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The undersi edherebyproposesthem
gn alkingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
Open, wren and-extend Cumberland St, from the south lima. of Lot 68, Wilkin &
Heywarda Outlet. to-$t. Paull-to-Maryland Ave. by--fig end condemning .''-ship of
land 30 ft. in width from the south li ;r;t 68, Wilkin de Heyward: Outlots to
St. Paul, tb Maryland Avei. , said stritbe t: westerly of end adjacent to the line
her•i*after..described. Also a Strip_of..lar d 3Q_ fts in width frost the south _line of
Lot 68, Wilkink1Wwards Outlets to St. Paulo to the north line of Lot 66, Wilkin &
HeykerdilkitbrbitAO St. Paul, said strip of land being east.rl 'sil adjacent to the
line hereinafter described. Ala¢ a strip of land-33.38, 0. in with from i6e north
line of Lot 66, Wilkie & Heywaxds Outlots to St. Paul, to the north line .0434 62
Wilkie & Heyward' Outlots to Stl Paul, said strip of land being easterly and adjacent
to the line hereinafter descri .Also a strip of land 30 ft. in width from the
north line of Lot 62, Wilkin & wards Outlots to St. Paul, to the south line of
Maryland Ave., said strip of imang, t}erl r a and adjacent to the line hereinafter
described, As line above re a to 'is ♦acrid al follows: Beginning at the
into rWee�tio* of ,,thompeuth lid Lot 68, Wii.hiR 4 &m olds QmtlotI to St. Paul,
and the center line of Cumberla _t .; thence to a point on the south line of
Maryland Ave. 3664 ft, westerl of the center line of Western Ave,
, o ry1- - Ave.', s is strip^being westerly of ann aajacerm TO &ne Line
hereinafter described. Also aastrip pf land 30 ft. in width from the south line of
Lot 68, Wilkin & Heywards Outlots to St. Paul, to the north line of Lot 66, Wilkin &
Heyterd/rOetletar'to,St Paul, s rid .trip of lard being easterly and adjacent to the
Use hereinafter described.. Also a strip of land 33.32 ft. in width from the north
line.of Lot 66,. Wilkin &.. Heywards Outlots to St. Paul, to the north ,iine of Lot 62,
Wilkin & Heywards Outlots to St Paul, said strip of land being easterly and adjacent
to the line'her�esinefter-described, Also' a strip of land 30 ft. in width from the
north line of Lot 62,: Wilkin & leywards. 0utlots r to St. .Paul :.to.the south line of
Maryland Ave., said strip of lapel being easterly of and adjacent to the line hereinafter
described, ' The line above referred to is described as follows: Beginning at the
intersecti'en of the sosth,Sine Of Lot 68, Wilkin'&'Heywards 'O tlots tb St. Paul,
and the cel}ter 11,4e:pf Qkwberland. t .; thenoe..te.,a, point on:,the south line of
Maryland Ave. 346,1 ft, westerly of the center line of Western Ave,
..4 I 17-MORTINSON gat/\u
PETERSON Rosen SAl _k ._
3000 7-54 00(00C) Ilk
PUBLISHED c-..- --6 7