5 .17U816 Upon revocation ofany license provided for herein, no refund shall be made of portion of the license fee. In the event a distributor 1 c nse is issued subsequent to the beginning of the license a r, the applicant shall pay the pro rata portion of the li« -nse fee from the date of issuance to the end of the license y-ar. All applications for me.,hine licenses, including music machines, shall contain a statement of the list price of such machines. The License Inspec,or shall confiscate any machine set up for operation by the' pu'•lic if the same is not properly v licensed or is operated by atV stributor not licensed for said purpose. bb rector or Visible identificatio shal be affixed to each machine to show the ownership or distrib tionship thereof. It shall be the responsibility of the own:r or operator to obtain and affix such identification said machines. Section 4. No person, firm o corporation licensed hereunder shall permit to be operated in any such licensee's mu..« yho.cl∎1nes place of business any such machine_ •rdev_ice., except sement -" rides, by any person under the age ' f eighteen years. No person employed by any per on, firm •r corporation licensed hereunder shall permit to e operate . in any such licensee 's �,ti.« �������� , place of business any such machine o . device, exceptelmusement and rides, by any person under the age o eighteen years. Neither any person, firm or corpor tion licensed hereunder, nor any em- ployee of any such license , shall pe t to be operated in any such licensee's place f business • ny such machine or device for the making of s de bets or mbling in any form. Neither any such licensee nor any emplo ee of any such licensee shall permit the giving, or give, in = such place of business, any prize, award, merchandise, gift, mon-y or any other thing of value to any player of any such machi e or device in connection therewith. Section 5. Any license granted unde the terms of this ordinance may be revoked by the City Counc 1 at any time without a hearing and without notice to the licensee. Any misstatement of fact in th applications fo , said licenses shall be grounds for revocation of such lice se. Section 6. Said licenses shall hereafte terminate on the 31st day of October of each year unless s• •ner revoked or forfeited. Section 7. Any person violating any provi; ons of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and pon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment in the Workhouse for a period of to exceed ninety (90) days. -3- Original to City Clem ORDINANCE 17981 . COUNCIL FILE NO.179816 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 8. Ordinance Na . 8287, approved September 11, 1941; Ordinance No. 8928, approv d my 16, 1947; Ordinance No. 8997, approved October 31, 1947; Ordinance No. 9187, approved December 19, 1948; Ordinance 9266, a pro ed May 7' 1949; Ordinance No. 9946, approved July 23, 19 2; $ dinance No. 9947, approved July 23, 1952; Ordinance No. 10 83, .pproved November 24, 1953; 'Ordinance No. 10387, appro ed 0e ober 'V 1954; Ordinance No. 10560, approved July 15, 1 55; Ordinance No. 10562, approved July 15, 1955, ar hereb, repealed. Section 9. This ordinance is •ereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessa for the preservation of the public peace, health and safe , . Section 10. This ord nance shall take effect and be in force from and after its p ssage, appro a\\ publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzirtelli Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 map.8 -4- Triplicate to the Comptroller • ORDINANCE .179816 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance to license and regulate coin-operated mechanical amusement devices in the City of Saint Paul and to provide penalties for the violation thereof, and to repeal Ordinance . 8287, approved September 11, 1941; Ordinance . 8928, approved July 160 1947; Ordinance MO. 8 , approved October 31# 194 Ordinance 91. approved December 9, 1944 Ordinance No* 92660 approved Nay To 1949.4 Ordinance • . 9946, approved J' 23, 1952; Ordinance r. 9947, approved July 23, 1952; Ordinance No0 10183, approved r 24, 1953; Ordinance . 10 : * approved October '3, 1954; 14- .00- approved July 15, 1955; and Ordinance . 10562, approved July 15, 1955. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. MR COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP SAINT PAUL DORS ORDAIN* Section 1. A coin operated mechanical amusement device is hereby defined as any ,,., ..t which, upon the insertion of a coin, token or slug, tee or may be operated by the public for as a game, en ,„ :.nt or amusement, which amusement device contains no autema ,le pay-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, tokens or merchandise, or which provides no such pay-off by any other means armament ThcKterm °coin operated mechanical amuseMent devicse° shall include 8044caliee pinball machines; Music machines; motion picture machines; amusement rides, except those provided for under Ordinance No* 10590, approved July 28, 1955, pertaining to amusement rides of the type used at carnivals; table shugiehcard Samos • similar games of amusement for which a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof; and all other machines which, by the insertion of a win or token, operate for the entertain- ment or amusement of the player, except weighing machines. Section . No person, fire or corporation shall own, operate, maintain or keep for operation within the City of Saint Paul any such coin operated rilehaalcal amusement device as hereinbefore defined, Without first having applied for and received a license therefore as hereinafter provided. Section 3. Any person desiring to engage or continue in or carry on the businees of a Mechanical amusement device operator shall file an application with the City Clerk for a license se to do and shall deposit with said City Clerk the sum of $100.000 and said City Clerk shall thereupon deliver to said applicant duplicate receipts therefor, containing a statement of the pose for which ch deposit was made, and one of said receipts shall be attached to and riled with said application. The appli- cation shall state the name, residence, place of business, and the places where the applicant proposes to install and operate such Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzi'telli In Favor Mortinson Peterson — Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved• Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 8 III Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 179816 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section . . , ,., No. 62671. ]fir Sep r 11 1941; Ordinance 0 89 :40 * . .ar 16# 94'F; Ordinance No* :w«` approved October 31 .:' 1 . 9187* APProved Thacember 9, 1948; Ordinance 926-0 ► '�r 7, 1949; Ordinance No. approved 230 1 .� s g 2 No. 947 approved smoved Ally 25# 1952; Ordinance . 10 ;3# approved November 24,E 1953; Ordinance Nos 103870 oPIP . :' . ., Sher 23# 19541 Ordinance No* IWO, aPProveld Oa, 15, 1955; and Ordinance N00 1056210 approved July 15, 1955# IWO hereby Section 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be emergency ordinance necessary for the preservation of p ublic peace, e qty. section 10. � e nano, obeli take effect be force iron and after its Passage* approval and publication, II 1 I Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland , Marzirtelli , Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 oWie.8 Quadruplicate to Department ORDINANCE 179816 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance to lima and coln**operated, mechanical amusement devices in the City of Saint Paul and to provide penalties for the violation thereof, and to repeal �, . No. 8�', approv September 11, 1941; ► ce - . 8928, approved ice , 47' Ordinance No. „..* . .rov +d October 31, 194 ; Ordinance No. 91- , approved December 91 1" -; Ordinance . , approved Ilag 7, 19491 Ordinance No. 994, approved slialy 23, 1952; Ordinance 10. 994T, approved J 23, 1952; �,�e No. 10183, approved November 24, 19 NO. 10r app ved October 23, 1 i , ; No. 10 approved July 1 , 1955; and Ordinance Nos 10562, approved July 15, 1955. This is an energency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OP TON C OP SAINT PAUL DONS Oltrdas Section 1. A coin operated mechanical amusement 4evice hereby defined as any machine which, open the insertion of a coin, token or *lug, operates or may be operated by the public for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, which amusement device contains no automatic -off device for the return of money, coins, checks, tekens or merchandise, or which provides no such pay-off by any other means or wry Martens *coin • ►rated mechanical amuseetent device Shall include so-called pinball i s; nam0 machines; motion picture machines; amusement rides, those provided for under Ordinance Nos IMO, approved July ,� 1955, pertaining to swimsuit rides of at arnvalsa table shuileboard games or similar games of amusement for which a fee is abused to players for the playing thereof; all other machines which, by the insertion of a coin or token, operate for the entertain- ment meat or amusement of the player, except weighing machines. Section 2. No perms, firm or corporation shall own, operate, maintain or keep for operation within the City of Saint Paul any such coin Oersted meehanical amt device as hereinbefore defined, without first having applied for and received a license therefer as hereinafter provided. Section 3. Any paragon desiring to engage or contime in or carry on the business Of a mechanical apt device operator shall file an application with the City Clerk for a license so to do and shall deposit with said City Clerk the sum of $100.00, and said City Clerk shall thereupon deliver to said applicant duplicate receipts tree er,, containing a statement of the purpose �eh such d ►sit was made, of said receipts shall be a to filed with said application* The appli- cation shall state the mu.* residence, place of business, and the plasma where the applies, proposes to install ll and operate such Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinsan Peterson — Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 8 Quadruplicate to Department ORDINANCE 79 COUNCIL FILE NO. � '' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. motion 8. 8237. entre► 3 r 11 19241 ortunanm, 8926 , 1� � � . s aPProved October 3304 9 87, 0PProved Dicedber 90 19411; Oriinance 9266* Mgr Ts 1949; Ordinance No, 9946i approved July 230 't*,S; Cullum* No, 7, approved 23, 19$23 1.0 , 24, 1953; Ordinance No, ao`o- a <:m October 250 19; OrIin No* 10560,0 approved 15# ; and Ordinance No* 10562s ePProved Jell' 15, 1955, hereby r Section 9. ordinance is tom be se x^"+ ordinance rendered necesaary for the preservation of the public peace* health and allitty• titte 10. This ordlnanoe take *Mot and be in force fryer and air ite pa , approval and ; ice.. II Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 8 yw 179 816 tea, the kind and somber thereof, and the address where his machine* are to be Stored* In addition to it of $100.00 � constitute the for a business, the applicant .shall �t for each as t sus machos, 'd and Operated by him, the of 250 per machine mum* DA the event ten or more mechanical amusement devices are to be operated on one Ineations the operator or the teat located on said premises shall first a mechanical meat arcade lieense* The application for such license shall be to City Clerk, and the applicant *hall deposit as the annual license fee therefor the sum Or 4200*00* Any person desiring to engage or or carry on the business of a misehanical amusement device distributor, who intends to retain title te suoh smehinet* exclusive or sulaie machines, but premises sat d by , and morale* said ne ad plata* Of business, shall agile an applitati- with the City Clerk for a license so to do and shall do t_ ,Ith the City Ole* the sum or ree Hundred Zoller* (4, f said City Clerk shall thereupon deliver to ;aJ,, A , cate receipt* therefor certain lag a statement 0 ' t . , Jbr *bleb said deposit WaS and one or said be attached d to and riled with said application* � i ation state the , reel place of ss* and the places where the aat se* to install and rate such a, the kind and lumber thereof, and the Wrests Or the place r hit machines are to stored, In addition to the t a r awl constitute a the foe for e said a lc nt shall . . sit for such i ohi , except la maehines, owned and operated by his* the sun of Twentywrive Dollars (425.00) per machine per annum* Licenses for music smehines shall be applied for by the owner or operator ot such machines* the application bei to the City Clerk, a t sir the annual l . " made at the time of , atia , in t o 0. made other lic to red r tor the operation music machines* LU the licenses prOvided for herein herein t be placed on display in the t, - or to/Oro NOvoiebor let ot of each year* and shall be ,= prior to November 1st each following yea* No license issued a == , 'rr may be transferred, but a machine moved by ,e ; owner frOm One location to r. Report shall be made to ,. License r br the distributor within such � of such tf`er, setting forth the et* thereof'.