180511 0..1025 18i 151_1
Council File No.
y�W��A,�e t�r e ♦A_,i M e n y aal /o r t h e
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The undersigned herebypropose themadipgofahefollowipguuJlicimmrovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: _
Changing the grade of alley in Block 3, Bryant s Park Addition NO.4, and alley
in 'Block 2, Bryant+s Park Addition No.3, fro, Oxford Bt, to a point 460 ft. west of
Oxford St, to conform to the grade as shorn on the profile on file in the Department 1
of Public Works. Also grading the alley in Block 3, Bryantts Park Addition No.4
and alley in Block 2, Bryantts Park Addition No.3, from Oxford St, to LexingtaniONWAY
to the proposed change of grade. Also aonstructing a sewer in the alley from a
pb '6d ft. west of Orford St. to the center of Oxford St., thence north along the
cutter lino of Oxford St. to the existing sewer in Linwood Place.
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
Changing the grade of alloy in Block 3, Bryant*. Park Addition No.4, and alley
im- Block 2, -Brivaitta,Park--Addition No.3, from Oxford St, to a point 460 ft.-meet-of
Oxford St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department
Of Public Works. Also grading the alley in Block 3, Bryantts Park Addition Ni.4
and alley in Block 2, Bryantts Park Addition No.3, from Oxford St. to Lexington Park w4,7
to the proposed change of grade. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a
,60 ft. +lest of oxford St. to the center of Oxford St., thence north along the
oopter line of Oxford St. to the existing sewer in Linwood Place.
s. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the Council NOV 2 1956
Councilman cmc Deeourcy NOV 2 71956
lmmieaR Approved
l IAzT►i remmo.
Arneswiti N Rosen
AWN/ Mayor.
3000 7-54 Vice p' (Person) PUBLISHEDJa /-
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