181183 o original to City Clerk 18/ 83 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council F11 No; 1tssa LICENSE COI IIT T. ti<ollana-..SSv l A.` COUNCIL RESOLU 10 GENERAL FORM 1 Robert F.Petersen- �. ` ' ter o at. "OF sets, tte ne^". PRESENTED N `� e J a 2j� f COMMISSIONE +� /��I).j�. �t1a��� DATF • +�7. t RESOLVED: That "Off Sale Liquor" licenses applied for by the following persons At the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, that the bond filed by each licensee is hereby approved, and the City Clerk shallissue said licenses whenever the bond filed by each licensee has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and the Liauor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the issuance of the license. Alexandriu E. Fedoreal 560 Como Exclusive Liquor Store App. 13801 Renewal Albert & Ben Gleeman 1604 White Bear Exclusive Liquor Store " 14252 " Mrs. Louis Finn 118 S. Robert Drug Store " 14351 " Samuel H. Klane 435 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 14443 " Harold A. Daniels 3 .5 Robert Exclusive Liquor Store " 14460 " Joseph Gordon & Stanley Rubin 1340 Grand General Food Store " 14478 " Henry & Cletus Wittman 1110 W. Larpenteur Exclusive Liquor Store " 14487 " Mrs. Ida M, Katz, Dennis & Herbert Marz 647 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 14516 " Samuel G., Joseph I. & Rocco T. Crea 15692 University Exclusive liquor Store " 14533 " Frank M. Gaertner 433 S. Robert Exclusive Liquor Store " 14535 " Park Liauor Co. (A Corp.) 140 N. Snel'.ing Exclusive Liquor Store " 14548 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-56 04W Original to City Clerk 181 183 LICENSE COMMITTEE • CITY OF ST. PAUL COLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 2 4, 1957 COMMISSIONER _DATP PAGE NO. 2 (Off Sale Liquor) Clemente Hudalla, Jr. 1016 Arcade Exclusive Liquor Store App. 14601 Renewal Ben A. & Louis F. Wolters 438 University Drug Store " 14616 " Geraldine M. Rigali 1944 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 14620 " Rocco S., Anna & Louis Carbone 369-73 E. 7th General Food Store " 14629 " Max L. Binder 158 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 14631 " Joseph M. Silberg 474-6 S. Snelling Exclusive Liquor Store " 14642 " Joseph C. Bernstein 918 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 14654 " Payne Ave. Liquor Store, Inc. 980 Payne Exclusive Liquor Store " 14660 tt Leininger's Inc. 606 Selby Exclusive Liquor Store " 14663 " First Arcade Wine Shop, Inc. 772 S. Cleveland Exclusive Liquor Store " 14665 " The Apothecary Shop, Inc. 564St. Peter Drug Store " 14679 " John W. Lux, Jr. 966 W. 7th &/or 625 James Exclusive Liquor Store " 14694 " R. Laska Drugs, Inc. 173 N. Western Drug Store " 14765 " Louise M. Stransky 282 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 14773 " Grand Ave. Grocery of St. Paul (A Corp.) 794-800 Grand General Food Store " 14779 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —--In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-56 4300102 Original to City Clerk 1841183 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLOE NCIL NO. LICENSE COMMIITEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 24, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATE PAGE NO. 3 (Off Sale Liquor) Edward S. Pritzker & Lester L. Yarmo 450 N. Robert General Food Store App. 14788 Renewal Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins General Food Store " 14819 " Michaud Bros. Inc. 1059 Grand Exclusive Liquor Store " 14823 " S. Paul Johnson 301 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 14828 " Theo. A. Braun & Carl A. Barfuss 1040-2 University Exclusive Liquor`35tore " 14832 " F. W. Ramaley & Co. 6(zi-8 Grand General Food Store " 14840 Clarence J. Thomas 1941 Grand Exclusive Liquor Store " 14844 " Jerome Hoffman, Exec. Est. of Chas. P. Schwietz 1110 Arcade Exclusive Liquor. Store " 14846 " Lawrence M. & Leonard M. Steiner 137 W. i'aryland Exclusive Liquor Store " 14853 " Donald H. Landy & David Stillman 44 S. Dale &/or 619 Grand Drug Store " 14856 " Domenico Ciresi 508-10 Jackson Exclusive Liquor Store " 14901 " Yale Johnson 380 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 14928 " Idg L. Greenberg 976-8 Grand Drug Store " 14944 " Theodore M.Bies 678 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 14961 " Edmund J. Danriecker & Leo F. Scheu 793 Randolph General Food Store " 14990 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon SM 6.56 2 i 1 1183 Original to CIty Clerk LICENSE Corry CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 24, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE NO. 4 (Off Sale Liquor) Edward G.& Evelyn K. Novak 471 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store App. E 3 Renewal Morris Rutnan 442 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " " 14 " Melvin Warren 579' Broadway General Food Store II " 22 " Nathan H. Chesler & Ben Rose 2389 University Drug Store " If 25 n Anthony & Bert J. Friedmann 2661 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " " 38 " Lo-Price Liquor Store, Inc. 473 N. Snelling Exclusive Liquor Store " if 63 St. Paul Liquor House, Inc. 200 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " " 87 " Raymond J. & Edward A. Bulii+iski 562 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " " 101 " Celia T. Lux 147-9 N. Snelling General Food Store ft " 111 " Commerce Liquor Store, Inc. 2163 Ford Pkz,. Exclusive Liquor Store " " 120 n Jack Cohen 517 Wabasha Exclusive Liouor Store " " 179 " Mary A. Crea 655 Selby Exclusive Liquor Store " " 208 " Maynard H. Moenke 461-3W. 7th General Food Store " " 237 n Thos. Maruska 1065 Hudson Rd. Exclusive Liquor Store " " 241 ti COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor Peterson Mayor 1 Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 4 181 183 Original to City Clerk t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL L NO. LICENSE CO3•iN"Li Irii; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 24, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE NO. 5 (Off Sale Liquor) Pabst, Inc. 798 Margaret General Food Store App. E 247 Renewal Nathan A. Johnson 506e8 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " " 249 " Square Deal. Liquor Store, Inc. 618 Rondo Exclusive Liquor Store " " 274 " Edwin F. Janssen 365 University Exclusive Liquor Store " " 280 " Ethel Marie McArdell 256 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " " 340 " JAN 2 417 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy ,11111 2 4. 7 Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli s Tn Favor � Peterson I/(/ Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED — —s 5M 6-56 2