180612 • _ _ 61 2 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ' � or. azox , � Y�,< -� ASSESSMENT THEREFOR �re a s. �� ` tater.,,ar ,P In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospes Addition, Ware and Hospes Re-arrangement "A', and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from Dale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, under Preliminary Order 177786 , approved May 9i 1956 Intermediary Order 179494 , approved. September 5, 1956 Final Order 179836 , approved October 2, „lc/56 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be-it--hustler--Resolved,-that—the-said-assessment-be-arid-i#-is-.hereby--determined-to-.43e-.payable -ie equal-astallJseate as 4s-eashpareel-of-land-desaFibed.#heroin. DEC 51956 File 13362 Adop by the Council ei(51/0----04 Yeas Nays City. lerk DEC 51856 Councilman 'roved a t Rosen Holland s.� - ayor-- - M-arzite.11i 41) In Favor Mort inson Paterson 1._--Against '/ Mr 6 President Dillon 510 / i PUBLISHED 0 zns 10-55 401100.0 • • gt 161 t& . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANia AKSESSMENT OF BEN EMS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Ware and Hospes Addition, Ware and Hospes Re-arrangement 'A', and the Southeast 1/l+ of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from Dale Street to W. Jessamine Avenue, under Preliminary Order 177786 , approved MaY 9, 1956 • Intermediary Order 179494 , approved September 5, 1956 Final Order 179836 , approved October 2, 1956 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 424-nztAL 92/. Ale Commissioner of Fin: . f,, . f '' k�, 4 e- -r In tvIAYOR$ muvn,. • �� ' OFFICE _� �, A M DEC I - 1956 LV /G PM I0t90 Q 14042111%gifi i� . 6 iv 4--o-m-Le-4-o- c,,,,i _Zg-lx,t-0 a-v--,9 /S_A CULsLtu-L-ad tom, 0. ,A,.(2_Q * SL.2,,,,,,,,„._p .J_.5 - crip J.-4 1,34 0._. 7/4"-D- .,12■t*- .}- 2-' -4--(2i7 Jb-4--z_ r_32-0- (_: .xcIt'vA OL-b -' A --Ke a V 14.3i ---aj, 01- .)/tuald, ,GoLL- A- @6-14A1A444-1-6-a-fLc_)LeArirlit: a,t ,..P ,ja-fAILPk .ta_._ )-6-v± J-1-t-A-4-)41. ://t -7-4/e bevi&-Q-, .e- )--6--w-Z-: i-t-ii--ri--Q-L-0- 1_d___ , -- • PLL 0--e,--4 e'-'a VL 1--0-o&-A 02-J--..1? c-t. .c-ot-e9-Zsi t 1-t)-3)=L ' -r),--Qi -P--e,P )1 -e--riL--z, A-1 OL ,. .ri-t-t-vLe4 /azuL. .52-vt-r-via_QA-t . A.,u-c3-, atoji .A.-0-6-1,. _ -- - u . 64,41 e ), I.. (c)9_,,j271 a. 4_)-0,t d-L-43--tut.t.,-2_, -7,U. ),_,,,,j4( --A.zsa_es1„, ji,g,t.tH_. et-v-TP -1[1-6- -. J-iz ;..-± ri-LQ. tip`'-z.d" 52,L,q � 6-7A-) /0,-,--zt-- cp. _,PLAA.:L ,t-vt-- _,L iik-e, 0---TIR 4_,L-A.L._ es ct- --PJIA2, .1,,,, ..„.„,,e_..„ CP-LI20_y ,G..- 4J2.1„...., , -- y,t--.L. 4,,,,, ----- , 54----P-1. eessireoa* adi 06= t-b —6L •Avt ,t4/21:LLLL_ excAJ ■CLL ei4",fi 7 4 7 ear-eA-0 ev-c&- 1 aLA- 4_0,P ,J21-L-va(A4-6 "-6 .}5L-• Ca12-Di COr .e111-0,/ zo _o 7fuji-Qt)c c€- 2• 7 Ay° 7A-J2e A;-& >U2--c-04 -. • CLt )4,c-e-cLe— fjeA-,AJ aP )//tiie 0.DLA. j2 /„c_ 4aza ,4? / 5-6 `L-._-`) etA-P 1,■4,41 /t127 .c d--u,-4? Gtr �.,,�/ rtPLA, ct_eept - 6110 ysz_d ?f-t-e,.c.x.04) everis- 7t4.4va4 et-t, A_AAJt,t_e_ ZIA/ ri—t-74,47 t A-v--el/75 ,,u)--' -44 cam' -r-Lt et/ es? 4-0-w-Q-etA4rvaL,ty et4A _ t_, jL e2 k°'-c/ Tia ett -8_011A.As 09,7) )•A (943 1ttO �- ee-14"-Q-1 ,-;C:tQati )/(,)21/. /24_127 et4LeP yo AJ >11 A-f2,04 t 7773 e"x 3 .5 I go / December 5th , 1956. The Fonorable Joseph I. Dillon, Mayor; and Members of the Saint Paul City Council Saint 1:,aul , nnnesota. Rel : File No. 13362, 1-34-374 r:entlemen : Mr. Marzitelli to of his staff met with a number of peorle last wee , rlative to the alley improvement . It was my understanding that '7(' were to discuss whether or not this impr-)vement could be made at less cost to the tax-payers and yet be drained and surfacPd in a manner that would be acceptable to all and thereby improve the present alley c• ndition. 7e were told that there was no alternate -:lan; that the plans had been drawn in 19 ' i and therP wa'. no thought of any other plan for this particular alley. Several of the people suEp..eqted another plan which seemed logical , simple and certainly for less money . However, there was no discussion br Mr. Yerzitelli or his staff on these ideas and apparantly no thouAt of considering any other clan than the one. It has been my understand in of city overnment that the council members are elected as public servants to carry out the wiii of the people wh.) are paying the tax load for city government. In this par- ticular case, certainly the majority of the people concerned have no voice. -.7e are told arbitrarily that there is no other plan. It seen to me, that the majority of the people who are payin the bill for this improvement should have some consideration. The majority of people had sined a petition objecting to the proposed plan for the alley improvement . Perhaps the majority doe not rule anymore. 7e are tild in this case that one , or a handful of people can propose and order someteing done and declare it to be for the public good, over -ruling the wishes of the tax-payer , regarding an alternate plan. I request at this time , that the engineers come forth with a good , sound , simple and less costly clan fpr tnis alley improvement . Rese,Dectfully , \ 11E-pT..-.1r 691 Coro Avenue C/?..t . Paul Dispetch Saint Paul , ' inneseta. ailbao Mr. Fred : eumeier St.Paul, Minnesota November 20, 1956 City Council, St.Paul,itinnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, owners of property within the confines of the district described in "Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings" under: Preliminary Order 177786 approved May 9, 1956 Intermediary Order 179494 approved September 5, 1956 Final Order 179836 approved October 2, 1956 do strenuously object to the taking of easement, etc. , as described. We feel that the grading and sur- facing of the alley in question is entirely unnecessary and rather than being of benefit to the property owners herein represented, would definitely be a liability. Traffic in the alley under present conditions constitutes a real hazard for pedestrians and for the neighborhood children and should the contemplated "improvement" be made, these conditions would become even worse. We, therefore, feel that we should not be penalized by having an assessment levied against our property for the purpose outlined. -2- We further object to the manner in which notices of proceedings in this matter were handled. Many property owners received no .notification whatever while others received only the final notice and to date have not been apprised oflhe actual eventual effect of such action. Very truly yours, _ L.is 654 Simon Avenue ). % 1/?wm . 650 Simon Avenue L