180690 Original to city Clerk
mik-ao Senora
An ordinance deenoanIn*thlg .s'*0'
An ordinance denominating the Civic Athletic Stadium
of the City of St. Paul, provided to be acquired, constructed,
and equipped by the expenditure of a portion of the proceeds
of the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of St. Paul,
authorized by Ordinance No. 10135, adopted by the Council and
approved by the Mayor September 9, 1953, and ratified by
the electors of the City of St. Paul at an election held
November 3, 1953, and additional appropriations, "St. Paul
Municipal Stadium"; establishing a revolving fund therefor;
designating the same as "St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving
Fund"; and providing for the crediting of revenues thereto
and the making of expenditures therefrom. This is an emer-
gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health, and prosperity.
Section 1. That the Civic Athletic Stadium of the City of St. Paul
provided to be acquired, constructed, and equipped by the expenditure of a
portion of the proceeds of the ishuande and sale of bonds of the City of St.
Paul, authorized by Ordinance No. 10135, adopted by the Council and approved by
the Mayor September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of St.
Paul at an election held November 3, 1953, and additional appropriations, hereby
is denominated and henceforth shall be entitled, "St. Paul Municipal Stadium."
Section 2. That hereby there is created and established a continuing
revolving fund of the City of St. Paul, hereby designated as "St. Paul Municipal
Stadium Revolving Fund."
Section 3. That all revenues derived from the maintenance and operation
of said St. Paul Municipal Stadium, and/or from any extension of the same, by
the City of Saint Paul, shall be credited to said St. Paul Municipal Stadium
Revolving Fund and all expenditures for the maintenance, repair, and operation
of said St. Paul Municipal Stadium and/or any extension of the same, shall be
made from said St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving Fund.
Section 4. That said St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving, Fund hereby
created and established shall be a continuing revolving fund and all unexpended
balances to the credit of said revolving fund at the end of this and each suc-
ceeding fiscal year shall be retained therein, and with all revenues inuring to
said St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving Fund, used and expended for the
purposes aforesaid.
Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to bean emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health,
and safety.
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from
and after its passage, approval, and publication.
DEC 2 61956
Yeas men_ Nays Passed by the Council
Marzirtelli Tn Favor
Peterson 0 Against
Mr.President (Dillon) Appr. DEC 2 6 56 t
Atte, /rj • ' I e
City Clerk Mayor
1 6 AD,$�`�,, PUBLISHED/a2 a 9-Sb
Duplicate to Printer
'1 4 ,
An ordinance denominating the Civic Athletic Stadium
of the City of St. Paul, provided to be acquired, constructed,
and equipped by the expenditure of a portion of the proceeds
of the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of St. Paul,
authorized by Ordinance No. 10135, adopted by the Council and
approved by the Mayor September 9, 1953, and ratified by
the elector of the City of St. Paul at an election held
November 3, 1953, and additional appropriations, "St. Paul
Municipal Stadium"; establishing a revolving fund therefor;
designeting the sane as "St. Paul Muni cipal Ctedium Revolving
Fund"; and providing for the crediting of revenues thereto
and the melting of expenditures thcrefrom. This is an emer-
gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health, anC prosperity.
Section 1. That the Civic Athletic Stadium of the City of St. Paul
provided to be acquired, constructed, and equipped by the expenditure of a
portion of the proceeds of the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of St.
Paul, authorized by Ordinance No. 10135, adopted by the Council and approved by
the Mayor September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of St.
Paul at an election held November 3, 1953, and additional appropriations, hereby
is denominated and henceforth shell be entitled, "St. Paul Municipal Stadium."
Section 2. That hereby there ie created and established a continuing
revolving fund of the City of St. Paul, hereby designated as "St. Paul Municipal
Stadium Revolving Fund."
Section 3. That all revenues derived from the maintenance and operation
of said St. Paul Municipal Stadium, and/or from any extension of the same, by
the City of Saint Paul, shall be credited to said St. Paul Municipal Stadium
Revolving Fund and all expenditures for the maintenance, repair, and operation
of snit St. Paul Municipal Stadium and/or any extension of the same, shall be
made from said St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving Fund.
Section 4. That said St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving Fund hereby
created and establirhod shall be a continuing revolving fun( and ell unexpended
balances to the credit of said revolving fund at the end of this and each suc-
ceeding fiscal year shall be retained therein, and with all revenues inuring to
said. St. Paul Municipal Stadium Revolving Fund, uetd and expended for the
purposes ore said.
Secticin 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peece„ health,
and safety.
Section 6. This ordin nce shall take effect and b . force from
and after it passage, approval, and publication.
NC 2 6 1956
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Marzitelli In Favor
Peterson Against
Mr.President (Dillon) DEC 6 lad6
City Clerk Mayor
1M 6-56 4008
- • 1st 1 a if 2nd / //CJ
Laid over to /
3rd and app Adopted / 2(O
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
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arzitelli ar ' elli
/Mort' son -' ortion /1
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�3GIr. President Dillon AK. President Dillon
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