10-211Council File # 10-2ll
Green Sheet # 3098356
WHEREAS, the Allina Hospitals and Clinics offer Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and
safety training mannequins as part of the Heart Safe Communities Grant Pro�am; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department pro�aznming staff are trained to
provide basic CPR and to use AEDs; and
7 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Deparhnent submitted a grant application for AEDs and
8 safety training mannequins and the North Dale Recreation Center and the Downtown Senior Center were
9 selected as recipient sites by Allina Hospitals and Clinics; and
11 WHEREAS, the City finds that it is beneficial to have such equipment in the sites, with staff trained
12 in the proper use thereof; now, therefore, be it
14 RESOLVED, that the City accepts the AEDs and safety training matuiequins, appropriates them to
15 the designated sites and thanks Allina Hospitals and Clinics for its generous donation.
Yeas � Nays � Absent I Re uested b D arhnent
�—�—� 9 Y eP
Adopted by Council: Date
Adaption Certified y Co cil Secretary
BY� l/� `r 1i4��
Approv by yo • Date o/O
By: 1� f/ V " �/l/ �J
Approved by C'ty Attorne ' �
BY� _. �v � �,� ' -
Appro ed b M�� r Su ' a n to ouncil
�G� �4/�o C.�
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUOffice/Council: Date Initiated:
, PR_ParksandRecreation � 09FEB2010 � Green Sheet NO: 3098356
� ConWCt Person & Phone: ! Deoartrnent Sent To Person Initial/Date �
I Patti Schwartz - � � 0 azks aud Recreation �-- j �'
� 55&2329 I � 1 '�azksandRecreation �� DeoarhnentD'uector �v�rr �.-� I
� Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): N mber 3� in9°tl � �rv'� � ce Financiel Services '
� For �rtrAttorner I Citr Attornev �
Routing 4 a or'sO�ce Mayor/ASSistant I
� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W!$ Order 5 ounc0 I ' Comcil i
TRANSACTION i 6 Clerk CitrClerk
E-Document Required Y � �7arks and Recreaaou Patli Schwartz I
Document ConWCt: Patti Schwariz �
Contact phone: 558-2329
Total # of Signature Pages, (Ctip Ail Locations for Signature)
Adion Requested:
Signatures on attached resolurion accepting two AED's and 20 classroom teaching mannequins awazded by Heart Safe Communities,
a community service of Allina Hospitals and Clinics, tluough a grant written by Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation. The two AED's
will be placed at North Dale Recrearion Center and the downtown Senior Center.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked under a contract for this department?
CIBCommiriee Yes No
Civi1 Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn evec been a city empbyee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city empbyee?
Yes No
Expiain alI yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Seniors gather in lazge numbers for progrmns at North Dale Recreation Center and the downtown Senior Center - there currently are
no access to life saving AED's.
Advantages If Approved:
Potential life saving devices for heart failure.
Disadvantages If Approved: r' ���
None 1 �
�t� `
DisadvanWges If NotApproved:
Potential loss of lifz from heart failure.
ToWI Amount of $5,000.00 CosNRevenue Bud eted:
Transaction: 9
Funding Source: 9��t Activity Number:
Financiat lnformation:
February 9, 2010 1:14 PM Page 1
Citv of Saint Paul
To: Margaret Kelly
From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst
Subject: GS# 3098356 — Defibrillators, CPR Training Mannequin Donation Acceptance
Date: February 16, 2010
Attached is a resolution from Parks seeking approval to accept two defibrillators and 20
CPR training mannequins from Allina. Parks applied for Allina's Heart Safe
Communities grant and was awarded the equipment for two specific Pazks facilities: the
North Dale Rec Center and the downtown Seniar Center. OK to sign.