180674 Original to City Clerk 18 1674 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -A' / COMMISSIONE /� ' - -v --� DATF 1 WSERKAB, the Council Advisory Committee on the Second United Bond Program, after consultation with the City Technical Committee, has made recommendation to the Council regarding a certain transfer in the bond funds; now, therefore, be it ROL'PID, That the following transfer is hereby authorized: Within Bond Fund No. 400, from Project No. Unallocated to Project No. L-3, covering new lighting in the Main Public Library, the sine of 10,947.13. Council e No. 180074—By Savelin A. n- WWher The Council Advisory, • adittee o the Second United $ond program, after*consultation with the City Technical .Committee, has made reco to the Council ing a tram id then funds: i: '=-be it Resole ,That the hollowing transfer is hereb authorized: Within Bond No. 800, train Project No. U ted to Predeet" No. covering treks 11420nt,in the Public Library s" -attm of $10 7.13. Atop by the Council Dees 7, is r ) December 7, 1966. t ' ; r December 15, 1955) i° ,pi 0 I DEC 71956 C NCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yea ay DEC 1956 Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland ‘ / C. Marzitelli n Favor -....... .` ,l Mortinson ^ "Wing Mayor 0 Against 5M 14a4 Vigegrigkett Oxman) 67 Duplicate to Printer r. CITY OF ST. PAUL +. CO NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE rerSBEAS, the Council Advisory Committee on the Second United Bond Progrvn, after consultation with the City Technical Committee, has made recommendation to the Council regarding a certain transfer in the bond funds; now, therefore, be it BISOLVA73, That the following transfer is hereby authorized: Within Bond "'And No. 400, from Project No. Unallocated to Project No. L-3, covering new lighting in the Main Pub,' ic Library, the sum of�l 0,947.23. MC 715 go UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Ye...�� • ! - tlEe t )„ • Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor '-- eterson��e ,.yt _ Against fia�N� 531 Vir W-ssisi nt (Peterson) 6-64