180693 180693 Original to CIty Clerk • • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N/L 'a OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /V i COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that Richard Noack and William A. Van .len be permitted to install and operate a used car sales lot on parts of Lots 2 and 3, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition, located on the west side of Kellogg Boulevard between Pleasant Avenue on the north and Smith Avenue on the south, in accordance with applicants' plans dated November 1, 1956, subject to the condition that no more than 3 cars are to be displayed on the premises at any one time, and subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 7076, as amended, and subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting the premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Council File No. 180693—By =-rnard T. Holland— Resolved, That Richard Noa k and William A.Van Daalen be per•• tted to install and operate a used car:. '-lot on ap its of Tats 8 and 3,Block 63, ruin's Enlarggeement of Rice and Irvine' Addi- tion, located on.:llhe west side •f Kel- logg Boulevard between Plea _ .t Ave- nue on the north and Smith Av nue on the south, in accordance wei • appli- cants' plans dated November 1. 1966, subject to the condition that • more than 3 cars are'to displayed on the premises at any one time, an• subject to the provisions o!Ordinance o.7076, as amended, and subject • to the provision that sidewalks tibia, •g the premises nd be atall kept ti tlmean es and. of ice a snow . Adopted b y-the Council Dec- ber 11, 1956. Approved December 11, 1,- COUNCILMEN December 15,1966) Adopted by the CounsiEC 111856 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approvedis 1 1 laa 195_ Marzitelli p / Mortinson Tn Favor 'Peterson `"s■ c) Mayor Rosen Against 6M-Mg"aside= (Peterson) • e?- tot-,3 tom• $12,31 • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Ihi APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL I(� % the City Clerk v 6(1 di?) City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: remodel or reconstruct an existing install and operate a new ( Application is hereby made to cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: 0 PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot • To be used in connection with: MISCELLANEOUS: ea.622 ( , (indicate' t ype such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleanin: Pick-up Stati.n, Ice Vendo• y� 1 ,70 Capacity of pars Ong area: , � - tc ?. 1es y ( " 7e �yf Q tie o e/ i BeTuteA1 *Location Ave. eV Wye. Ate ANb apt Me .soui,- g Description Block l Add 1KVv; ' IE"'Zr "" :4 f i' Legal Descri tin : Lot �F 1 ,$ ,� 7.r ANO Ut vid es Aooifi°'1 o/= S .W.e.�.44.-.. ✓4A/DA4 Applicant's Name : ',Z e.,64 eo (A.A/04 c tc Home or Office Address: 0244' W x "'57 /3Js•O. e4..Z- 938 Phone No.CM ,,f_ 10P,. •Y THE AP W) 09 / 3 - SZ gu:ture (Date) Address : Ke.J(.079 ' I"d Phone No.: CA . - 9.3 ?/ When completed; file three Copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Ha/.l and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. .OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI • p p City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN 386 City Hall and Court House oueci) Recorder St. Paul 2, Minnesota 1�:. ' Dec. 6, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Richard Noack and William A. VanDialen for permit to install and operate a used car lot on parts of Lots 2 and 3, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition, located on the west side of Kellogg Blvd. between Pleasant on the north and Smith on the south, in accordance with applicants' plans dated November 1, 1956, subject to the condition that no more than 3 cars are to be displayed on the premises at any one time. Very truly you ), fll J � ti`F C kil y� 1'‘, (pity Clerk ,--\\, +- L. t_ '.1 ,, 4 ,,,., 9I I j ' P ;4f �1 . x ° �7 mr p y ti �, �a JJ A j, - N Gy e �lc+A T Y _ Y41k ' .,`----H,,,,;- ---4Y M I N N E S O T A O = :l•LERtiti{til.'.'!T'f • ^:•{:iii:.iii i�%�iiii:i;:::,: OF ZONING, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL "::};:¢•*tIN I k 211.212.15$ IRIS CITY NALL AND COURT NOUSE won PAUL 11.MINIM UOTA .......................... .......................... .......................... November 9, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of Richard Noack and William A. Van ,glen for permit to install and operate a used car lot on the west side of Kellogg Blvd. between Pleasant endnorth Smith. The property is described as parts of lots 2 and 3 - block 63 - Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. The zoning is "commercial." • The property is presently used as a filling station. The applicants propose to continue the filling station operation with a used car sales lot to be added. The applicant's plans approved November 1, 1956 are in accord- ance with all existing standards and field investigation dis- closes no objection from the standpoint of adjacent land use or traffic. In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board recommends that this permit be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans dated November 1, 1956, which specify that no more than three cars are to be displayed on the premises at any one time. S' 'i�ely COL:FS Lb.`/L6 Enc. Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning 6/ti • /10 Smith Ave . s;de wail( —71: o u, rn & ----- - 4-'1/ — CO ■,...1 o , - c.> _ .. 0 4 00 rb i OD < _ I-0 tf' (ln r ff/it --1 r .C.1) e-4--- -1 2 V,- < NC vs (-4-- i -- • 0 f" • Ti• 1 ek i IT , v t ' 2„1! lic Kchw reriie...e. 1 t r-5 C. 1 c.: 1 m 0 ; Za ...,,, _,. ..• 03 CZ) gt tli ...t, C il VI .... C. n i 1- ,.) CN I.. • --41 1.) P. _, t.' 1 1. 3 ■-. -., .:.) I it ..., ... --t) a■ t, ,-. " •4 , -- t ------ 1 i ici I-, c-'7.-- 1 ti e I \`c 1 co i b ,... 1 zD -„„ -..... ...„... <--- --„,„ .,-•. I 'i.• cx..) 1 i 1 t *1 1 1 I ■ . ) 1 1 a i I ,fz 1 } i t [11'1141 . C.........t. i (1•0: i 1 I I 4 II i 1 . 1 i MI 1 i f"Irj I r• r"° = • 3 n ›‘• r-Fifil > 7:1 rr - ,...4 CD i 1 ,- P •,T„: F-T.FIL I ›• I I-. • • 1 0 e 0 t8 c E—D---- t i 1 t i . ,