180481 G-971 18i )481 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT coixncnY where A;, eai sor um and making es . viz.: t w, . ate .,, . ..pt� PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: dhhanging the grade of the alley in Block 2, Bankents Addition, from Ivy Ave.to a point -132:13 3`t. south--to wonform to the grade as !Mown on the prbftla-'tl -fYle--irr tire--Department ..o.-_P.ttbli.c._Worksa.Alsst__g 'Adr?g and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Bankents Addition and Hoists ReArrangement , from Orange Ave. to Ivy Ave. to the proposed --change-of-grade: Dated this 23rd. day of NoIntabgr , 195 6 4 . ----27.14-ge4L-----x 1 ) Co ncil n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of the alley in Block 2, Bankent s Addition, from Ivy Ave. to a point ..132':93--Yte south-to -onforacta the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Zipartment of Public Works. Also grading and surfacing_ with b4tt QUa.-ma terms 7.._the__-aa..7.ay..in...Block 2, Bankents Addition and Holzts ReArrangement, from Orange Ave. to Ivy Ave. to the proposed --change---of-grade-.- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. T ainvestigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. NOV 2 3 195 , Adopted by the Council . YEAS NAYS Councilman Gass= DeCourcy NOV 2 3 191 Approved HOLLAND --MluziTJCLL1 Awls vimpiumagir- Rosen _ .. Q ng Mayor. Mr.vice Pre.d c (P PUBI•1SHEDA2—Y-6-- 3000 7-54 0