180456 .1K 456 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER ((' In the Matter of ( c $ ft .,, t, „con ing at�d taking an ease 0 *feet in width the • . -r . :e of cc astruei� s l ' and maintaining a public,\sever on, under and aoroen tbtr Cai to p4..Mi Pau; . and1Paeific Railroad right-of-way from the westerly line of said Railroad r ti ay to the easterly line of said Railroad right-of-way, the center line of said easement being described as beginning at the intersection of the center line of Fairmount Avenue as platted west of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way with the aforesaid Railroad right-of-way, thence easterly to the intersection of the center line of Fairmount Avenue as platted east of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way with the aforesaid Railroad right-of-way. , ndAd.itr eozidemnitrgAmd taking a temporary easement120 Peet in width for construction purposgs on he Clalcago,; M�lw uk eel $t..; ,Pa.ua„and.Pagi ' q >�a�i.,�.xoa4 xi tt-Or ,;acid'.,. to .•ra, y easement beii q;or b P d ;a cnt t fie:,per .ent..e, ent and extending fr•' hey westerly `line of said. i a.i road`right-of-way to the easterly line of said Railrobd 'ighitko£ yxa" n :,�s, .". .c _ . r , .n, i,.- ,. id i rcv<em fl jA' eendemning,ast ttakitig,+s `temporary easement 20 feet in width for eonectruction purposes 94{the Ch eago�. lw } e,,1\ t...l I. ,and Paoifi,G i+lro�ad aright-of-way, said temporary edeement being sout`it'o±aria adjacent to the permanent easement and extending from the west erly line of said Railroad right-of-way to the easterly line of said ri , 0it 4 '? Y� , A i. 5i:1tr. 4+, - . _ L. 7. ".ia. '.1A",ru wir . aktii itir,e4 ie ilia iit vlia i i�ts v"-41—i11�j j,�..Y .` ■ r4.r0.' -'.y .....:` . . 4�a� 1. ..a.i-Xi4c t�leila1+.—�i*---Ta;iiy to the easterly line of said Railroad right-of-way, the center line of said easement being described as beginning at the intersection of the center line of Pairmount Avenue as platted vest of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way With the aforesaid Railroad right-of-way, thence easterly to the intersection of the center line of Fairmount Avenue as platted east of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul l fee 9 EkttriPte 7f : a ga 1. c*d right-of-way. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 feet in width for construction purposes on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Raul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way, said, .. teapoli y sift It rba = el Y aie t tai flier`iiii hnent 'iasematnt and ertigitiiig fros lib c pt rly line O _ i 4, 34.d, pf y to # a, r1y Uo*of said :n rt, f ; ln of r1 i t i3a* '4ePROVelzW.,.eas :+ 0;;A #r iii-w dtb tom 4te t ltegtdn PIRIPP4,11, al'k: iieePg 044V4M404tit Pyi J ,41144 JR mW iright-of-way, said temporary easement being south of and adjacent to the permanent easement and extending from , west rl liw or_ d iai,ik. ;,right.-dr-vay to the easterly line of said Railroad right-of-way, - Approved ?, / ;.qty i :�ri, PUBLISHED - - - �' Mayor File 1351+4 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON i Councilman ROSEN d f Mr. President DILLON 8