181200 E /-,,bit c-I Original to City Clerk 2-8 1 200 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 'j CE OF THE CITY CLERK SOU I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14-7,,, e%.,_' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, by the Council o4 the City of Saint Paul that, by reference, that certain Resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul adopted Dece ber 27, 1956 accepting, in limited and speci- fied particulars, the seve al proposals of Black & Veatch and Toltz, King, Duvall , Anderson and Assoc ates, Inc. therefore filed with said Board for the rendition of Consulting Engineering Services for said Board and neces- sary for proposed water works improvements of the Saint Paul Water Works System under the pending $6 Million Bond Issue and further authorizing and directing the making and execution of several contracts, in behalf of said Board with said Black & Veatch and said Toltz, King, Duvall , Anderson and Associates, Inc., respectively, conformable to the acceptance in each case as represented in and by said Resolution, and all documents thereby in- corporated in said Resolution, hereby are incoporated herein and made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if the same were fully set forth herein; and that this Council hereby approves and con- curs in said Resolution of said Board and in every acceptance, provision, term and condition therein contained and accordingly confirms and ratifies the same in every particular. Council Tile No. 181200--By Dion Rosen— Resolved,By the council of the City of Saint Paul that, by" that certain Resol,�tion or rd of Water co nur oners of the City of 'Saint 2,4042 adopted December.W. 7966 I acce in limited and specified tie several proposals of eg Veatch.and Toltz.King,Duvall, I rson and Associates,yv rdothere- fore the rendition off Consulting; Engineering Services for said Board and necessary for pro water works ion ment4 the;Saint Paul Water.Works System under the p n nit) n Bond Issue"gm ffuxtther author and directing the king and ex on of several earntraats. in behalf of said Board with d k & Veatch and said Tolle..IC.0 uvall Anderselt and Ass1Sliidea. Inc.. s+nitpel�1 Y,conforms able to a�coe 00 in each cas�as ream! said Resolution, an ents thereby incorporated in d lion.hereby are incorpo- rated'herein and made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, • f,' IV forth he _in and that this Co Rossou a o roa1 ds#n 1 allttrd term and con, ,ik� ply , and ra 241957 COUNCILMEN evens Pia, b ~the Council January Ya, MM. Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays t4li 90} ' DeCourcy A': i :u ' q 7 Holland (:) /Approved 195_ Marzitelli .52- , In Favor _�,�, Peterson ayor Rosen i¢ Against Mr. President, Dillon GM G-5G gp..2 1