181207 ori¢in,lto City Clerk . ' ' 181207 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL • •• UTI•N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIONER /� , " -+ DATE January 24, 1957 Council File No. 181207—By Robe* F. Faterson- Resolved. That tie'Council hereby approves the .aW the Purch 1 Committee thereid hereby awat contract for furnishing and deli to thh Public Safety Repair Shop. 1444 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Public Safety Repair Shop, 1441 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2 Model 1120T 10000GPM rapacity twosistage series parallel centrifugal, motor driven, triple combinat!,on Pumping Engines for the Fire Department, to WIRD LIF>MNCE TRIM COI RATION In accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #6143 of said Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation for the contract price of $42,822.98 bid being the lowest meeting specifies ttions and said Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation being a reasonable and reliable bidded the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor ' and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Formal Bid #6143. JAN 2 41957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy 17\ 9 1- "I '�:4 Holland Approved 195- - 1 Marzitelli _,__.. 01 71 n Favor t _...,■�L � 1 Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED /--a Co-51 SM 6-56 2 i Duplicee.to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 24, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF '4 SOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Public Safety Repair Shop, 1441 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2 Model 1120T 1O00G'M Capacity two-stage series parallel centrifugal, motor- driven, triple combination Pumping Engines for the Fire Department, to WARD LaFEMCE TRUCK CORPORATI( In accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #6143 of said Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation for the contract price of $42,822.98, such bid being the lowest meeting specifications and said Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #6143, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy F` 7 Holland /_ Approved 195_ Marzitelli Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 .�,�,'Qw...2