180468 Original to City Clerk + { - iiR DINANCE 18' 468 � COUNCIL FILE NO. • + k � • PRESENTED BY f A 1 / /, ORDINANCE NO. o O e council File No.i ies,=Q a No_ 1os86-13y T. Ho +", '0 An ordinance% Otatiatet, Oratorical No. 5840 entitled: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840 entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regula- tion and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and deter- mining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes", approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and . safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lot 1, Block 8, Eastview Addition No. 4, in the block bounded by Conway Street, Clarence Street, Wilson Avenue, and English Street, from "A" residence to Commercial District. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. 1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. . i l \i , p Itll L 1 ! k DEC 6 iv.ti; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland ri Marzirtelli_ Favor Mortinson Peterson amst 0 _4_1: Rosen °EC 6 195 .President (Dillon) Approved: (e r Attest: Dr. • City Clerk Mayor 1 6-66 .®.6 .TLI L!SHED e to Printer ORDINANCE 181468 COUNCIL FILE NO. 515 NTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An oraniulce amenCing Ordnance No. 5840 entitled: An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classificati,-.)o., regula- tion and restriction of the location of trades and inc:;.ustries, and of buileings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulc of builtlingr hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and deter- mining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of di for seici purpo 1.3"I approved. July 7, 1922, a.s amended. Th.i;-.3 i an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the oublic peace, health, and P afety. TIT COUNCIL OF TRJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lot 1, Block 8, Eastview Addition No. 4, in the block bounded by Conway Street, C1,-Tence Street, -Wilson Avenue, and En:4ish Street, from "A" residence to Commercial District. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered. necessary for the preservation of the public De;.:.,..ce, health, anti safety. Th s ordnance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approvl, and publication. DEC 6 '1056 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen • • • City of Saint Paul 'Minnesota P1TITIOS Ta MIMES SO* 5840, tot Outwits ZCdi$ 0 U)ilblft The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. for further information about the re-zoning of property, . call the Board'of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4812, Eft. 261. _ (Please type or print) Date: 3 17 5 TO 216 SUMO= MOS MD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk City. of Saint Paul, Minnesota t tlensn: Pursuant to Section 211, Ordinance 4840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and vs, the owners of 60% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your lhoorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Let 1, Block 8, Eaatview No. 4 from a residential District to a commercial District, for the we arinsiallift, constructing savor operating the following: . (describe briefly the proposed facility) Enlarge a sanal shopping center ••• Old» SIMMS LOT • M ADDITION TobiuSmith, Inc. pee() ' 1 7 Eastview Nee 1 , • TobinSmith, In�c2 )0/(k/( ' . V,/.e 2 4 •7 Eastview No. Tobin-Smith, Inn. /�(X. (Lea • 3 7 Eaatview No. It • Tobin-Smith, Inc. Oki. (J P - 4 7 Eastview No. it Tobin-Smith, Inc. e ''11!Ciele,- • V (2• 5 7 Eastview No. I Tobin-Smith1 Inc. , ! ,c�, , 6 , 7 Eastview No, ... ■■•• VP 1 r Tobia^Bmith, Inc. v �(j( � -, 7 7 Eastview No, TobinSmithR Inc. FA e. • - 8 7 Eastview No. • Tobi.a-,Smith Ins. °F)110 pir2,.. . 9 7 Eastview No. 4; TebinSmith, Inc. 4N g! ' , (jowl- < 3.0 7 Eastview N0. 14 Stain eI Minnesota) . -- County of Ramsey )ss • • i bed first duly sworn, deposes and states `� J'a ":l Jr. . hat be Is the person A o circolaiea" the within petition consisting of Ii Po6004 that the parties described above are the owners respectively of t 'T s placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said °leers in the presence of this afttest, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and 1 of t e . es so described, (:4) Subscribed and sworn to before to this " ✓day of _Oct 1),417 1956 . Notary Public, Bamsey County, Sinn. Ny Commi lion s Page 1 of 1i pages. . .1, . Approved as to tort 7 ujM Office of the Corporation Counsel g.► 7/2/64 • JOHN A. SCHMID, Sr. • Notrij rube Ramsey C^u:;ty, Minn. M, Commis i n x�,ires Fetx. 27, 1963._ •• . . City of Saint P tl ` Sinnesota • PSTITIOht TD AID ORDIN*1ICI JO. 6840, 111 BUILDING ZC11R oibrimoon • The signer should appraise himself of the oleos permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. Par further information about the re-Boning of property, . call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Sat. 261. _ (Please type or print) Date: (2 3. /9 TO TSB Ali SASOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk City, of Saint Paul, Stonesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 93, Ordinance 6840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real (notate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 60% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Jesorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Let 1, Efleek 8, EaJttvie w No. h from a residential District to a co reial District, for the purpose oaf installing, constructing sneer operating the following: (describe uriefly the proposed facility) Enlarge a small shopping center MOOD Oud** 8IGRATORB LOT BLOC[ AUDITION Tobin4aith Inc. C_y�f . . di L/e.4e.P % 21 7 Eastview No. k Tobin•Smith, Inc. c • • , 1' 1 4 P)A . 12 4 7 Eastview Ns, 4 ) _ / Tebia•Badth, Inc. r 411. • /' VA.e.e Q \ 13 7 Eastview No. Tobin Smi h, Inc, E , , , 4.{/4J 1 7 Eastview No. Tobia-Snith, Inc. 4,4, `Jr� vcc.e 12 •- Eret's Addition T obi niamith J Inc. P�. V �bf.eVAR/, 2 8 Restricts Ne. 4 Tobdm-Snith, Inc. 4o4 . l> ' •, U .e q 1. 8 Eastvier No, 4 T obia�3el th, Inc. •0 I j,.ce a Y.�ac 8 E astview No. 4 , Tobin.&d.th Inc* 41011 1( .`GfX. ,.cam a Y". 5 8 Eastvies Ns, Tobin Smith, Inc. f � f tk. 1 . , ( , 6 8 Eastview Ne. it te 1 a County of Ramsey )ss • J o.> . iic>�.Jgt first duly sworn, deposes and states • pa;saa t a s � a the within petition consisting/ of 4 page; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of WI= placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of ilimmill said owners in the presence of this iffiest, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and 11 of) ins so described. CAD Subscribed an4 sworn to before us e / / this 3` day of October, 1956 . ' �I�`� ,. , ci)-1 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Man. ' hty scion res Page a of �} pages. a, ' .. .. Approved as to tars 7 /84 $•■•Ai . Office of the Corporation Counsel • 9h1 7/9/54 !`�� w JOHN A SCHPIID, Sr. N';tary F .,... . Ramsey County, Minh. - My Commission Expires Feb. 27, 1963. . . . City of Dist YOWL, Minnesota • mimeo TAf NElg ORDINAMCM 10, 6840, 1'86 WIIILDING MOMS OMNIMA001 The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re-soning of property, . call the Hoard of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Mut. 261. (Please type or print) Date: OF42 , , /9`37Z' TO TIM SONORA= MAMA= CITY COMM a/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlinen: Pursuant to Section 83, Ordinance 6840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the rata estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 60% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your 8baorable Body to resone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lot if Bleck 8, Eastview No. 4 from a q2 `� District to a commercial District, for the purpose ma talUng, constructing sneer operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Enlarge animal shopping center •80OND OuR ROMAINE' LOT BLOC[j ADDITION s ) g Tehia d .thy Inc. f - ,••U' / 11 • 7 8 Eastyjew Ne• V Tobin-Sindtha . C. , . a k - 8 8 Eastview No. it Tobin-Smithy Inc. , a' v,�� Y , 9 8 Eastview No, i Tobin8miths Inc. G1 1• r Q 8 Eastview Me. 4 Tobin..Sm tha Inc. Z)-)10- . y� .1,(0-X ' 8 Eastview Ne. 4 Tobin-Smiths Inc �® Inc.! n V, s' It 4 Q , _ 8 • Eastriew No, 4 Tobia•Smith, Inc. - an• �.. 'j f . , ; 8 Eastview No. 4 hate of Minnesota) County of Ramsey )°° • ,T� .�_.�• :,Jr. bet g first duly sworn, deposes end 'gates s parses ebe campararthe within petition consisting of 4 ;' that the parties described above are the owners respectively of pia• iaediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said _in the presence of this affiaat, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each all of th les so described. (:10 Subscribtdiand sworn to before ue IC this l day of October, 1956 ,,..� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. joilf My F• ssion 1 e Page 3 of '4 pages. Approved to as form IA* Office of the Corporation Counsel 1 7/9/64 4 }JOHN A. SCHMID, Sr. Nn+. y F u Aic; Ramsey County, f/tnn ` (,.ly on E:pire Feu. 27. 1963. b •,• �' • • • City of Paint P 1, ffii eaota PETITION TO AO OPD/EA O2i MO, 5240, TSB BUILDING ZONE OBDIIIAOCB • The signer should appraise hieseif of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re-zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca, 4-4812, Bit. 251. (Please type or print) Date: G2,e/t /93--6 TO TOM MONONA= WM AND CITY COUNCIL c c the City Clerk • City of Saint Paul, Binnesota Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section fit, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirdsr of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your gable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lot 1, Block 8, Eastview No. 4 tree a residential District to a commercial District, for the o installing, constructing aad7or operating the tollOwlag: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Enlarge a small shopping center COMB BIOAATURM Lot BLOCK ADDITION Tobin-Smith, Inc. < '' ,15 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision 6 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision W Tobin-Smith, Inc, , / � Tobin-Smith, Inc, _ fj nia . 17 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision TT r l Tobin-Smith, Inc. .. ,, .0,7, - , /,1,1„g41,018 16 ` E.R. Bryant's Subdivision Tobin-Smith, Inc. C i/ajtei; -:a % 19 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision Richard J. Tetzlaff v dor ,Pc, ,4 f�p� 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision �Airmanson v:•dee _i Richard J. Tetzlaff v. dor ; ' � ; ' may'- 21 16 E.R. Bryah.tt s Subdivision Ro:-rd L Rermanson i v.••ee • _,',ci �...� Richard J. Tetzlaff v. dor % t'" u.+yr�rc� t, jtaM+ nytr ' / 22 16 E.R. Bryant's Subdivision Mahe of Binaesota) County of Mousey )" • John-L. Schmid Jr. betag first duly sworn, deposes and states TOTIrrerne person rea a e the within petition consisting of 4 papist that the parties described shove are the owners respectively ofYoti t t' places-immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each at said miners in the presence of this *Mast, and that the signatures above are the tree scd--cerrect signatures of each and of th= parties so described. egi0 lvbscrib Ord sworn to before me OF this day of October, 1956 . I tij , Dietary Public, Ramsey Ceppty,ilinn.Co Py scion r • Page 4 of 4 Pages. liSmsJh C(' Approved as to form 721/54 _ Office of the Corporation Counsel 71-1 7/2/54 JOHN A. SCHM , sr. Notary Pubiec, Ramsey Ccurty, My Commission Expires fatp. 27, - JOHN A. SCfiMiD, Sr. Notary'Pt ic Rarnsey CC nay Minh, My Commission ---- • J TOBIN - SMITH, 9/40. 718 GLOBE BUILDING • S;T. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA CHESTER M.TOBIN, PRESIDENT CA PITAL 2 - 4 4 8 9 EDWARD M.SMITH. VIDE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER HOWARD L. HERMANSON,SECRETARY September 10, 1956 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o The City Clerk City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We respectfully petition to have Lot 1, Klock 8, Eastioiew Addition No• to the City of St. Paul rezoned from residential to con tercial for the purposes of enlarging the shopping center directly adjoining to the east of this property. For your consideration we attach hereto an architect's drawing of the proposed center showing location and size of the buildings. We propose to petition to have Clarence Street vacated from Wilson Street to Conway Street in order to have all the commercial area in one piece, Our studies and negotiations with prospective tennaats has shown that the approximately 10,5 acres recently rezoned is a little too small for the best development of a community shopping center. This addition would increase the area to about 15 acres, which is the size most acdeptable to interested termants• Another reason for this proposal concerns the vacation of Clarence Street from Wagon Street to Conway Street. Daring the recent rezoning hearing before the City Council concerning the 10 acre area, some objections were raised by loom residents that Clarence Street would become a throughway of some sorS. The vacation of Clarence as proposed would insure that any through North-South traffic would use Etna Street, which is an 80' street on the east side of the area. Etna Street was designed to:meet the need for through traffic and there will be no homes on this street. Trusting that we may have the opportunity of going over these plans with you in the near future, we remain, Very truly yours, TOBINii6MITH, INC* �� Edward M. Snith EMS lztY Vice President Enc. CITY CLERK FILE 4 3 s - APPLICANT ICANT Z.F,NO lift" I Nf� r CITY O L ' PAUL 1 DEPART ..14ANCE T LEONARD C.SEAMER I .,r CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Valuation Engineer " Chief Cashier MRS. DONALD r, W4 6w°� ' �; Commissioner HARRY A.JOHNSON ELTOR A. DEHN Asst.Valuation Engineer JOHN W. 7' ., 'f' missioner Chief Clerk 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 October 9, 1956 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have examined the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 1, Block 8, Eastview No. 4 Addition from class "A" residence to Commercial district, and find that said petition is sufficient. Respectfully submitted, "Atit, ■ Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance WJT:se Attach. c.c. to Mr. Al. Schroeder CITT CLERK FILE APPLICANT•.•.••_._... __ Z,F.N 4 k ' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPHR. OKONESKI City Clerk . BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota q68 Nov. 15, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare an ordinance providing for the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 8, Eastyiev Addition No. 4, in the block bounded by Conway St., Clarence St., Wilson Ave. and English St., to Commercial District, as petitioned for in the attached file. Very truly your , sr� Ciiiy Clerk ski l a> y1 f k 9 ${ 11'7:yak', f T Y Of tgw & MINNESOTA t '1 ' L 4‘4‘ _ lommiglialiglitirr ,1 lo.,tlfir, 04 .• e da o:; r i ; :•:cr• ® fi kl°4:144. i°Q`l�71y, ANT B AR D O 4. Q1 � $ A PAU L Q . , v. -:112.2 � $Qo r • r N r@ SADO PAUL f.MINNIfOTA� o- 9ao• s a o ` +* 4;04.14)_.&4 V:514 437 November 8, 1956 o Mr. Joseph Okoneski\ g City Clerk N• Building ,`' Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the petition of Tobin-Smith Inc. to re-zone from "A" residence to "Commercial", lot 1, block 8 - Eastview Additio No. 4. This property is located between Wilson and Conway and abuts Clarence St. on the east. 1 This property has a frontage of 596.46' on Clarence and 318.24' on Conway and Wilson. It has an area of approximately 4.16 acres. It is presently vacant. The applicants are the owners of a commercial tract of land on the east side of Clarence which they desire to consolidate with the tract under con- sideration by the vacation of Clarence and the re-classification of the pro- perty under consideration to "commercial" thus providing a single commercial tract of approximately 15.45 acres which they desire to develop as a community shopping center. The question of the advisability of a community shopping center at this point was reviewed and approved by the Council when it granted the applicant's re- zoning petition with reference to the land east of Clarence on July 5, 1956. The question before the Council at this hearing is whether this tract should be expanded in the manner proposed by the applicants. Review of the appli- cant's preliminary plans which were approved November 1, 1956 discloses that this site could accommodate approximately 75,000 sq. ft. of building area and 1300 cars without materially affecting the use and enjoyment of adjacent property. The provision of 1300 car spaces on this site substantially exceeds the four- to-one ratio of parking to building area which is generally considered a desirable maximum for shopping centers of this type. Therefore, the Zoning Board finds that the area involved is ample to accommodate the size of center that the applicants propose to establish. The Zoning Board further finds that because of the rough nature of the terrai there will be a substantial amount of space left for green areas and buffer spaces to insulate this facility from adjacent residential property which may be developed in the future. These relationships are illustrated on the attached map and displays which accompany this report. y i' ,..- (e iii A , File 3541 Tobin-Smith -2- In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board finds that this petition to re-classify a large consolidated tract of commercial property is a proper one and the Zoning Board recommends that this petition be granted subject to a favorable finding on the part of the Council concerning the advisability of vacating this portion of Clarence street. Si ce y CDL:FS C, ek Enc. Planning D ector Executive Secretary Board of Zoning • 1st I I 2nd /rf f Laid over to i yi3rd and app. l / Adopted II" U Yeas / Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland N�arzitelli U Marzitelli /Mortinson _ Mortinson i /Peterson Peterson /iosen Rosen /Mr. President Dillon Mr. President Dillon 18 ;468 • cL .,8