180522 Council File No 181 )522 By ., CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for sref ng a s , ep en �t from the ixisti�ig Trout Brook to t said esseamert being the loutherly'65 beet of the easterly 66.ieet of Maryland Avenue of,lot 214, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, and the southerly 65 feet of part lying north of Maryland Avenue and west of Mississippi Street of Lot 23, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, and constructing a sewer on an easement from Mississippi Street to Westminster Street, said easement being the southerly 65 feet of the westerly e0 feet, lying easterly of the east line of Mississippi Street and north of Maryland Avenue of Lot 22, J. W. Bass Garden Lots and a 30 foot.:yide easement, the center line of which is described as follows t Beginning at a point in Lot 22, J. W. Bess (harden lots, said point being 50 feet north of the north line of iazylewd and 20 feet east e rl ;q he a at line of j ppi St> theme"< ss t4 s. ice}! iti a Ze V -Bites. 4a l ; s � being 30 feet.rest pf thee west lime of_Mestainstar Street and 4120 feet of the north line of -AID ash an eamileekrbeing the east 45 feet of the north 350 feet of part west of Westminster Street of lot 21, J. W. Bass Garden Lets, and constructing a war an an easement from Westminster �S,,treet t4 Bdpmoat<St. Qa Ai 30 toot wide r the "niter line of gi a CtiOl a ollY �iSG `#fit" r 8*J ft * i�l14, !RS 3 h ore>: 41Wi i,JR, k met- i loth !tespe itaki idyl i�r directim across Lots 19, 26, 27 and 34, J. W. Bass' Acre lots, to a point en the east line of Lot 34, 25 ft. north of the south Ili�ne of sail yLot 34, J. W. Bass' Aare Lots, and ;i- Id tT(QY4 frami r"f3 tid tlinR'4' iTf W. tae Ar �z::� �r Arlington Avb lfrri`. '' lmt.t � t''t ' ti andd , Block 8, t� � 1 kutlet' lat4',PexU sM theems 304a4YoMti eh d ieTf 1l1ock 5, Norton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, and constructing a serer in Arlington Ave. f ! t.#t. ttt;gdgertsmi t., and con eructing a sewer in Nevada Ave. from Sdgemont St, to Bagsrtoa St., and eonstru * aieer in Westminster St. fan Hyacinth Ave. to Arlington Ave. -- all of which is to be known as the "W' MOM MI= EXTBINBICS -- Arlingalmer nester-- r" r Approved 11 PUBLISHED .(.17Kykevi:j_--- . ., Mayor. Form B. B. 18 •- File 12750 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � /M. Report of Completion of Assessment October 30 19 56 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for instructing a sewer on an easement from the existing Trout Brook Sewer to Missies, 4, ' re et, said easement being the' southerly 65 feet of the easterly 60 feet of part n.,'" . 'Of Maryland Avenue of Lot 24, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, and the southerly 65 feet of part lying north of Maryland Avenue and west of Mississippi Street of Lot 23, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, and constructing a sewer on an easement from Mississippi Street to Westminster Street, said easement being the southerly 65 feet of the westerly 40 feet, lying easterly of the east line of Mississippi Street and north of Maryland Avenue of Lot 22, J. W. Bass Garden Lots and a 30 foot wide easement, the center line of which 1s described as follows: . _ Beginning at a point in Lot 22, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, said point being 50 feet north of She'nertkr liher of Maryland Avenue and 20 feet teasterly of thee east line of Mississippi Street; thence northeasterly, to a point in Lot 21, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, said point being 5O' feetVwest of the west line of Westminster :treedr and 420 Peet north.of. the north line of Maryland Avenue and an easement being the east 45 feet of the north 350 feet of part Vest -Of Westainete litreet bt;Lot 21, J. W. Bass Garden Lots, and constructing a sewer on an easement from Westminster Street to Edgemont St. on a 30 foot wide easement, the center line of sai&eesement descr3 bedreea follows t,• Beginning tee theAsevrth line.,Ot;,ILdt 194,10;ft. east of the west line of said Lot 19, J. W. Bass' Acre Lots; thence in a northeasterly dire crtdan;aeareas:Lots' 19, 86-, 27 hn(1.031119cii:;1Gi.:'r Baas`tiAere Ixhts, to point, on 'the'east line of Lot 34, 25 ft. north of the south line of said Lot 34, J. W. Bass' Acre Lots, and constructing a'sewer(in Edgemont St.. from 25 ft. north of the south line of Lot 34, J. W. Bass' Acre Lots, to Arlington Ave., and constructing a sewer on an ,easement from Arlington Ave. to Nebras4$agAwe.j;,said. easement being the. westerly. 30 ft. of Lots 12 and 27, Block 8, Morton's Addition to the City of St. Paul and the westerly 30 ft. of Lots 12 and 27, Block 5, Morton's AdTd :t,446,tct e.. City of.St Paul, and constructing a Sewer in_Arlington Ave. from Edgemont St. to Edgerton St., and constructing a sewer in Nevada Ave. from Edgemont St. to Edgertoo;$tF,cnd constructing a sewer in Westminster St. from Hyacinth Ave. to Arlington Ave. -- all of which is to be known as the "TROUT BROOK SEWER EXTENSION -- Arlington-Edgemdiit< estminster Branch," • • - • - .. :i , !l i n t a '. Said Commissioner furThei reports--t m-- lie`lias assessed and levied thetdta?amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 42)565'6° upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - -0 i Commissioner of Financ;• iligi 2M 12-52 at3