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Original to City Clerk 18 X492 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. «1111 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C• NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISTESIONED dry,"..��7�;�i�. DATF 7 // RESOLVED, that upon appeal of George Stahel from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the side and front yard requirements, as provided in Section 8, paragraph "1" of thlioning Ordinance, for Lot 11, Block 17, Arlington Hills Addition, on the south side of Jenks between Payne and Greenbrier, are hereby waived. Council 11 IIo. IBd $Y• A. )i[ortinso�l.by Resolved.That 'ap+plilt 01 Stahel of the of tmF °andt Publie;.>ir iv yard equiAon. . l section 8.1 p t Ordinance.. fOr "21. + side of Jenks between Payne an Greenbrier, are'berebY 14004 Adopted by the Caution r Sl.(I 1954proved November 9t. bet (December 1, MO NOV■ 2 71956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas F Nays ' r 7 DeCourcy �� V Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli � /� / Mortinson in Favor (J - Peterson Aot fng Mayor Rosengainst AMIONIMMEMOMIIII Mr. Vice President (Peterson) 5M 6-56 • O`F Ii I C E OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN 386 City Hall and Court House Council Recorder 18 J St. Paul 2, Minnesota { 92 Nov. 23, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the appeal of George Stahel for permit to waive side and front yard requirements for Lot 11, Block 17, Arlington Hills Addition, on the south side of Jenks between Payne and Greenbrier. Ve truly yours, ( \ 64./ (IL C(/)) r: ).) Lo,,A,L, Cit Clerk "el, t ...1) 't,.. . \ 1,-nevi i ill • .ea��l� �I „.„„..0, t i 1 l �RObl'I,.„,. .WI►. j] 1 A.b .0.• f�7 31,L` It 4 6 6' b 0 li 4l t't f f ,.. ..'9 S A -11 ay, i Y a i e 19. ,,,,. :fig i + �'z'Y u;K:�� � 'fit;it e:'+.t y �`4 z � >[ 3 �' �.0 S '",,W ..n t¢y+iI( Itt�7� E, r-T 1 l h �.101„,_ „,,,,n..4„ 1 , = z : :t ,,,wMINNESOTA . K4� . , TO TB MAYOR AND CITY CO1NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAWL: Petition to Establish a Building Line Which Differs from the Provision of Paragraph 20, Subsection I To Waive The Provision of Article I, Section 8, Subsections C and D of Building Code Ordinance No. $80. For the convenience of the Council, George Stahel, the petitioner herein, respectfully encloses a copy of his petition under Section 20, Paragraph J. The facts stated in said petition are submitted to Justify the petition herein. (77 421.1, / X95 3 - or CITY CLERK FILE " 'u ti� Q 2 0 i—pmac T P. (17, CITY CLERK FILE AStial _..-...�.3 320 APPLICANT .-.... -- Z,P.NJ, TO TEE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF SAINT PAWL: Petition to Establish a Building Line Which Differs from the Provision of Section 16 of the Building Zone Ordinance No. 5840. The undersigned represents George Stahel, who is the owner of Lot Eleven (11), Block Seventeen (17) Arlington Mills Addition to the City of St. Paul. This lot is located on Jenks Street about one-half block off of Payne Avenue. The owner of the lot is the operator of the Payne Avenue Liquor Store, located at 980 Payne Avenue. The rear end of the Payne Avenue Liquor Store is adjacent to the rear end of Lot Eleven (11), the lot in question in this petition. Lot Eleven (11) is a vacant lot and is not in use at the present time. Lot Eleven (11) is at the present time zoned "B" Residential, beta petition is filed with the City Planning Board to rezone this lot to Commercial for the purposes of a customer parking lot for the Payne Avenue Liquor Store, in accordance with the enclosed plan. Lot Eleven (11) is forty feet wide and one hundred twenty-five feet deep. This lot is situated between Lots Ten (10) and Twelve (12) of Block Seventeen (17), Arlington Mills Addition, Lot Twelve (12) has a structure on it occupied by the Swenson Furniture Company, and the structure is used for commercial purposes as a warehouse for the furniture store. Lot Ten (10) is zoned "B" Residential, but it is being used as a commercial lot inasmuch as it is occupied by the Payne Avenue Investment Company, which is a real estate and investment company office. It is my understanding that there are people who do reside in the upstairs of the structure on Lot Ten (10). There is a very severe parking space shortage in this area on Payne Avenue. This is the only available lot for parking facilities, As a matter of fact it has been used for years by residents of the area for the purpose of parking their cars. George Stahel respectfully petitions the City Council to establish a building line which differs from the provision of Section 16, so that he may use the entire lot for parking purposes. Mr. Stahel contemplates a substantial expenditure in getting this lot in the proper shape for a customer parking lot, and unless he can use the entire lot the expenditures would be of little or no value. Inasmuch as the lots on either side of the lot in question are in actual use for commercial purposes, there seems to be no sound reason for insisting on the application of the provisions of Section 16 of the Building Code. It appears that the establishment of this parking lot would enhance the value of the property on either side, because of the commercial use of the property on either side. • , • • • f As further evidence of the commercial use of that side of Jenks Street, we would like to call the attention of the Council to the fact that Lot Nine (9), which is just east of Lot Ten (10) is now used as a parking lot and has been for some years used as a parking lot„ Lot Bight (8), which is just two lots east of the lot in question, is occupied by the Arlington Corporation,which is a manufacturing business, So that all of the lots from Payne Avenue east on Jenks Street are used for commercial purposes. Therefore, your petitioner respectfully requests the Council to establish the building line of Lot Eleven (11) in Block Seventeen (17), Arlington Mills Addition, as close to the street as the Council deems feasible, so that the whole of Lot Eleven (11) can be used for parking purposes, /2 C222t--? -i4Z;7"?'-'(// 497- • • • D OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 211-232•II I 1311 CITY NAIL AND COURT NOUS' MINT MW 1.MINNISOTA ZONING APPRAL November 21, 1956 • Notloe is �ir gtiiven that a public hearint wrillbsld;before the City Council gat.10 A.M. °on November 23. #2 1956, in the ty Council chamber in the City Hall Court House, in Ike matter of the ppeal of George S4aihel,1 under Sec. 20. of Ord. No. 5840 (the Zoning ce),for permit to Waive yard require nts,bath side and front, Mr. Joseph Okoneski A nlsitu�ted onn'tilrsouth side City Clerk Jenks between Payne and Greenbrier y Ayes: Building Dated November 6, 1956. JOliZPH R. OXONIANS, City Clerk. D$*r Sir: / (November 10 1966) This is in the matter of the appeal of George Stahel to waive the front and side yard requirements applying to parking lots as provided in section 8, paragraph "1" of the Zoning Ordinance. The property under consideration is located on the south side of Jenks between Payne and Greenbrier. The pro- perty is described as lot 11, block 17, Arlington Hills Addition. The zoning is "commercial" having been re-zoned June 30, 1956 from a "B" residence classification. The property is presently vacant and has a frontage of 40' on Jenks extend- ing to a depth of 125' . The applicant proposes to use the facility for businesses which front on Payne Avenue. The applicant's plans dated November 21, 1955 meet existing standards and were approved August 9, 1956 by the various agencies involved. The Zoning Board finds that the application of the 8' side yard regulation to this 40' lot would make it impossible to park cars effectively on the result- ing width. They further find that the adjacent property to the west is improved with a building located on the sidewalk line and that therefore the requirement that the parking lot be set back a distance of 6' from the side- walk is not a reasonable one in this instance. In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted. S �t/ 1 ' CDL:FS . �D. L ks Enc. Planning Director . • ,.. ....il - ' • ::-/=7;4# ->y-i:tv e ..s..-- ,, . .... ,...e..,N.e," . ,„ --.- - -i . -• • .. -. , y', • . . ,t ji . . , , . ,f 1 , 4.. <..__._..-. �•___.•_._.-•_�.__ J Y.. __.-v_ ..+.mod tea-_. _-. ._.-.--. _ _.._--_.-._..__. _.- ���++..w_ t- .L..w_r am C.- ; !F ? Uf- I` L- 1 R_ '>� 4a . i !• I 'V - — l' ;l . I I �,io a"dr i-,-, Li.v s. ii — r;; ti . ;j H 1 I I I I t,r I I. c ee. is I •sv 1t S I o I 1 l ► i �: i • ' i ! c I ' ;. 'i t `'-"1.. --.'e'g 1c.�.s�✓R:4 T" SfY,rC � dR .111 .0 -,v,�. +..� �. ,e���.�•r.,.- Q, I i . 11 4 • � I 1 ► . �I { i a j /s3lw�► iros.. .7* . . 4. . + 1. 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