D001943rro: , D�'�3 nate: l '/ -8 !.� L� Approved Copies ur. - City Clerk (Original) - FSO Accounting IJivision - Requesting Dep[. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION ADMIlVISIRA7TVE ORDER, Consis[ent wi[h the authority ganted to ffie Mayor in Secdon 10.07.4 of ihe CiTy ChaRer and bued on the reques[ of the Director of Technoloev and Maoaeement Services to amend the 2000 budge[ of the General Fund, the Duec[or of the Fnancial Services Departrnen[ is authorized to aznend said budge[ in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DNISION: LEDGER, F[1ND. ACTIVITY. OBJECT, PROJECT Technology & Management Services - Real Estate GIr001-01300-0111 Full Time Permanent GL-001-01300-0439 Fringe Benefits GL-001-01300-0368 Office Supplies-Purch Strrm GLr001-01300-0856 Data Processing-Software .GL-001-01300-0857 DataProcessing-Hazdware All Other Activity Spending CIJRRENT BUDGET 515,599.00 156,163.00 3,104.00 0.00 9,374.00 63.710.00 747,950.00 APPROVED CHANGES (9,000.00) (2,000,00) 2,800.00 5,000.00 3,200.00 0.00 0.00 AMENDED BUAGET 506,599.00 154,163.00 5,904.00 5,000.00 12,574.00 63.710.U0 747,950.00 � Dat� ����� Date lG`3z Date • (admiv.ora) �D Q T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 11 J D y 1 D O Green Sheet Number: 104775 1 �EPARTMENTDIILECTOH CiTYCOUNCII, ct Pe�on and Phone N�Iwr: ATTORNEY 3 CI'I'Y CLERg Peter White 266-8858„ / 2 ra7vcr.u.�cvicES nm. 4 aaxcw,sExviaccrc ��/ YOR(ORASSISfAN1) OUNCII.RRCRAR(,'g ust be on Council A enda b:�S/�/� OTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: nding the 2000 budget in the Divisioa of Real Estate by traasferring money o allow for purchase of office equipment and software licenses. COMMENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICECONI'RACTSMUSTANSWEILTHEFOLLOWING: . Has the persoNfirm eva worked under a contrac[ for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANNING COMNASSION A STAFF ' . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVQ. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this person/firm possess a slrill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIB COMAITT'CEE current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. 1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WLO, What, When, Where, Why?): itional ArcView licenses are neaded in order to allom more employees to hav ccess to GIS from their workstations. A new Deskjet Printer that will taka 11" x 17" paper will allow £or better visual aids. Tha current eavelope opene is 15 years old aad is a very valuable piece of equipment for our offica, specially when the Storm Sewer Charge aad Street Maintenance payments come in other opeaer will be a good hackup. VAN'CAGES IF APPROVED: he ArcView licenses will allow employees to work from their desk and not have o move to a common area to access GIS. The new printer will allom for better ality copies and enhance any presentations/visual aids. If current letter pener fails, opeaing mail by hand is very laborious and time consumi.ng. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one known. R���i'�EL3 ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: 11 of the above advantages would not be met. CITY CLERK OTAL AMOLINT OF TRANSACTION: $11 � O O O. O O COST/REVET1IlE Bi7DGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: INANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.RPLAA�